#!/usr/bin/python """ Munin plugin to monitor various items of data from an Apple Airport Express/Extreme or a Time Capsule. v1.0 by Chris Jones Copyright (C) 2011 Chris Jones This script is released under the GNU GPL v2 license. To use this plugin, use specially named symlinks: cd /etc/munin/plugins ln -s /path/to/snmp__airport snmp_myairport_airport_clients ln -s /path/to/snmp__airport snmp_myairport_airport_dhcpclients ln -s /path/to/snmp__airport snmp_myairport_airport_rate ln -s /path/to/snmp__airport snmp_myairport_airport_signal ln -s /path/to/snmp__airport snmp_myairport_airport_noise NOTE: the name 'myairport' should be a valid hostname or IP address for your Airport. It can be any value, but it must not include the character '_'. Now add a virtual host entry to your munin server's munin.conf: [myairport] address user_node_name no (with the correct IP address, obviously) this will create a virtual host in munin for the airport named 'myairport' and produce graphs for: * number of connected wireless clients * number of active DHCP leases * rate at which clients are connected (in Mb/s) * signal quality of connected clients (in dB) * noise level of connected clients (in dB) # Magic markers #%# capabilities= #%# family=contrib manual """ import sys import os try: import netsnmp except ImportError: print """ERROR: Unable to import netsnmp. Please install the Python bindings for libsnmp. On Debian/Ubuntu machines this package is named 'libsnmp-python'""" sys.exit(-3) DEBUG=None CMDS=['type', 'rates', 'time', 'lastrefresh', 'signal', 'noise', 'rate', 'rx', 'tx', 'rxerr', 'txerr'] CMD=None DESTHOST=None NUMCLIENTS=None NUMDHCPCLIENTS=None WANIFINDEX=None def dbg(text): """Print some debugging text if DEBUG=1 is in our environment""" if DEBUG is not None: print "DEBUG: %s" % text def usage(): """Print some usage information about ourselves""" print __doc__ def parseName(name): """Examing argv[0] (i.e. the name of this script) for the hostname we should be talking to and the type of check we want to run. The hostname should be a valid, resolvable hostname, or an IP address. The command can be any of: * clients - number of connected wireless clients * signal - dB reported by the wireless clients for signal strength * noise - dB reported by the wireless clients for noise level * rate - Mb/s rate the wireless clients are connected at The name should take the form snmp_HOSTORIP_airport_COMMAND """ bits = name.split('_') if len(bits) >= 4: destHost = bits[1] cmd = bits[3] dbg("parseName split '%s' into '%s'/'%s'" % (name, destHost, cmd)) return (destHost, cmd) else: dbg("parseName found an inconsistent name: '%s'" % name) return None def tableToDict(table, num): """The netsnmp library returns a tuple with all of the data, it is not in any way formatted into rows. This function converts the data into a structured dictionary, with each key being the MAC address of a wireless client. The associated value will be a dictionary containing the information available about the client: * type - 1 = sta, 2 = wds * rates - the wireless rates available to the client * time - length of time the client has been connected * lastrefresh - time since the client last refreshed * signal - dB signal strength reported by the client (or -1) * noise - dB noise level reported by the client (or -1) * rate - Mb/s rate the client is connected at * rx - number of packets received by the client * tx - number of packets transmitted by the client * rxerr - number of error packets received by the client * txerr - number of error packets transmitted by the client """ table = list(table) clients = [] clientTable = {} # First get the MACs i = num while i > 0: data = table.pop(0) clients.append(data) clientTable[data] = {} dbg("tableToDict: found client '%s'" % data) i = i - 1 for cmd in CMDS: i = 0 while i < num: data = table.pop(0) clientTable[clients[i]][cmd] = data dbg("tableToDict: %s['%s'] = %s" % (clients[i], cmd, data)) i = i + 1 return clientTable def getNumClients(): """Returns the number of wireless clients connected to the Airport we are examining. This will only ever be polled via SNMP once per invocation. If called a second time, it will just return the first value it found. This is intended to be an optimisation to reduce SNMP roundtrips because this script should not be long-running""" global NUMCLIENTS wirelessNumberOID = '.' # Dumbly cache this so we only look it up once. if NUMCLIENTS is None: NUMCLIENTS = int(netsnmp.snmpget(netsnmp.Varbind(wirelessNumberOID), Version=2, DestHost=DESTHOST, Community='public')[0]) dbg("getNumClients: polled SNMP for client number") dbg("getNumClients: found %d clients" % NUMCLIENTS) return NUMCLIENTS def getNumDHCPClients(): """Returns the number of DHCP clients with currently active leases. This will only ever be polled via SNMP once per invocation. If called a second time, it will just return the first value it found. This is intended to be an optimisation to reduce SNMP roundtrips becaues this script should not be long-running""" global NUMDHCPCLIENTS dhcpNumberOID = '.' # Dumbly cache this so we only look it up once. if NUMDHCPCLIENTS is None: NUMDHCPCLIENTS = int(netsnmp.snmpget(netsnmp.Varbind(dhcpNumberOID), Version=2, DestHost=DESTHOST, Community='public')[0]) dbg("getNumDHCPClients: polled SNMP for dhcp client number") dbg("getNumDHCPClients: found %d clients" % NUMDHCPCLIENTS) return NUMDHCPCLIENTS def getExternalInterface(): """Returns the index of the WAN interface of the Airport. This will only ever be polled via SNMP once per invocation, per getNum*Clients(). See above.""" global WANIFINDEX iFaceNames = '.' if WANIFINDEX is None: interfaces = list(netsnmp.snmpwalk(netsnmp.Varbind(iFaceNames), Version=2, DestHost=DESTHOST, Community='public')) dbg("getExternalInterface: found interfaces: %s" % interfaces) try: WANIFINDEX = interfaces.index('mgi1') + 1 except ValueError: print "ERROR: Unable to find WAN interface mgi1" print interfaces sys.exit(-3) dbg("getExternalInterface: found mgi1 at index: %d" % WANIFINDEX) return WANIFINDEX def getExternalInOctets(): """Returns the number of octets of inbound traffic on the WAN interface""" return getOctets('In') def getExternalOutOctets(): """Returns the number of octets of outbound traffic on the WAN interface""" return getOctets('Out') def getOctets(direction): """Returns the number of octets of traffic on the WAN interface in the requested direction""" index = getExternalInterface() if direction == 'In': iFaceOctets = '.' % index else: iFaceOctets = '.' % index return int(netsnmp.snmpget(netsnmp.Varbind(iFaceOctets), Version=2, DestHost=DESTHOST, Community='public')[0]) def getWanSpeed(): """Returns the speed of the WAN interface""" ifSpeed = "" % getExternalInterface() dbg("getWanSpeed: OID for WAN interface speed: %s" % ifSpeed) try: wanSpeed = int(netsnmp.snmpget(netsnmp.Varbind(ifSpeed), Version=2, DestHost=DESTHOST, Community='public')[0]) except: dbg("getWanSpeed: Unable to probe for data, defaultint to 10000000") wanSpeed = 10000000 return wanSpeed def getData(): """Returns a dictionary populated with all of the wireless clients and their metadata""" wirelessClientTableOID = '.' numClients = getNumClients() if numClients == 0: # FIXME: what's actually the correct munin plugin behaviour if there is no # data to be presented? dbg("getData: 0 clients found, exiting") sys.exit(0) dbg("getData: polling SNMP for client table") clientTable = netsnmp.snmpwalk(netsnmp.Varbind(wirelessClientTableOID), Version=2, DestHost=DESTHOST, Community='public') clients = tableToDict(clientTable, numClients) return clients def main(clients=None): """This function fetches metadata about wireless clients if needed, then displays whatever values have been requested""" if clients is None and CMD not in ['clients', 'dhcpclients', 'wanTraffic']: clients = getData() if CMD == 'clients': print "clients.value %s" % getNumClients() elif CMD == 'dhcpclients': print "dhcpclients.value %s" % getNumDHCPClients() elif CMD == 'wanTraffic': print "recv.value %s" % getExternalInOctets() print "send.value %s" % getExternalOutOctets() else: for client in clients: print "MAC_%s.value %s" % (client, clients[client][CMD]) if __name__ == '__main__': clients = None if os.getenv('DEBUG') == '1': DEBUG = True netsnmp.verbose = 1 else: netsnmp.verbose = 0 BITS = parseName(sys.argv[0]) if BITS is None: usage() sys.exit(0) else: DESTHOST = BITS[0] CMD = BITS[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'config': print """ graph_category network host_name %s""" % DESTHOST if CMD == 'signal': print """graph_args -l 0 --lower-limit -100 --upper-limit 0 graph_title Wireless client signal graph_scale no graph_vlabel dBm Signal""" elif CMD == 'noise': print """graph_args -l 0 --lower-limit -100 --upper-limit 0 graph_title Wireless client noise graph_scale no graph_vlabel dBm Noise""" elif CMD == 'rate': print """graph_args -l 0 --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 500 graph_title Wireless client WiFi rate graph_scale no graph_vlabel WiFi Rate""" elif CMD == 'clients': print """graph_title Number of connected clients graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 graph_vlabel number of wireless clients graph_info This graph shows the number of wireless clients connected clients.label clients clients.draw LINE2 clients.info The number of clients.""" elif CMD == 'dhcpclients': print """graph_title Number of active DHCP leases graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 graph_vlabel number of DHCP clients graph_info This graph shows the number of active DHCP leases dhcpclients.label leases dhcpclients.draw LINE2 dhcpclients.info The number of leases.""" elif CMD == 'wanTraffic': speed = getWanSpeed() print """graph_title WAN interface traffic graph_order recv send graph_args --base 1000 graph_vlabel bits in (-) / out (+) per ${graph_period} graph_category network graph_info This graph shows traffic for the mgi1 network interface send.info Bits sent/received by this interface. recv.label recv recv.type DERIVE recv.graph no recv.cdef recv,8,* recv.max %s recv.min 0 send.label bps send.type DERIVE send.negative recv send.cdef send,8,* send.max %s send.min 0""" % (speed, speed) else: print "Unknown command: %s" % CMD sys.exit(-2) if CMD in ['clients', 'dhcpclients', 'wanTraffic']: # This is static, so we sent the .label data above pass else: clients = getData() for client in clients: print "MAC_%s.label %s" % (client, client) sys.exit(0) else: main(clients)