#!/usr/bin/python #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf """ =head1 NAME nsd - Munin plugin to monitor the number of queries a running process of nsd3 has recievied. =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Linux or *nix system with a logging installtion of NSD v3 installed. (http://nlnetlabs.nl/projects/nsd/) =head1 CONFIGURATION The plugin needs access to the nsd logfile and the nsd pid file to force the running nsd process to write the current statistics. Tip: To see if it's already set up correctly, just run this plugin with the paramater "autoconf". If you get a "yes", everything should work like a charm already. This configuration section shows the defaults of the plugin: The stats line is a set of space-seperated values that you wish to retrieve from NSD. The format is VALUE=Caption. For spaces in a caption value, replace them with an underscore (_). [nsd] env.statsfile /var/log/nsd.log env.pidfile /var/run/nsd3/nsd.pid env.stats "A=A AAAA=AAAA MX=MX PTR=PTR TYPE252=AXFR SNXD=NXDOMAIN RQ=Total_Successful" If you need to set a user for the logfile to be readable, and most importantly, the process to recieve the signal, you may specify it. For example: [nsd] user nsd =head1 INTERPRETATION The plugin shows the number of queries that nsd has recieved, averaged over a period to gain the number of queries per second. For most servers, these values will be very low. In the event of a misconfiguration, the plugin will return undefined values. =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 VERSION v1.0.1 =head1 AUTHOR J.T.Sage =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut """ import os import sys import subprocess import time import re import signal STATS_FILE = os.environ.get('statsfile', '/var/log/nsd.log') PID_FILE = os.environ.get('pidfile', '/var/run/nsd3/nsd.pid') STATS_STRING = os.environ.get('stats', "A=A AAAA=AAAA MX=MX PTR=PTR TYPE252=AXFR SNXD=NXDOMAIN RQ=Total_Succesful") BOTH_LISTS = STATS_STRING.split() def print_config(): """Generates and prints a munin config for a given chart.""" print "graph_title NSD3 Queries" print "graph_vlabel qps" print "graph_category network" print "graph_info Queries per second" for x in BOTH_LISTS: val = x.split('=') name = val[0].lower() label = val[1].replace('_', ' ') print name + '.label ' + label print name + '.type DERIVE' print name + '.min 0' sys.exit(0) def print_values(): """Gets NSD's latest stats.""" bigfail = False if ( not os.access(STATS_FILE, os.R_OK) ) : bigfail = True if ( not os.access(PID_FILE, os.R_OK) ) : bigfail = True if ( not bigfail ): pidf = open(PID_FILE, 'r') pidn = pidf.read() pidf.close(); try: os.kill(int(pidn.strip()), signal.SIGUSR1) except OSError: bigfail = True time.sleep(.5) # Wait for the log to write. if ( not bigfail ): statf = open(STATS_FILE, 'r') stats = tail(statf, 10) nstats = [] xstats = [] for line in stats: if "XSTATS" in line: xstats.append(line.strip()) if "NSTATS" in line: nstats.append(line.strip()) statsline = nstats[-1] + xstats[-1] else: statsline = " " relist = [] for x in BOTH_LISTS: val = x.split('=') name = val[0].lower() rxp = val[0] relist.append([name, rxp]) for point in relist: matches = re.compile(' '+point[1]+'=(\d+)').findall(statsline) if bigfail: print point[0]+'.value U' elif matches == []: print point[0]+'.value 0' else: print point[0]+'.value '+matches[0] def tail( f, window=20 ): f.seek( 0, 2 ) bytes = f.tell() size = window block = -1 while size > 0 and bytes+block*1024 > 0: f.seek( block*1024, 2 ) # from the end! data = f.read( 1024 ) linesFound = data.count('\n') size -= linesFound block -= 1 f.seek( block*1024, 2 ) f.readline() # find a newline lastBlocks = list( f.readlines() ) return lastBlocks[-window:] if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'autoconf': if ( not os.path.isfile(STATS_FILE) ) : print 'no (Log file not found)' elif ( not os.path.isfile(PID_FILE) ) : print 'no (PID file not found)' elif ( not os.access(STATS_FILE, os.R_OK) ) : print 'no (Log file exists, access denied for read)' elif ( not os.access(PID_FILE, os.R_OK) ) : print 'no (PID file exists, access denied for read)' else: pidf = open(PID_FILE, 'r') pidn = pidf.read() pidf.close(); try: os.kill(int(pidn.strip()), signal.SIGUSR1) except OSError as (errno, strerror): print 'no (Unable to signal process :: '+strerror+')' sys.exit(0) print 'yes' sys.exit(0) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config': print_config() sys.exit(0) print_values()