#!/bin/bash # #healthcheck on munin #check site speed. #egrep contents string # ... and alert. # #programed by rti (hiroyuki fujie) super.rti@gmail.com @super_rti #LICENSE: NYSL (public domain) # #config file # /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node # #example minimum config #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #--------------------------------------------------- # #chcek two site #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.url_2 http://www.google.com/ #--------------------------------------------------- # #chcek three site #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.url_2 http://www.google.com/ #env.url_3 http://www.yahoo.com/ #--------------------------------------------------- # #set name #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.name_1 homhom #--------------------------------------------------- # #check over proxy #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.proxy_1 #--------------------------------------------------- # #set slow speed(second) #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.slowspeed_1 30 #--------------------------------------------------- # #grep string #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.htmlgrep_1 saysaya #--------------------------------------------------- # #check html contents byte size. #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #env.htmlsize_1 50000 #check 50000 bytes over. #--------------------------------------------------- # #full option #/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node #--------------------------------------------------- #[healthcheck_url] #env.url_1 #check url #env.htmlgrep_1 apache #check egrep string #env.name_1 #set line name. default by url domain #env.proxy_1 #over proxy #env.slowspeed_1 30 #slow time on alert #env.htmlsize_1 50000 #check 50000 bytes over. #--------------------------------------------------- # # #edakari speed up. CHECKMAX=`env | grep url_ | wc -l` let CHECKMAX="$CHECKMAX + 1" CURL=/usr/bin/curl if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ $CHECKMAX -le 1 ]; then echo no exit 1 fi echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title site speed (second)' echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 --vertical-label second" echo 'graph_scale no' echo 'graph_vlabel second' echo 'graph_category healthcheck' echo 'graph_info This graph shows the site speed' for(( I = 1; I < $CHECKMAX; ++I )) do eval url=\$url_${I} eval name=\$name_${I} eval slowspeed=\$slowspeed_${I} if [ "x${url}" = "x" ]; then continue fi if [ "x${name}" = "x" ]; then #default name by domain name=`echo $url | sed 's#\.#_#g' | sed -e 's/[^/]*\/\/\([^@]*@\)\?\([^:/]*\).*/\2/'` fi if [ "x${slowspeed}" = "x" ]; then slowspeed=10 fi let slowspeed15="slowspeed * 3 / 2" #slowspeed * 1.5 echo "$name.label $name" echo "$name.info $url" echo "$name.draw LINE2" echo "$name.min -10" echo "$name.max ${slowspeed15}" echo "$name.critical 0:${slowspeed}" done exit 0 fi for(( I = 1; I < $CHECKMAX; ++I )) do eval url=\$url_${I} eval grep=\$htmlgrep_${I} eval size=\$htmlsize_${I} eval name=\$name_${I} eval proxy=\$proxy_${I} eval slowspeed=\$slowspeed_${I} if [ "x${url}" = "x" ]; then continue fi if [ "x${name}" = "x" ]; then #default name by domain name=`echo $url | sed 's#\.#_#g' | sed -e 's/[^/]*\/\/\([^@]*@\)\?\([^:/]*\).*/\2/'` fi PROXY_CMD="" if [ "x${proxy}" != "x" ]; then PROXY_CMD=" --proxy ${proxy} " fi if [ "x${slowspeed}" = "x" ]; then slowspeed=10 fi let timeout="${slowspeed} + 1" START=`date +%s` HTML_RESULT=`$CURL "${url}" -s --connect-timeout ${timeout} ${PROXY_CMD}` CURLEXITCODE=$? END=`date +%s` if [ $CURLEXITCODE -ne 0 ]; then echo "$name.value -10" echo "$name.extinfo curl return $CURLEXITCODE" continue fi GREPEXITCODE=0 if [ "x${grep}" != "x" ]; then echo $HTML_RESULT | egrep -i "${grep}" > /dev/null GREPEXITCODE=$? if [ $GREPEXITCODE -ne 0 ]; then echo "$name.value -9" echo "$name.extinfo can not found $grep regex strings" continue fi fi if [ "x${size}" != "x" ]; then if [ ${#HTML_RESULT} -lt ${size} ]; then echo "$name.value -8" echo "$name.extinfo html size ${#HTML_RESULT} is smaller than ${size}" continue fi fi let SPEED="$END - $START" echo "$name.value $SPEED" done