#! /usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Munin::Plugin; =head1 NAME relayd - Plugin to show statistics about relayd load balancer. =head1 CONFIGURATION The following environment variables are used by this plugin: =over 4 =item logfile The file where MailScanner logs its action (Default: /var/log/relayd.log) =item logtail The location of the logtail command (Default: /usr/sbin/logtail) =item offsetfile The location of the offset file (Default: /var/log/munin/plugin-state/munin-relayd.offset) =back =head1 USAGE Requires the logtail command somewhere in path =head1 TODO Parsing relayd.conf would allow us to do the following: * determine the hosts in config (may be necessary!) * determine if the table is completely down (may be *impossible* if a partial downtime becomes complete between two runs) =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=contrib #%# capabilities= We should have "suggest" once we implement more than availability. We should also autoconf (check if logtail and the logfile exist, basically). See http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/ConcisePlugins =cut my $logfile = '/var/log/relayd.log'; my $logtail = '/usr/sbin/logtail'; my $offsetfile = "/var/munin/plugin-state/munin-relayd.offset"; my $configfile = "/usr/local/etc/relayd.conf"; (defined($ENV{'logfile'})) and $logfile = $ENV{'logfile'}; (defined($ENV{'logtail'})) and $logtail = $ENV{'logtail'}; (defined($ENV{'offsetfile'})) and $offsetfile = $ENV{'offsetfile'}; (defined($ENV{'configfile'})) and $configfile = $ENV{'offsetfile'}; my $cmd = (defined($ARGV[0])) ? $ARGV[0] : ''; my @hosts = (); open(my $conf, "<", $configfile) or die "can't open $configfile: $!"; my $content = join("", <$conf>); while ( $content =~ /table\s*<([^>]*)>\s*{([^}]*)}/g) { my $hosts = $2; $hosts =~ s/#.*$//mg; # comments $hosts =~ s/^\s+//mg; # trim spaces before lines print "table $1: $hosts\n" if defined $ENV{MUNIN_DEBUG}; push @hosts , split /\s+/, $hosts; } if ($cmd eq 'config') { print("multigraph relayd_avail\n\n"); print("graph_title Relayd host availability\n"); print("graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"); print("graph_vlabel % availability\n"); print("graph_category Load balancer\n"); print("graph_info Ratio of time when this host was up. This is provided by relayd itself (not averaged by this plugin)\n"); for my $host (@hosts) { my $clean = clean_fieldname($host); print("$clean.label $host\n"); } print("\nmultigraph relayd_incidents\n\n"); print("graph_title Relayd host incidents\n"); print("graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"); print("graph_vlabel down incidents\n"); print("graph_category Load balancer\n"); print("graph_info Number of times this host went down during \${graph_period}\n"); for my $host (@hosts) { my $clean = clean_fieldname($host); print("$clean.type ABSOLUTE\n"); print("$clean.label $host\n"); } exit(0); } # sample lines: # Mar 8 23:05:28 rtr0 relayd[81814]: host, check http code (2000ms), state up -> down, availability 97.83% # Mar 8 23:05:28 rtr0 relayd[81814]: host, check http code (2001ms), state up -> down, availability 98.12% # Mar 8 23:05:31 rtr0 relayd[81813]: table hag: 1 added, 2 deleted, 0 changed, 0 killed # Mar 8 23:05:31 rtr0 relayd[81814]: host, check http code (3ms), state down -> up, availability 97.83% # Mar 8 23:05:31 rtr0 relayd[81814]: host, check http code (3ms), state down -> up, availability 98.12% # Mar 8 23:05:36 rtr0 relayd[81813]: table hag: 2 added, 1 deleted, 0 changed, 0 killed # Mar 8 23:21:58 rtr0 relayd[81814]: host, check http code (2000ms), state up -> down, availability 98.12% # Mar 8 23:22:01 rtr0 relayd[81813]: table hag: 0 added, 1 deleted, 0 changed, 0 killed my (%avail, %down); open(my $log, "$logtail -f $logfile -o $offsetfile |") or die("cannot open $logfile: $!"); #open(my $log, "tail -100 $logfile |") or die("cannot open $logfile: $!"); while (<$log>) { if (/host ([^,]*), check[^,]*, state [^>]* -> ([^,]*), availability ([0-9]+.[0-9]+)%/) { my $host = clean_fieldname($1); $host = clean_fieldname('host'.$1) unless ($host ne '_'); $down{$host} = 0 unless defined $down{$host}; $down{$host}++ if $2 eq 'down'; # yes, we overwrite previous value and take only the recent one. be sad. $avail{$host} = $3; } } close($log) or warn "failed to close pipe: $!"; print "multigraph relayd_avail\n\n"; for my $host (@hosts) { print "$host.value " . ($avail{$host} || 'NaN'). "\n"; } print "\nmultigraph relayd_incidents\n\n"; for my $host (@hosts) { print "$host.value " . ($down{$host} || 0). "\n"; }