#! /usr/bin/env python2 """=cut =head1 NAME deluge_ - Munin wildcard plugin to monitor Deluge torrent client =head1 REQUIREMENTS - Python2.5+ (Deluge itself won't work with python3) - Deluge This plugin also uses - deluge.ui.client - deluge.log - twisted These modules are required by Deluge itself. =head1 INSTALLATION This plugin has 3 modes : - connections : monitors the number of connections - bandwidth : monitors the bandwidth (up, up overhead, down, down overhead) - states : monitors the torrents' states To use one of these modes, link the this plugin as 'deluge_' For example : ln -s /path/to/deluge_ /etc/munin/plugins/deluge_connections =head1 CONFIGURATION Use your "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node" to configure this plugin. You must at least add : [deluge_*] user env.HOME By default, this plugin will try to access the deluge daemon with the following settings : host port 58846 no username no password You can change these settings in "plugin-conf.d/munin-node" : [deluge_*] user env.HOME env.host env.port 58846 env.username user env.password pass By default, deluge configuration files will be searched under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, which is by default set to $HOME/.config Setting env.HOME allows this default to work. However, you can also explicitly set the env.XDG_CONFIG_HOME if needed. =head1 INTERPRETATION =head2 connections In the "connections" mode, this plugin shows a graph with the number of connections =head2 bandwidth In the "bandwidth" mode, this plugin show graphs for the download and upload bandwidths. Each of them has "payload" and "overhead" value. - with positive values : the upload values - with negative values : the download values =head2 states In the "states" mode, this plugin shows the number of torrents in each state : Downloading, Seeding, Paused, Error, Queued, Checking, Other =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =head1 VERSION 1.0.0 =head1 AUTHOR Neraud (https://github.com/Neraud) =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut""" from __future__ import print_function import logging import os import string import sys try: from deluge.log import setupLogger from deluge.ui.client import client from twisted.internet import reactor, defer setupLogger() except (ImportError, NameError): successful_import = False else: successful_import = True plugin_version = "1.0.0" log = logging.getLogger("delugeStats") log.setLevel(logging.WARNING) conf = { 'host': os.getenv('host', ''), 'port': int(os.getenv('port', '58846')), 'username': os.getenv('username', ''), 'password': os.getenv('password', '') } names_for_munin = { 'numConnections': 'numConnections', 'payloadUploadRate': 'payloadUploadRate', 'overheadUploadRate': 'overheadUploadRate', 'payloadDownloadRate': 'payloadDownloadRate', 'overheadDownloadRate': 'overheadDownloadRate', 'state.Seeding': 'seeding', 'state.Downloading': 'downloading', 'state.Paused': 'paused', 'state.Error': 'error', 'state.Queued': 'queued', 'state.Checking': 'checking', 'state.Other': 'other' } torrent_states = ["Downloading", "Seeding", "Paused", "Error", "Queued", "Checking", "Other"] modes = ["bandwidth", "connections", "states"] class StatClient: def __init__(self, conf, mode): self.conf = conf self.mode = mode self.connected = False def end_session(self, msg): log.debug("end_session : %s", msg) if self.connected: log.debug("Disconnecting") client.disconnect() reactor.stop() def fetch_info(self): log.debug("Connecting to %s:%d ...", self.conf['host'], self.conf['port']) client.connect( self.conf['host'], self.conf['port'], self.conf['username'], self.conf['password']).addCallbacks( self.on_connect_success, self.end_session, errbackArgs=("Connection failed: check settings and try again.")) reactor.run() def on_connect_success(self, result): log.debug("Connection was successful") self.connected = True if self.mode == "connections": log.debug("Calling get_num_connections") client.core.get_num_connections().addCallbacks( self.on_num_connections, self.end_session, errbackArgs=("get_num_connections failed")) elif self.mode == "bandwidth": log.debug("Calling get_session_status") interesting_status = [ 'upload_rate', 'payload_upload_rate', 'download_rate', 'payload_download_rate'] client.core.get_session_status(interesting_status).addCallbacks( self.on_bandwidth, self.end_session, errbackArgs=("get_session_status failed")) elif self.mode == "states": log.debug("Calling get_session_state") client.core.get_session_state().addCallbacks( self.on_session_state, self.end_session, errbackArgs=("get_session_state failed")) def on_num_connections(self, num_connections): log.debug("Got num_connections from the daemon : %s", num_connections) print("{0}.value {1}".format( names_for_munin["numConnections"], num_connections)) self.end_session("Done") def on_bandwidth(self, values): log.debug("Got bandwidth info from the daemon : %s", values) download_rate = values['download_rate'] payload_download_rate = values['payload_download_rate'] overhead_download_rate = download_rate - payload_download_rate upload_rate = values['upload_rate'] payload_upload_rate = values['payload_upload_rate'] overhead_upload_rate = upload_rate - payload_upload_rate print("{0}.value {1}".format( names_for_munin["payloadDownloadRate"], payload_download_rate)) print("{0}.value {1}".format( names_for_munin["overheadDownloadRate"], overhead_download_rate)) print("{0}.value {1}".format( names_for_munin["payloadUploadRate"], payload_upload_rate)) print("{0}.value {1}".format( names_for_munin["overheadUploadRate"], overhead_upload_rate)) self.end_session("Done") def on_session_state(self, torrent_ids): log.debug("Got session state from the daemon") self.states = {} for state_name in torrent_states: self.states[state_name] = 0 deferred_list = [] for torrent_id in torrent_ids: log.debug(" - TorrentId : %s", torrent_id) d = client.core.get_torrent_status(torrent_id, ['state']) d.addCallback(self.on_one_torrent_info, torrent_id) d.addErrback(self.on_one_torrent_info_failed, torrent_id) deferred_list.append(d) defer.DeferredList(deferred_list).addCallback( self.on_all_torrent_info_fetched) def on_one_torrent_info_failed(self, torrent_id): log.debug("Failed fetching torrent info %s", torrent_id) self.state["Error"] = self.state["Error"] + 1 def on_one_torrent_info(self, value, torrent_id): log.debug("Got torrent info : %s -> %s", torrent_id, value) state = value.get("state", "Error") if state not in self.states: log.warn("State '%s' is unknown !", state) state = "Other" self.states[state] += 1 def on_all_torrent_info_fetched(self, res): log.debug("on_all_torrent_info_fetched : %s", self.states) for state in self.states: print("{0}.value {1}".format( names_for_munin["state." + state], self.states[state])) self.end_session("Done") def get_mode(): script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) mode = script_name[string.rindex(script_name, '_') + 1:] log.debug("Mode : %s", mode) if mode not in modes: log.error("Unknown mode '%s'", mode) log.info("Available modes are : %s", modes) sys.exit(1) return mode def print_config(mode): if mode == "connections": print("graph_title Number of connections") print("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0") print("graph_vlabel connections") print("graph_scale yes") print("graph_category filetransfer") print( "graph_info This graph shows the number of connections used by Deluge Torrent") print(names_for_munin["numConnections"] + ".label connections") print(names_for_munin["numConnections"] + ".min 0") print(names_for_munin["numConnections"] + ".info The number of connections used by Deluge Torrent") elif mode == "bandwidth": print("graph_title Bandwidth usage") print("graph_order payloadDownloadRate overheadDownloadRate payloadUploadRate overheadUploadRate") print("graph_args --base 1024 -r") print("graph_vlabel bytes/s : down(-) and up(+)") print("graph_scale yes") print("graph_info This graph shows the bandwidth used by Deluge Torrent") print("graph_category filetransfer") print("graph_period second") print("payloadDownloadRate.label payload") print("payloadDownloadRate.draw AREA") print("payloadDownloadRate.min 0") print("payloadDownloadRate.graph no") print("payloadDownloadRate.info Bandwidth used to download / upload torrents") print("overheadDownloadRate.label overhead") print("overheadDownloadRate.draw STACK") print("overheadDownloadRate.min 0") print("overheadDownloadRate.graph no") print("overheadDownloadRate.info Bandwidth 'lost' due to overhead while downloading and uploading torrents") print("payloadUploadRate.label payload") print("payloadUploadRate.draw AREA") print("payloadUploadRate.min 0") print("payloadUploadRate.negative payloadDownloadRate") print("payloadUploadRate.info Bandwidth used to upload torrents") print("overheadUploadRate.label overhead") print("overheadUploadRate.draw STACK") print("overheadUploadRate.min 0") print("overheadUploadRate.negative overheadDownloadRate") print("overheadUploadRate.info Bandwidth 'lost' due to overhead while downloading and uploading torrents") elif mode == "states": print("graph_title Torrents states") graph_order = " ".join( [names_for_munin["state.{}".format(name)] for name in torrent_states]) print("graph_order " + graph_order) print("graph_args --base 1000 -r --lower-limit 0") print("graph_vlabel number of torrents") print("graph_scale yes") print("graph_info This graph shows the states of the torrents in Deluge Torrent") print("graph_category filetransfer") print("graph_period second") for state_name in torrent_states: print(names_for_munin["state." + state_name] + ".label " + state_name) print(names_for_munin["state." + state_name] + ".draw AREASTACK") print(names_for_munin["state." + state_name] + ".type GAUGE") print(names_for_munin["state." + state_name] + ".min 0") print(names_for_munin["state." + state_name] + ".info Number of torrents in the '" + state_name + "' state") def fetch_info(mode): if not successful_import: print('Missing imports, cannot run !', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) log.debug("Launching tests") c = StatClient(conf, mode) c.fetch_info() # Parse arguments if len(sys.argv) > 1: action = sys.argv[1] if action == "config": print_config(get_mode()) sys.exit(0) elif action == "autoconf": if not successful_import: print('no (required modules not found)') sys.exit(0) print('yes') elif action == "suggest": for mode in modes: print(mode) sys.exit(0) elif action == "version": print('Deluge Torrent Munin plugin, version {0}'.format( plugin_version)) sys.exit(0) elif action: log.warn("Unknown argument '%s'", action) sys.exit(1) else: fetch_info(get_mode()) else: fetch_info(get_mode())