#!/bin/bash # I'm not the author, just wanted to add this plugin to github # Author & instructions: http://wiki.natenom.name/minecraft/munin-plugin LC_LANG=C MC_PORT=${0##*_} if [ "$1" = "config" ] then printf 'graph_title Minecraft-Server (Port %s)\n' ${MC_PORT} printf 'graph_category games' printf 'graph_vlabel Anzahl\n' printf 'users.label Benutzer\n' printf 'ramusage.label Verwendeter RAM in GiB\n' exit 0 fi PLAYERCOUNT=$(netstat -tn | grep -i ${MC_PORT} | grep ESTABLISHED | wc -l) MC_PID=$(netstat -tlpn | grep ${MC_PORT} | sed -n -e '1p' | awk '{ print $7 }' | cut -d'/' -f1) if [ ! -z "${MC_PID}" ] then #is running MEMORYRSS=$(ps -p ${MC_PID} -o rss | cut -d' ' -f2) MEMGiB=$(echo "scale=2;${MEMORYRSS}/1024/1024" | bc -l) else MEMGiB=0 fi printf "users.value %i\n" "${PLAYERCOUNT}" printf "ramusage.value %3.2f\n" "${MEMGiB}"