#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: iso-8859-1 -*- # # Wildcard-plugin to monitor DVB signal information via femon command line utility, # # To monitor a dvb device, link femon_ to this file. # E.g. # ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/femon_ /etc/munin/plugins/femon_adapter0 # ...will monitor /dev/dvb/adapter0. # # Needs following minimal configuration in plugin-conf.d/munin-node: # [femon_*] # user root # # Parameters # femonpath - Specify path to femon program (Default: /usr/bin/femon) # graph_args - Specify graph args (Default: --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid) # # Author: Nicolas Knotzer # # v1.0 02/10/2011 # v1.1 20/10/2011 - Prints OSError.strerror in verbose mode, uses rsplit instead of split for parsing femon output # v1.2 21/10/2011 - Uses subprocess.Popen instead of subprocess.check_output for better compatibility with older python versions (i.e. works with python version >= 2.4) # v1.3 25/10/2011 - Configure upper and lower graph limits with graph_args environment variable. # # Copyright (c) 2011 Nicolas Knotzer. # # The smart_ plugin by Nicolas Stransky was used as a template for this plugin! # # Permission to use, copy, and modify this software with or without fee # is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice is included in # all source code copies of any software which is or includes a copy or # modification of this software. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS BEING PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTY. IN PARTICULAR, NONE OF THE AUTHORS MAKES ANY # REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE # MERCHANTABILITY OF THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR # PURPOSE. # # # Magic markers #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest #%# family=auto ## You may edit the following 2 variables # Increase verbosity (True/False) verbose=False # You may not modify anything below this line import os, sys, string, subprocess from math import log plugin_version="1.3" def verboselog(s): global plugin_name sys.stderr.write(plugin_name+': '+s+'\n') if not verbose : verboselog = lambda s: None def find_dvb_adapters() : adapters=[] if os.path.exists('/dev/dvb/'): try : for adapter in os.listdir('/dev/dvb/') : try : verboselog('Found '+adapter+'...') adapters.append(adapter) except : continue except : verboselog('Failed to list adapters in /dev/dvb') return(adapters) def get_dvb_adapter_name() : global plugin_name try : name=[plugin_name[string.rindex(plugin_name,'_')+1:]] # Check that the adapter exists in /dev/dvb if not os.path.exists('/dev/dvb/'+name[0]): verboselog('/dev/dvb/'+name[0]+' not found!') sys.exit(1) return(name) except : verboselog('No dvb adapter name found in plugin\'s symlink!') sys.exit(1) def print_adapter_config(dvb_adapter) : verboselog('Printing configuration') print ('graph_title DVB Femon Sensors '+dvb_adapter[0]) print ('graph_args '+os.getenv('graph_args','--lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid')) print ('graph_vlabel Quality') print ('graph_category other') print ('graph_info This graph shows femon output for your dvb-'+dvb_adapter[0]) print ('str.label Signal Strength') print ('str.info Signal Strength') print ('str.draw LINE2') print ('snr.label Signal-to-Noise Ratio') print ('snr.info Signal-to-Noise Ratio') print ('snr.draw LINE2') print ('ber.label Bit Error Rate') print ('ber.info Bit Error Rate') print ('ber.draw LINE2') print ('unc.label Uncorrected Blocks') print ('unc.info Uncorrected Blocks') print ('unc.draw LINE2') def print_dvb_adapter_values(dvb_adapter) : try : verboselog('Reading values from '+dvb_adapter[0]) mypipe = subprocess.Popen([os.getenv('femonpath','/usr/bin/femon'), '-H', '-c 1', '-a '+dvb_adapter[0].replace('adapter','')], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) femon_output = mypipe.communicate()[0] verboselog(femon_output) except OSError, e: verboselog('Cannot access femon values! Check user rights or proper femon installation.') verboselog('Error: '+e.strerror) sys.exit(1) try : splitstr=femon_output.rsplit ('|',5) print ('str.value '+splitstr[1].replace('signal','').strip(' %')) print ('snr.value '+splitstr[2].replace('snr','').strip(' %')) print ('ber.value '+splitstr[3].replace('ber','').strip(' ')) print ('unc.value '+splitstr[4].replace('unc','').strip(' ')) except : verboselog ('Error processing femon output string.') sys.exit(1) ### Main part ### plugin_name=list(os.path.split(sys.argv[0]))[1] verboselog('plugins\' UID: '+str(os.geteuid())+' / plugins\' GID: '+str(os.getegid())) # Parse arguments if len(sys.argv)>1 : if sys.argv[1]=="config" : dvb_adapter=get_dvb_adapter_name() print_adapter_config (dvb_adapter) sys.exit(0) elif sys.argv[1]=="autoconf" : if os.path.exists(os.getenv('femonpath','/usr/bin/femon')) : if not find_dvb_adapters(): print('no (no dvb adapters accessible)') else : print('yes') sys.exit(0) else : print('no (femon not found)') sys.exit(0) elif sys.argv[1]=="suggest" : for adapter in find_dvb_adapters() : print(adapter) sys.exit(0) elif sys.argv[1]=="version" : print('femon_ Munin plugin, version '+plugin_version) sys.exit(0) elif sys.argv[1]!="" : verboselog('unknown argument "'+sys.argv[1]+'"') sys.exit(1) # No argument given, doing the real job: dvb_adapter=get_dvb_adapter_name() print_dvb_adapter_values (dvb_adapter) exit(0) ### The following is the _ plugin documentation, intended to be used with munindoc """ =head1 NAME femon_ - Munin wildcard-plugin to monitor dvb signal information attribute values through femon =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Node with B interpreter and B installed and in function. =head1 CONFIGURATION =head2 Create link in service directory To monitor a dvb device, create a link in the service directory of the munin-node named femon_, which is pointing to this file. E.g. ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/femon_ /etc/munin/plugins/femon_adapter0 ...will monitor /dev/dvb/adapter0. =head2 Grant privileges in munin-node The plugin must be run under high privileged user B, to get access to the raw device. So following minimal configuration in plugin-conf.d/munin-node is needed. =over 2 [femon_*] user root =back =head2 Set Parameter if needed femonpath - Specify path to femon program (Default: /usr/bin/femon) =head1 INTERPRETATION =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =head1 CALL OPTIONS B =over 2 Fetches values if called without arguments: E.g.: munin-run femon_adapter0 =back B =over 2 Prints plugins configuration. E.g.: munin-run femon_adapter0 config =back B =over 2 Tries to find femon and outputs value 'yes' for success, 'no' if not. It's used by B to see whether autoconfiguration is possible. =back B =over 2 Outputs the list of device names, that it found plugged to the system. B use this to build the service links for this wildcard-plugin. =back =head1 VERSION Version 1.3 =head1 BUGS None known =head1 AUTHOR (C) 2011 Nicolas Knotzer The smart_ plugin by Nicolas Stransky was used as a template for this plugin! =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt) =cut """