#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'yaml' # ejabberd_scanlog revision 2 (Mar 2012) # # Scans ejabberd 2.1.x log for known error signatures and counts them # # Required privileges: read ejabberd log (user ejabberd or, in some cases, root) # # OS: Unix # # Configuration: # env.log: ejabberd log file (defaults to /var...) # # Author: Artem Sheremet # # Run with 'debug' argument to initiate full log rescan. # This will also print out unparsed log entries to stderr. # Cache file will be untouched. # LOG_FILE = ENV['log'] || '/var/log/ejabberd/ejabberd.log' CACHE_FILE = '/tmp/ejabberd_scanlog_cache' # cache file position DEFAULT_CACHE = { :start => 0 } $debug_mode = ARGV.first == 'debug' if $debug_mode log_info = DEFAULT_CACHE else begin log_info = YAML.load IO.read(CACHE_FILE) rescue log_info = DEFAULT_CACHE end if File.size(LOG_FILE) < log_info[:start] # logrotate? log_info = DEFAULT_CACHE end end if ARGV.first == 'reset' log_info = { :start => File.size(LOG_FILE)-1 } puts 'Log reset' end new_data = '' File.open(LOG_FILE, 'rb') do |flog| flog.seek(log_info[:start]) new_data = flog.read end KNOWN_LOG_TYPES = [ # each element is an instance of Array. 1st item: error description, others: text to search log for ['EJAB-1482 Crash when waiting for item', ['wait_for_']], ['EJAB-1483 ODBC sup failure (wrong PID?)', ['ejabberd_odbc_sup']], ['EJAB-1483 ODBC sup wrong PID failure echo', ["mod_pubsub_odbc,'-unsubscribe"]], ['DNS failure', ['You should check your DNS configuration']], ['Database unavailable/too slow', ['Database was not available or too slow']], ['State machine terminated: timeout', ['State machine', 'terminating', 'Reason for', 'timeout']], ['The auth module returned an error', ['The authentication module', 'returned an error']], ['MySQL disconnected', ['mysql', 'Received unknown signal, exiting']], ['Connecting to MySQL: failed', ['mysql', 'Failed connecting to']], ['Timeout while running a hook', ['ejabberd_hooks', 'timeout']], ['SQL transaction restarts exceeded', ['SQL transaction restarts exceeded']], ['Unexpected info', ['nexpected info']], ['Other sql_cmd timeout', ['sql_cmd']], ['System limit hit: ports', # check with length(erlang:ports())., set in ejabberdctl config file ['system_limit', 'open_port']], ['Other system limit hit', # processes? check with erlang:system_info(process_count)., erlang:system_info(process_limit)., set in ejabberdctl cfg ['system_limit']], ['Generic server terminating', ['Generic server', 'terminating']], ['Mnesia table shrinked', ['shrinking table']], ['Admin access failed', ['Access of', 'failed with error']], ['MySQL sock timedout', ['mysql_', ': Socket', 'timedout']], ['Configuration error', ['{badrecord,config}']], ['Strange vCard error (vhost)', ['error found when trying to get the vCard']], ['Mnesia is overloaded', ['Mnesia is overloaded']], ['MySQL: init failed recv data', ['mysql_conn: init failed receiving data']], ['TCP Error', ['Failed TCP']] ] def log_type(text) KNOWN_LOG_TYPES.find_index { |entry| entry[1].all? { |substr| text.include? substr } } end new_data.split("\n=").each { |report| next if report.empty? report =~ /\A(\w+) REPORT==== (.*) ===\n(.*)\z/m type, time, text = $1, $2, $3 next unless type and time and text log_info[type] = (log_info[type] || 0) + 1 if sub_type = log_type(text) log_info[sub_type] = (log_info[sub_type] || 0) + 1 elsif $debug_mode warn "Unparsed log entry #{type}: #{text} at #{time}" end } log_info[:start] += new_data.size File.open(CACHE_FILE, 'w') { |f| f.write log_info.to_yaml } unless $debug_mode if ARGV.first == 'config' puts <