#!/bin/bash # # Wildcard-plugin to monitor Grid Engine queue state. # To monitor a queue, link sge_queue_xml_ to this file. E.g. # # ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/sge_queue_xml_ /etc/munin/plugins/sge_queue_xml_all.q # # inspired by the sge_queue_ plugin comitted by steveschnepp # # Runs 'qstat -g c -xml' for the specified queue and gets the number of # used, reserved, unavailable, available and total queue slots. # Unavailable slots have queue states Disabled/Suspended/Error/Ambiguous config/Unknown # # Parameters understood: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config) # suggest (optional - used by munin-config) # # Configurable variables: # # env.sge_settings - Path to SGE settings.sh script, defaults to /opt/sge/default/common/settings.sh # env.title - Graph title, overrides "SGE Queue state". # env.options - Additional command line options to qstat. # env.queues - list of queues to summarize # # Revisions: # v1.0 2013-10-14 # # Magic markers #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest # env.sge_settings -- alternatively you can just modify the path below SGE_SETTINGS=${sge_settings:-/opt/sge/default/common/settings.sh} # queues to monitor # priority 1: queue name in symlink QUEUE=${0##*_} # priority 2: queue names from environment QUEUE=${QUEUE:-$queues} # priority 3: summary of all GridEngine Queues QUEUE=${QUEUE:-"Summary"} # env.title GRAPHTITLE=${title:-"GridEngine Queue state (${QUEUE})"} # env.options OPTIONS="-g c -xml $options" if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title "$GRAPHTITLE"" echo "graph_order total used reserved unavailable available" echo "graph_args --lower-limit 0 " echo "graph_vlabel Queue slots" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Shows global Grid Engine queue state." echo "graph_category SGE" echo "graph_period minute" echo "used.label Used" echo "used.draw AREA" echo "used.type GAUGE" echo "used.info Currently used slots." echo "unavailable.label Unavailable" echo "unavailable.draw LINE1" echo "unavailable.type GAUGE" echo "unavailable.info Queue state Disabled/Suspended/Error/Ambiguous config/Unknown." echo "reserved.label Reserved" echo "reserved.draw LINE1" echo "reserved.type GAUGE" echo "reserved.info Reserved slots." echo "available.label Available" echo "available.draw LINE1" echo "available.type GAUGE" echo "available.info Available slots." echo "total.label Total" echo "total.draw AREA" echo "total.type GAUGE" echo "total.info Total slots." exit 0 fi # source settings script, needed for qstat if [ -f "$SGE_SETTINGS" ]; then source "$SGE_SETTINGS" fi QSTAT=$( which qstat ) XMLSTARLET=$( which xmlstarlet ) if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ -n "$QSTAT" -a -n "$XMLSTARLET" ]; then echo "yes" exit 0 else echo "no" exit 1 fi fi # check requirements [ -z "$QSTAT" ] && { echo "qstat not found" 1>&2 ; exit 1; } [ -z "$XMLSTARLET" ] && { echo "xmlstarlet not found" 1>&2 ; exit 1; } ALL_QUEUES=$( $QSTAT -g c -xml | $XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -m "//cluster_queue_summary/name" -v "node()" -o "," ) [ "$QUEUE" == "Summary" ] && QUEUE="$ALL_QUEUES" if [ "$1" = "suggest" ]; then /bin/echo -en "${ALL_QUEUES//,/\n}" exit 0 fi xmldemangle() { # _SGE_XML hash array to store values # _SGE_OUT xml output of qstat # _SGE_ENTITY entity to read values from (optional) [ -z "$_SGE_OUT" ] && return 1 local ENTITY=${_SGE_ENTITY:-"cluster_queue_summary"} local IFSBAK=$IFS;IFS=$ for node in $( echo "$_SGE_OUT" | $XMLSTARLET sel -T -t -m "//${ENTITY}/*" -o "_SGE_XML[" -v "name()" -o ']=' -v "node()" -n ) do eval $node done IFS=$IFSBAK } printvalues() { local IFSBAK=$IFS; unset IFS for i in ${!_SGE_QUEUE_KEYS[@]} do echo "${_SGE_QUEUE_KEYS[$i]}.value ${_SGE_QUEUE_VALUES[$i]}" done IFS=$IFSBAK } declare -A _SGE_XML declare -A _SGE_QUEUE_VALUES declare -A _SGE_QUEUE_KEYS _SGE_QUEUE_KEYS=( [used]="used" [resv]="reserved" [manual_intervention]="unavailable" [available]="available" [total]="total" ) for qu in $( /bin/echo -e "${QUEUE//,/\n}" ) do _SGE_OUT=$( "$QSTAT" $OPTIONS -q $qu ) xmldemangle || echo "Error on QUEUE: $qu" 1>&2 for i in ${!_SGE_QUEUE_KEYS[@]} do _SGE_QUEUE_VALUES[$i]=${_SGE_QUEUE_VALUES[$i]:-0} let "_SGE_QUEUE_VALUES[$i] += ${_SGE_XML[$i]:-0}" done done printvalues exit 0