#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- perl -*- =head1 NAME bandwidth_ - Wildcard-plugin to monitor total network traffic and predict 30 day bandwidth usage =head1 CONFIGURATION This is a wildcard plugin. To monitor an interface, link bandwidth_ to this file. E.g. ln -s /usr/share/munin/node/plugins-auto/bandwidth_ \ /etc/munin/node.d/bandwidth_eth0 ...will monitor eth0 Most likely usage is to monitor an interface connected to your ISP. The suggest option will try and determine if you have any interfaces with a public IP and if so it will suggest monitoring those interfaces. If all IP addresses are private the setup will have to be done manually. Suggest does not handle IPv6 addresses. =head1 USAGE Any device found in /proc/net/dev can be monitored. Examples include ipsec*, eth*, irda* and lo. Please note that aliases cannot be monitored with this plugin. =head1 VERSION $Id: bandwidth_,v 1.35 2012/01/23 20:04:33 root Exp $ =head1 AUTHOR Sean Whitney =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =head1 BUGS I know that bandwidth is bits and base10 as opposed to bytes and base2. However the purpose of this plugin it to monitor your monthly bandwidth consumption to make sure you don't go over your ISP's peak. ISP's seem to be interested in expressing peaks in bytes.... =cut use strict; use Storable qw(store retrieve); use Switch; my $interface; my $history; my $counter_input; my $counter_output; my $input; my $output; my $uptime; my $oldest_ts; my $input_30days; my $output_30days; my $perf_ref = {}; my $count30 = 2592000; # The number of seconds in 30 days my $unix_ts = time; my $rollover = 4294967295; eval { init(); }; sub autoconf { $0 =~ /bandwidth_(.+)*$/; $interface = $1; exit 2 unless defined $interface; $history = "/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/bandwidth_$interface.state"; } sub bit32or64 { if ( $input > $rollover || $output > $rollover ) { $rollover = 18446744073709551615; } } sub retrieve_history { return (undef) unless ( -r $history ); my $store = retrieve($history); while ( my ( $key, $value ) = each(%$store) ) { if ( $unix_ts - $key < $count30 ) { $perf_ref->{$key} = $value; } if ( $key =~ /last/ ) { $perf_ref->{$key} = $value; } } } sub suggest { # This only works if one of your interfaces has a public IP, # Otherwise it will fail and you will have to set it manually # Multiple public IP addresses can be detected. It won't # Detect IPv6 addresses. my $locate = readpipe("locate -b '\\ifconfig'"); my @ifconfig = readpipe($locate); my @old; my $net = "/proc/net/dev"; my @interfaces; -f $net || die "Unable to read $net: $!"; open( DEV, "<", $net ) || die "Unable to read $net: $!"; while () { chomp; split; /Inter|face/ and next; split /:/; push( @interfaces, $_[0] ); } close(DEV); foreach (@ifconfig) { if (/inet addr:([\d.]+)/) { $1 =~ /^(127\.\d+|10\.\d+|172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])|192\.168)(\.\d+){2}$/ and next; exists $interfaces[ $old[0] ] and print "$old[0]\n"; } @old = split; chomp @old; } exit 0; } sub store_history { # Store the current values to the new old times $perf_ref->{$unix_ts} = { input => $input, output => $output, }; $perf_ref->{last} = { counter_input => $counter_input, counter_output => $counter_output, uptime => $uptime, }; store( $perf_ref, $history ) || die "Unable to store $history: $!"; } sub arg { defined( $ARGV[0] ) or return; switch ( $ARGV[0] ) { case 'autoconf' { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } case 'config' { print_config(); } case 'suggest' { suggest(); } } } sub print_config { print <; chomp $counter_input; close($rx); open(my $tx , "<", "/sys/class/net/$interface/statistics/tx_bytes" ) || die "Unable to read: $!"; $counter_output = <$tx>; chomp $counter_output; close(DEV); } sub uptime { my $puptime = "/proc/uptime"; open( TIME, "<", $puptime ) || die "Unable to read $puptime: $!"; while (