#!/bin/bash if [ "$1" == "config" ] ; then echo "graph_title HP server fan speed" echo "graph_vlabel speed" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_info This graph shows the speed of the system fans" hplog -f | perl -ne 'if ( m/(System|Processor|Virtual)/) { $t=lc($1); $count[$t]++; print $t."_".$count[$t] . ".label " . $t . " fan speed $count[$t] \n" }' exit 0 fi #ID TYPE LOCATION STATUS REDUNDANT FAN SPEED #1 Var. Speed Processor Zone Normal N/A Low ( 10) #2 Var. Speed System Board Normal N/A Low ( 10) #6 Var. Speed System Board Normal Yes Low ( 13) #ID TYPE LOCATION STATUS REDUNDANT FAN SPEED # 1 Var. Speed Virtual Normal N/A Low ( 19) hplog -f | perl -ne 'if ( m/(System|Processor|Virtual)/) { $t=lc($1); $count[$t]++; m/\( *(\d+)\)/; print "${t}_$count[$t].value $1\n" }'