#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Plugin to monitor amavisd-new statistics. Values are retrieved by querying # the BerkeleyDB database 'snmp.db', in which amavisd-new stores its # statistics. # # The plugin requires the Perl module BerkeleyDB. # # To use, setup /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/amavis e.g. as follows: # # [amavis_*] # env.amavis_db_home /var/lib/amavis/db # user amavis # # Where env.amavis_db_home is the path to the amavisd-new BerkeleyDB files # (/var/amavis/db by default). # # Then create symlinks in the Munin plugin directory named "amavis_time", # "amavis_cache" and "amavis_content", or use munin-node-configure. # # Parameters: # # config # autoconf # suggest # # Config variables: # # amavis_db_home - where the amavisd-new berkeley db files are located # # Magic markers #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf #%# capabilities=suggest use strict; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use BerkeleyDB; my($dbfile) = 'snmp.db'; my($db_home) = # DB databases directory defined $ENV{'amavis_db_home'} ? $ENV{'amavis_db_home'} : '/var/amavis/db'; if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { if (-x "/usr/sbin/amavisd-agent") { print "yes\n"; exit 0; } else { print "no (/usr/sbin/amavisd-agent not found or not executable)\n"; exit 1; } } elsif ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "suggest") { print "time\n"; print "cache\n"; print "content\n"; exit 0; } my $stats_type = ""; if ($0 =~ /^(?:|.*\/)amavis_(cache|content|time)$/) { $stats_type = $1; } else { print "You need to create a symlink to this plugin called either amavis_cache, amavis_time or amavis_content to be able to use it.\n"; exit 2; } if ($ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config") { if ($stats_type eq "cache") { print "graph_title Amavis cache hit / miss ratio\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100 --rigid\n"; print "graph_category mail\n"; print "graph_info The ratio of cache hits and misses for AMaViSd-new.\n"; print "graph_order hits misses\n"; print "graph_scale no\n"; print "graph_vlabel %\n"; print "hits.label Cache hits\n"; print "hits.draw AREA\n"; print "hits.max 100\n"; print "hits.min 0\n"; print "misses.label Cache misses\n"; print "misses.draw STACK\n"; print "misses.max 100\n"; print "misses.min 0\n"; } elsif ($stats_type eq "content") { print "graph_title Amavis scanned mails\n"; print "graph_category mail\n"; print "graph_period minute\n"; print "graph_vlabel msgs / \${graph_period}\n"; foreach my $type (qw(total clean spam spammy virus)) { print "$type.label " . ucfirst($type) . " mails \n"; print "$type.type DERIVE\n"; print "$type.min 0\n"; } print "clean.info Legitimate mail.\n"; print "spammy.info Mails with a spam score above the tag2 level.\n"; print "spam.info Mails with a spam score above the kill level for spam.\n"; print "virus.info Mails with a virus.\n"; print "total.info Total number of scanned mails.\n"; } elsif ($stats_type eq "time") { print "graph_title Amavis average scan time\n"; print "graph_info Average time spent in each phase of the mail scanning process, per mail.\n"; print "graph_category mail\n"; print "graph_vlabel sec / mail\n"; print "graph_scale no\n"; print "msgs.label Total number of messages\n"; print "msgs.graph no\n"; print "msgs.type DERIVE\n"; print "msgs.min 0\n"; foreach my $type (qw(decoding receiving sending spamcheck viruscheck total)) { print "${type}.label " . ucfirst($type) . "\n"; print "${type}.type DERIVE\n"; print "${type}.min 0\n"; print "${type}.cdef ${type},1000,/,msgs,/\n"; } } exit 0; } my ($env, $db, @dbstat, $cursor); @dbstat = stat("$db_home/$dbfile"); my $errn = @dbstat ? 0 : 0+$!; $errn == 0 or die "stat $db_home/$dbfile: $!"; $env = BerkeleyDB::Env->new( -Home => $db_home, -Flags => DB_INIT_CDB | DB_INIT_MPOOL, -ErrFile => \*STDOUT, -Verbose => 1, ); defined $env or die "BDB no env: $BerkeleyDB::Error $!"; $db = BerkeleyDB::Hash->new(-Filename => $dbfile, -Env => $env); defined $db or die "BDB no db: $BerkeleyDB::Error $!"; my %values = (); my ($eval_stat, $stat, $key, $val); $cursor = $db->db_cursor; # obtain read lock defined $cursor or die "db_cursor error: $BerkeleyDB::Error"; while (($stat = $cursor->c_get($key, $val, DB_NEXT)) == 0) { $values{$key} = $val; } $stat == DB_NOTFOUND or die "c_get: $BerkeleyDB::Error $!"; $cursor->c_close == 0 or die "c_close error: $BerkeleyDB::Error"; $cursor = undef; $eval_stat = $@; if ($eval_stat ne '') { chomp($eval_stat); die "BDB $eval_stat\n"; } for my $k (sort keys %values) { if ($values{$k} =~ /^(?:C32|C64) (.*)\z/) { $values{$k} = $1; } } if ($stats_type eq "cache") { my $hits = $values{'CacheHits'}; my $misses = $values{'CacheMisses'}; my $misses_ratio = $misses * 100.00 / ($hits + $misses); my $hits_ratio = $hits * 100.00 / ($hits + $misses); printf("hits.value %.1f\n", $hits_ratio); printf("misses.value %.1f\n", $misses_ratio); } elsif ($stats_type eq "content") { printf("total.value %d\n", $values{'InMsgs'}); my $clean = $values{'ContentCleanMsgs'}; if (defined($values{'ContentCleanTagMsgs'})) { $clean += $values{'ContentCleanTagMsgs'}; } printf("clean.value %d\n", $clean); printf("spam.value %d\n", $values{'ContentSpamMsgs'}); printf("spammy.value %d\n", $values{'ContentSpammyMsgs'}); printf("virus.value %d\n", $values{'ContentVirusMsgs'}); } elsif ($stats_type eq "time") { printf("decoding.value %d\n", $values{'TimeElapsedDecoding'}); printf("receiving.value %d\n", $values{'TimeElapsedReceiving'}); printf("sending.value %d\n", $values{'TimeElapsedSending'}); printf("spamcheck.value %d\n", $values{'TimeElapsedSpamCheck'}); printf("viruscheck.value %d\n", $values{'TimeElapsedVirusCheck'}); printf("total.value %d\n", $values{'TimeElapsedTotal'}); printf("msgs.value %d\n", $values{'InMsgs'}); } $db->db_close == 0 or die "BDB db_close error: $BerkeleyDB::Error $!";