#!/bin/sh # # Script for monitoring nginx Virtual host output traffic # # Requierements: logtail awk # one unique access log file with $bytes_sent value for more accuracy # check http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpLogModule # # Configuration Options (all options have defaults) # [nginx_vhost_traffic] # # Virtual host list # env.vhosts "example.com example.net example.org" # # Log path # env.logdir = /var/log/nginx # env.flogfile = access.log # # Position of the $bytes_sent in the access.log file # env.bparam 11 # # Aggregate subdomains # ex: example.com will match www.example.com, webmail.example.com and *example.com # BUG: will also match also www.bad-example.com # env.aggregate true #change to false to disable aggregation # # To report bugs, improvements or get updates # see http://github.com/joanpc/nginix_vhost_traffic # # inspired in postfix_filtered_awk # Copyright (c) 2010, Joan Perez i Cauhe LOGDIR=${logdir:-/var/log/nginx} ACCESS_LOG=$LOGDIR/${logfile:-access.log} LOGTAIL=${logtail:-`which logtail`} STATEFILE=$MUNIN_PLUGSTATE/nginx_vhost_traffic.state VHOSTS=${vhosts:-`hostname`} AGGREGATE=${aggregate:true} BPARAM=${bparam:-11} case $1 in config) DRAW=AREA echo 'graph_title Nginx Virtual host traffic' echo 'graph_vlabel bits out / ${graph_period}' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_category webserver' i=0 for vhost in $VHOSTS do i=$(($i + 1)) echo vhost$i.label $vhost echo vhost$i.type ABSOLUTE echo vhost$i.cdef vhost$i,8,* echo vhost$i.draw $DRAW DRAW=STACK done echo rest.label Rest echo rest.type ABSOLUTE echo rest.cdef rest,8,* echo rest.draw STACK exit 0;; esac export BPARAM export VHOSTS export AGGREGATE # Awk Script $LOGTAIL ${ACCESS_LOG} -o $STATEFILE | awk ' BEGIN { split(ENVIRON["VHOSTS"], hosts) for (host in hosts) { track[hosts[host]] = host} } { cn[$2]+=$ENVIRON["BPARAM"] } END { for (host in cn) { if (match(ENVIRON["AGGREGATE"], "true")) { found = 0 for (vhost in track) { if (index(host, vhost)) { res[vhost] += cn[host] found = 1 break } } if (! found) rest+=cn[host] } else { if (host in track) { res[host] += cn[host] } else rest+=cn[host] } } print "aggregate: " ENVIRON["AGGREGATE"] for (vhost in track) print "vhost" track[vhost] ".value " res[vhost]+0 print "rest.value " rest + 0 }'