#!/bin/bash # -*- sh -*- : << =cut =head1 NAME oracle_sysstat - Munin multi-graph plugin to monitor Oracle Statistics These modules are implemented: execute - To monitor Oracle Sysstat SQL Execute Count parse - To monitor Oracle Sysstat SQL Parse Count tablefetch - To monitor Oracle Sysstat SQL Table Fetch Rows tablescan - To monitor Oracle Sysstat SQL Table Scans transaction - To monitor Oracle Sysstat SQL Transactions sort - To monitor Oracle Sysstat SQL Sorts logon - To monitor Oracle Sysstat User Logons cursor - To monitor Oracle Sysstat User Opened Cursors enqueue - To monitor Oracle Sysstat Enqueues redolog - To monitor Oracle Sysstat Redo Entries redosize - To monitor Oracle Sysstat Redo Size physicaliops - To monitor Oracle Sysstat I/O Physical Requests physicalrw - To monitor Oracle Sysstat I/O Physical Bytes blockrw - To monitor Oracle Sysstat I/O Blocks netrw - To monitor Oracle Sysstat I/O Network Bytes sgainfo - To monitor Oracle Memory SGA pgastat - To monitor Oracle Memory PGA cputime - To monitor Oracle CPU Time cachehit - To monitor Oracle Cache Hit Ratio sessionuser - To monitor Oracle Session Users sessionwait - To monitor Oracle Session Wait eventwait - To monitor Oracle Wait Events eventwaitapplication - To monitor Oracle Wait Events Application eventwaitnetwork - To monitor Oracle Wait Events Network eventwaitconcurrency - To monitor Oracle Wait Events Concurrency eventwaituserio - To monitor Oracle Wait Events User I/O eventwaitsystemio - To monitor Oracle Wait Events System I/O eventwaitcluster - To monitor Oracle Wait Events Cluster eventwaitadministrative - To monitor Oracle Wait Events Administrative eventwaitconfiguration - To monitor Oracle Wait Events Configuration tablespace - To monitor Oracle Table Space Usage asmusage - To monitor Oracle ASM Disk Group Usage =head1 CONFIGURATION Make symlink: cd /path/to/munin/etc/plugins ln -s /path/to/munin/lib/plugins/oracle_sysstat . ln -s /path/to/munin/lib/plugins/oracle_sysstat oracle_sysstat_asmusage # if necessary ... The following shows example settings for this plugin: [oracle_sysstat] user oracle env.ORACLE_SID ORCL env.ORACLE_HOME /path/to/oracle/home env.oracle_auth / as SYSDBA [oracle_sysstat_asmusage] user grid env.ORACLE_SID +ASM env.ORACLE_HOME /path/to/grid/home env.oracle_auth / as SYSASM env.include_module asmusage env.plugin_name oracle_sysstat =head1 ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES env.ORACLE_SID: example: env.ORACLE_SID SOMESID default: ORCL env.ORACLE_HOME: example: env.ORACLE_HOME /opt/oracle/... default: Try to find from oratab file env.oracle_auth: example: env.oracle_auth user/pass as SYSDBA default: / as SYSDBA env.exclude_module: example: env.exclude_module asmusage tablespace default: asmusage Module name(s) to exclude seperated by white-space. By default, asmusage module is excluded because another privilege is necessary to connect ASM instance. env.include_module: example: env.include_module asmusage default: none Module name(s) to include seperated by white-space. If both include_module and exclude_module are set, exclude will be ignored. env.plugin_name: example: env.plugin_name oracle_sysstat_2 default: program name (usually oracle_sysstat) Used for internal graph name. It will be useful to monitor multi-instance databases. env.db_name: example: env.db_name dbname default: none Used for graph title. It will be useful to monitor multi-instance databases. =head1 NOTES Uses the command "sqlplus". Tested with Oracle Database 12c R1. =head1 AUTHOR K.Cima https://github.com/shakemid =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf =cut # Include plugin.sh . "${MUNIN_LIBDIR:-}/plugins/plugin.sh" is_multigraph "$@" # Like perl 'use strict;' set -o nounset # Global variables : "${ORACLE_SID:=ORCL}" : "${ORACLE_HOME:=$( cat /etc/oratab /var/opt/oracle/oratab \ | awk -F: '$1 == "'$ORACLE_SID'" { print $2 }' 2>/dev/null )}" : "${oracle_auth:=/ as SYSDBA}" : "${exclude_module:=asmusage}" : "${include_module:=}" : "${plugin_name:=${0##*/}}" [ -n "${db_name:=}" ] && db_name=" ($db_name)" PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export PATH ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID # Graph settings declare -A global_attrs # required declare -A data_attrs # required (format: field type draw label) declare -A getfield_func # optional declare -A getvalue_func # required # Note: Bash 4 (or above) is required to use hash. key=execute global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat SQL Execute Count graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat SQL Execute Count " data_attrs[$key]=" execute_count DERIVE LINE execute count user_calls DERIVE LINE user calls recursive_calls DERIVE LINE recursive calls " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=parse global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat SQL Parse Count graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat SQL Parse Count " data_attrs[$key]=" parse_count_total DERIVE LINE parse count (total) parse_count_hard DERIVE LINE parse count (hard) parse_count_describe DERIVE LINE parse count (describe) parse_count_failures DERIVE LINE parse count (failures) " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=tablefetch global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat SQL Table Fetch Rows graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat SQL Table Fetch Rows " data_attrs[$key]=" table_fetch_by_rowid DERIVE LINE table fetch by rowid table_scan_rows_gotten DERIVE LINE table scan rows gotten table_fetch_continued_row DERIVE LINE table fetch continued row " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=tablescan global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat SQL Table Scans graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat SQL Table Scans " data_attrs[$key]=" table_scans_short_tables DERIVE LINE table scans (short tables) table_scans_long_tables DERIVE LINE table scans (long tables) " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=transaction global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat SQL Transactions graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat SQL Transactions " data_attrs[$key]=" user_commits DERIVE LINE user commits user_rollbacks DERIVE LINE user rollbacks " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=sort global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat SQL Sorts graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat SQL Sorts " data_attrs[$key]=" sorts_memory DERIVE LINE sorts (memory) sorts_disk DERIVE LINE sorts (disk) " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=logon global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat User Logons graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat User Logons " data_attrs[$key]=" logon DERIVE LINE logons cumulative " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=cursor global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat User Opened Cursors graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count graph_info Oracle Sysstat User Opened Cursors " data_attrs[$key]=" open_cursor GAUGE LINE opened cursors current " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=enqueue global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat Enqueues graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat Enqueues " data_attrs[$key]=" enqueue_requests DERIVE LINE enqueue requests enqueue_releases DERIVE LINE enqueue releases enqueue_conversions DERIVE LINE enqueue conversions enqueue_waits DERIVE LINE enqueue waits enqueue_timeouts DERIVE LINE enqueue timeouts enqueue_deadlocks DERIVE LINE enqueue deadlocks " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=redolog global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat Redo Entries graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat Redo Entries " data_attrs[$key]=" redo_entries DERIVE LINE redo entries redo_writes DERIVE LINE redo writes redo_synch_writes DERIVE LINE redo synch writes redo_buffer_allocation_retries DERIVE LINE redo buffer allocation retries redo_log_space_requests DERIVE LINE redo log space requests " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=redosize global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat Redo Size graph_category db graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel bytes per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat Redo Size " data_attrs[$key]=" redo_size DERIVE LINE redo size redo_wastage DERIVE LINE redo wastage " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=physicaliops global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat I/O Physical Requests graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel iops graph_info Oracle Sysstat I/O Physical Requests " data_attrs[$key]=" physical_read_total DERIVE LINE2 physical read total IO requests physical_read DERIVE LINE physical read IO requests physical_read_total_multi DERIVE LINE physical read total multi block requests physical_write_total DERIVE LINE2 physical write total IO requests physical_write DERIVE LINE physical write IO requests physical_write_total_multi DERIVE LINE physical write total multi block requests " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=physicalrw global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat I/O Physical Bytes graph_category db graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel bytes per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat I/O Physical Bytes " data_attrs[$key]=" physical_read_total DERIVE LINE2 physical read total bytes physical_read DERIVE LINE physical read bytes physical_write_total DERIVE LINE2 physical write total bytes physical_write DERIVE LINE physical write bytes " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=blockrw global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat I/O Blocks graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel blocks per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat I/O Blocks " data_attrs[$key]=" db_block_gets DERIVE LINE db block gets db_block_changes DERIVE LINE db block changes consistent_gets DERIVE LINE consistent gets consistent_changes DERIVE LINE consistent changes physical_reads DERIVE LINE physical reads physical_writes DERIVE LINE physical writes " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=netrw global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Sysstat I/O Network Bytes graph_category db graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel bytes per second graph_info Oracle Sysstat I/O Network Bytes " data_attrs[$key]=" bytes_sent_via_sql_net_to_client DERIVE LINE bytes sent via SQL*Net to client bytes_received_via_sql_net_from_client DERIVE LINE bytes received via SQL*Net from client bytes_sent_via_sql_net_to_dblink DERIVE LINE bytes sent via SQL*Net to dblink bytes_received_via_sql_net_from_dblink DERIVE LINE bytes received via SQL*Net from dblink " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sysstat key=sgainfo global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Memory SGA graph_category db graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel bytes graph_info Oracle Memory SGA " data_attrs[$key]=" fixed_sga_size GAUGE AREASTACK Fixed SGA Size redo_buffers GAUGE AREASTACK Redo Buffers shared_pool_size GAUGE AREASTACK Shared Pool Size large_pool_size GAUGE AREASTACK Large Pool Size java_pool_size GAUGE AREASTACK Java Pool Size streams_pool_size GAUGE AREASTACK Streams Pool Size shared_io_pool_size GAUGE AREASTACK Shared IO Pool Size buffer_cache_size GAUGE AREASTACK Buffer Cache Size in_memory_area_size GAUGE AREASTACK In-Memory Area Size maximum_sga_size GAUGE LINE Maximum SGA Size " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sgainfo key=pgastat global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Memory PGA graph_category db graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel bytes graph_info Oracle Memory PGA " data_attrs[$key]=" pga_inuse GAUGE AREA total PGA inuse pga_allocated GAUGE LINE total PGA allocated pga_target GAUGE LINE aggregate PGA target parameter pga_auto_target GAUGE LINE aggregate PGA auto target " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_pgastat key=cputime global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name CPU Time graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel seconds graph_info Oracle CPU Time " data_attrs[$key]=" db_time DERIVE LINE2 DB time db_cpu DERIVE LINE2 DB CPU background_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE2 background elapsed time background_cpu_time DERIVE LINE2 background cpu time connection_management_call_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE connection management call elapsed time sequence_load_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE sequence load elapsed time sql_execute_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE sql execute elapsed time parse_time_elapsed DERIVE LINE parse time elapsed hard_parse_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE hard parse elapsed time hard_parse_sharing_criteria_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed time hard_parse_bind_mismatch_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE hard parse (bind mismatch) elapsed time failed_parse_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE failed parse elapsed time failed_parse_out_of_shared_memory_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE failed parse (out of shared memory) elapsed time pl_sql_execution_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE PL/SQL execution elapsed time inbound_pl_sql_rpc_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE inbound PL/SQL rpc elapsed time pl_sql_compilation_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE PL/SQL compilation elapsed time java_execution_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE Java execution elapsed time repeated_bind_elapsed_time DERIVE LINE repeated bind elapsed time rman_cpu_time_backup_restore DERIVE LINE RMAN cpu time (backup/restore) " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_cputime key=cachehit global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Cache Hit Ratio graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid graph_vlabel % graph_info Oracle Cache Hit Ratio - The graph shows cache hit ratio between munin-update intervals (5 minutes in most cases). graph_scale no buf_hitratio.cdef 100,1,buf_physical,buf_logical,/,-,* lib_hitratio.cdef 100,1,lib_reloads,lib_pins,/,-,* dict_hitratio.cdef 100,dict_gets,dict_getmisses,-,dict_gets,/,* " # Note: # buf_hitratio = 1 - physical_reads / ( db_block_gets + consistent_gets ) # lib_hitratio = 1 - reloads / pins # dict_hitratio = ( gets - misses ) / gets data_attrs[$key]=" buf_physical DERIVE LINE dummy buf_logical DERIVE LINE dummy lib_pins DERIVE LINE dummy lib_reloads DERIVE LINE dummy dict_gets DERIVE LINE dummy dict_getmisses DERIVE LINE dummy buf_hitratio GAUGE LINE Buffer Cache Hit Ratio lib_hitratio GAUGE LINE Library Cache Hit Ratio dict_hitratio GAUGE LINE Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio " getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_cachehit key=sessionuser global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Session Users graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count graph_info Oracle Session Users " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]=getfield_sessionuser getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sessionuser key=sessionwait global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Session Wait graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel count graph_info Oracle Session Wait " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]=getfield_sessionwait getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_sessionwait key=eventwait global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events - It may look wierd that Y-axis indicates 'microseconds per second'. Although number of times of wait event looks easier to understand, in many cases the number of events does not matter, but wait time become more important to analyze bottle necks. " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]=getfield_eventwait getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_eventwait key=eventwaitapplication global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events Application graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events Application " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 Application" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 Application" key=eventwaitnetwork global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events Network graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events Network " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 Network" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 Network" key=eventwaitconcurrency global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events Concurrency graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events Concurrency " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 Concurrency" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 Concurrency" key=eventwaituserio global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events User I/O graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events User I/O " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 User I/O" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 User I/O" key=eventwaitsystemio global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events System I/O graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events System I/O " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 System I/O" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 System I/O" key=eventwaitcluster global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events Cluster graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events Cluster " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 Cluster" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 Cluster" key=eventwaitadministrative global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events Administrative graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events Administrative " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 Administrative" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 Administrative" key=eventwaitconfiguration global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Wait Events Configuration graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --rigid graph_vlabel microseconds graph_info Oracle Wait Events Configuration " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]="getfield_eventwait2 Configuration" getvalue_func[$key]="getvalue_eventwait2 Configuration" key=tablespace global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name Table Space Usage graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid graph_vlabel % graph_info Oracle Table Space Usage warning ${warning:=92} critical ${critical:=98} " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]=getfield_tablespace getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_tablespace key=asmusage global_attrs[$key]=" graph_title Oracle$db_name ASM Disk Group Usage graph_category db graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid graph_vlabel % graph_info Oracle ASM Disk Group Usage warning ${warning:=92} critical ${critical:=98} " data_attrs[$key]="" getfield_func[$key]=getfield_asmusage getvalue_func[$key]=getvalue_asmusage # End of Graph Settings # sqlplus options : "${sqlplus:=sqlplus -S -L}" sqlplus_variables=" whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode set pagesize 0 set feed off set head off set linesize 256 set numwidth 30 " # Functions autoconf() { if which sqlplus >/dev/null ; then echo yes else echo "no (failed to find executable 'sqlplus')" fi } config() { for module in $( module_list ) do do_config done } fetch() { for module in $( module_list ) do do_fetch done } do_config() { local label_max_length=45 local field type draw label local fields= getfield echo "multigraph ${plugin_name}_${module}" # print global attributes echo "${global_attrs[$module]}" | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e '/^$/d' # print data source attributes # split line into field,type,draw,label while read -r field type draw label do [ -z "$field" ] && continue fields="${fields} ${field}" echo "${field}.type ${type}" echo "${field}.draw ${draw}" echo "${field}.label ${label:0:${label_max_length}}" if [ "$type" = 'DERIVE' ]; then echo "${field}.min 0" fi if [ "$label" = 'dummy' ]; then echo "${field}.graph no" fi done <<< "${data_attrs[$module]}" echo graph_order "$fields" echo } do_fetch() { echo "multigraph ${plugin_name}_${module}" getvalue echo } module_list() { local i if [ -n "$include_module" ]; then echo "$include_module" else for i in $exclude_module do # remove excluded modules unset -v "global_attrs[$i]" done # print hash keys as available module names echo "${!global_attrs[@]}" fi } # wrapper for getfield_* getfield() { local func arg if [ -n "${getfield_func[$module]:-}" ]; then # call getfield_* function with argument if necessary read -r func arg <<< "${getfield_func[$module]}" $func "$arg" fi } # wrapper for getvalue_* getvalue() { local func arg # call getvalue_* function with argument if necessary read -r func arg <<< "${getvalue_func[$module]}" $func "$arg" } getvalue_sysstat() { local field type draw label while read -r field type draw label do [ -z "$field" ] && continue echo "${sqlplus_variables} VAR vf VARCHAR2(64) VAR vl VARCHAR2(64) EXEC :vf := '${field}' EXEC :vl := '${label}' SELECT :vf || '.value ' || value FROM v\$sysstat WHERE name = :vl; " done <<< "${data_attrs[$module]}" | ${sqlplus} "${oracle_auth}" } getvalue_sgainfo() { local field type draw label while read -r field type draw label do [ -z "$field" ] && continue echo "${sqlplus_variables} VAR vf VARCHAR2(64) VAR vl VARCHAR2(64) EXEC :vf := '${field}' EXEC :vl := '${label}' SELECT :vf || '.value ' || bytes FROM v\$sgainfo WHERE name = :vl; " done <<< "${data_attrs[$module]}" | ${sqlplus} "${oracle_auth}" } getvalue_pgastat() { local field type draw label while read -r field type draw label do [ -z "$field" ] && continue echo "${sqlplus_variables} VAR vf VARCHAR2(64) VAR vl VARCHAR2(64) EXEC :vf := '${field}' EXEC :vl := '${label}' SELECT :vf || '.value ' || value FROM v\$pgastat WHERE name = :vl; " done <<< "${data_attrs[$module]}" | ${sqlplus} "${oracle_auth}" } getvalue_cputime() { local field type draw label while read -r field type draw label do [ -z "$field" ] && continue echo "${sqlplus_variables} VAR vf VARCHAR2(64) VAR vl VARCHAR2(64) EXEC :vf := '${field}' EXEC :vl := '${label}' SELECT :vf || '.value ' || ROUND( value / 1000000 ) FROM v\$sys_time_model WHERE stat_name = :vl; " done <<< "${data_attrs[$module]}" | ${sqlplus} "${oracle_auth}" } getvalue_cachehit() { ${sqlplus} "${oracle_auth}" <