#!/bin/bash # This script is intended for use with Munin to monitor # network interface uptime. Usually this would be ppp0 or smth. # Tested under Ubuntu Gutsy. # v. 1.00, 12/15/2007 # (c) Alex Yanchenko (yanchenko{at}gmail.com), 2007 # Distributed under GPL v.3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # # The plugin can utilize automatic configuration, # here are the basic steps (require root privileges): # 1. Copy it as /usr/share/munin/plugins/if_uptime # 2. Customize interfaces to monitor # 3. Make executable: "chmod 755 /usr/share/munin/plugins/if_uptime" # 4. Run "munin-node-configure --shell", you should see smth like # "ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/if_uptime /etc/munin/plugins/if_uptime" # Multiple interface monitoring is supported as well. Customize below. # 5. Run the proposed command to create a link. # 6. To verify, run "munin-node-configure", you should notice the "if_uptime" record # # Plugin | Used | Suggestions # ------ | ---- | ----------- # if_uptime | yes | # # 7. Restart munin: "/etc/init.d/munin-node restart" # 8. Hold on for 5 minutes at most and watch the graph appear. # #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf #----- PROPERTIES START -----# # An array of external interfaces to monitor, space-separated. # In case vnstat is installed, interface names will be fetced # from it, 'nicknames'included. INTERFACES=(ppp0) # Uptime metrics. # Literals of seconds, minutes, hours and days are accepted. METRICS=minutes #----- PROPERTIES END -----# # Function to get interface name from vnstat if it's available. # Accepts interface name as the only argument. function IF_NAME() { ARG=$1 if [[ $(which vnstat &>/dev/null; echo $?) == 0 ]] then IF_NAME="$(vnstat | grep "$ARG" | cut -d" " -f2,3 | cut -d":" -f1)" else IF_NAME="$ARG" fi echo $IF_NAME } # Converts seconds (uptime value) into desired metrics value. # Accepts uptime value as the only argument. Relies on the # METRICS variable set above. function SECONDS_CONVERTER() { ARG=$1 case $METRICS in seconds) echo "$ARG" ;; minutes) echo $((ARG / 60)) ;; days) echo $((ARG / 86400)) ;; hours) echo $((ARG / 3600)) ;; *) echo "value value" exit 1 ;; esac } # Helper function that collects and stores data. # Accepts interface name as the only argument. function FETCH_DATA() { IF="$1" # File to store data between rounds. Per-line values: # bytes received # timestamp # total uptime FILE=/tmp/if_uptime_"$IF" if [[ !(-e "$FILE") ]] then cat > $FILE << EOF 0 $(date +%s) 0 EOF fi # Read previous values previous_received=$(head -n 1 < $FILE) previous_timestamp=$(head -n 2 < $FILE | tail -n 1) previous_uptime=$(tail -n 1 < $FILE) # Get current values current_received=$(grep "$IF" < /proc/net/dev | sed 's|: *|:|g' | cut -d":" -f2 | cut -d" " -f1) current_timestamp=$(date +%s) # Evaluate whether interface went down if [[ $current_received -gt $previous_received ]] then current_uptime=$(( $previous_uptime+($current_timestamp-$previous_timestamp) )) else current_uptime="0" fi # Write new values cat > $FILE << EOF $current_received $current_timestamp $current_uptime EOF } # Munin routines case "$1" in autoconf) if [[ $(ifconfig &> /dev/null; echo "$?") == 0 ]]; then echo yes exit 0 else echo "no (ifconfig doesn't work out)" exit 1 fi exit 0 ;; config) cat << EOM graph_title Interface Uptime Meter graph_category network graph_info Get to know how often your ISP violates SLA. graph_vlabel Interface uptime, $METRICS graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0 EOM for (( i=0; i<"${#INTERFACES[*]}"; i++ )) do cat << EOM ${INTERFACES[$i]}.draw LINE3 ${INTERFACES[$i]}.label $(IF_NAME ${INTERFACES[$i]}) EOM done exit 0 ;; *) # Print data for Munin for (( i=0; i<"${#INTERFACES[*]}"; i++ )) do FETCH_DATA ${INTERFACES[$i]} echo "${INTERFACES[$i]}.value $(SECONDS_CONVERTER $current_uptime)" done exit 0 ;; esac