#!/bin/sh # -*- sh -*- : <<=cut =head1 NAME ipset - Graph number of members of netfilter ipsets =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Any system with a compatible ipset command. =head1 CONFIGURATION Ipset has to be run as root: [ipset] user root =head1 INTERPRETATION This plugin draws number of members for each ipset present in the kernel =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 VERSION 0.1 first release 0.2 added docs, munin best practices =head1 BUGS None known =head1 AUTHOR Originally: Tomas Mudrunka 2016-2018 ( github.com/harvie ) =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut get_ipset_list() { ipset list -n } if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ -e /sbin/ipset ] || [ -n "$(which ipset)" ]; then echo 'yes' else echo 'no (ipset binary not present)' fi exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo graph_title Netfilter IPSets echo graph_category network echo graph_vlabel Members echo graph_args --base 1000 --logarithmic --units=si get_ipset_list | while read -r list; do echo "$list.label $list" echo "$list.min 0" done exit 0 fi get_ipset_list | while read -r list; do echo "$list.value $(( $(ipset list "$list" | wc -l) - 7 ))" done exit 0