#!/bin/bash # # Munin script to obtain the number of RRDs processed # by kasandrapadisha@gmail.com # #----- Configuration variables database="cacti" hostname="localhost" user="admincacti" password="passwdcacti" #----- Configuration variables if [[ $1 != "" ]]; then if [[ $1 == "autoconf" ]]; then echo "yes" exit 0 fi if [[ $1 == "config" ]]; then echo "graph_title RRDs Procesados Time" echo "graph_vlabel Numero de RRDs" echo "rrds.label rrds" echo 'graph_category cacti' exit 0 fi fi salida=`mysql -B -e "SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name='stats_poller' LIMIT 1" -h $hostname --user=$user --password=$password $database` if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "No se pudo ejecutar" exit 0 fi echo $salida | cut -f 9 -d":" | awk '{print"rrds.value "$1}'