#!/usr/bin/env perl # -*- perl =pod =head1 NAME zfs_usage_ - Script to monitor zfs pool usage =head1 CONFIGURATION Create one symlink per zpool for exampe zfs_usage_system if you need to override the defaults below: [zfs_usage_*] env.zpoolexec - Path to zpool binary env.zfsexec - Path to zfs binary =head2 DEFAULT CONFIGURATION [zfs_usage_*] env.zpoolexec /sbin/zpool env.zfsexec /sbin/zfs =head1 BUGS =head1 AUTHOR 2012, Claudius Herder =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 =cut use strict; use warnings; use Munin::Plugin; need_multigraph(); my $filesystems; my $zpool; my $zpoolexec = (defined($ENV{'zpoolexec'}) ? $ENV{'zpoolexec'} : '/sbin/zpool'); my $zfsexec = (defined($ENV{'zfsexec'}) ? $ENV{'zfsexec'} : '/sbin/zfs'); my $properties = { available => "Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk" ." space available to a file system and all its children," ." assuming no other activity in the pool. Because disk" ." space is shared within a pool, available space can be" ." limited by various factors including physical pool size," ." quotas, reservations, and other datasets within the" ." pool.", quota => "Limits the amount of disk space a file system and its" ." descendents can consume. This property enforces a" ." hard limit on the amount of disk space used, including" ." all space consumed by descendents, such as file systems" ." and snapshots. Setting a quota on a descendent of a file" ." system that already has a quota does not override the" ." ancestor's quota, but rather imposes an additional" ." limit. Quotas cannot be set on volumes, as the volsize" ." property acts as an implicit quota.", referenced => "Read-only property that identifies the amount of data" ." accessible by a dataset, which might or might not be" ." shared with other datasets in the pool." ." When a snapshot or clone is created, it initially" ." references the same amount of disk space as the file" ." system or snapshot it was created from, because its" ." contents are identical.", refquota => "Sets the amount of disk space that a dataset can" ." consume. This property enforces a hard limit on the" ." amount of space used. This hard limit does not include" ." disk space used by descendents, such as snapshots and" ." clones.", refreservation => "Sets the minimum amount of disk space that is" ." guaranteed to a dataset, not including descendents," ." such as snapshots and clones. When the amount of disk" ." space used is below this value, the dataset is treated as if" ." it were taking up the amount of space specified by" ." refreservation. The refreservation reservation is" ." accounted for in the parent dataset's disk space used," ." and counts against the parent dataset's quotas and" ." reservations." ." If refreservation is set, a snapshot is only allowed if" ." enough free pool space is available outside of this" ." reservation to accommodate the current number of" ." referenced bytes in the dataset.", reservation => "Sets the minimum amount of disk space guaranteed to" ." a file system and its descendents. When the amount of" ." disk space used is below this value, the file system is" ." treated as if it were using the amount of space specified" ." by its reservation. Reservations are accounted for in the" ." parent file system's disk space used, and count against" ." the parent file system's quotas and reservations.", type => "Read-only property that identifies the dataset type as" ." filesystem (file system or clone), volume, or" ." snapshot.", used => "Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk" ." space consumed by a dataset and all its descendents.", usedbychildren => "Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk" ." space that is used by children of this dataset, which" ." would be freed if all the dataset's children were" ." destroyed. The property abbreviation is usedchild.", usedbydataset => "Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk" ." space that is used by a dataset itself, which would be" ." freed if the dataset was destroyed, after first destroying" ." any snapshots and removing any refreservation" ." reservations. The property abbreviation is usedds.", usedbyrefreservation=> "Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk" ." space that is used by a refreservation set on a dataset," ." which would be freed if the refreservation was" ." removed.", usedbysnapshots => "Read-only property that identifies the amount of disk" ." space that is consumed by snapshots of a dataset. In" ." particular, it is the amount of disk space that would be" ." freed if all of this dataset's snapshots were destroyed." ." Note that this value is not simply the sum of the" ." snapshots' used properties, because space can be" ." shared by multiple snapshots.", volsize => "For volumes, specifies the logical size of the volume.", }; my @order = ( "usedbydataset", "usedbysnapshots", "usedbyrefreservation", "usedbychildren", "available", "quota", "refquota", "referenced", "reservation", "refreservation", "used", "volsize", ); sub do_collect { my @params = join(',',( keys %{$properties} )); my $fsget="$zfsexec get -H -p -r -t filesystem,volume @params $zpool"; foreach my $line (split(/\n/, `$fsget` )) { my ($name, $key, $value, undef ) = (split(/\t/,$line)); ($name =~ s/\//_/g); $filesystems->{$name}->{$key}=$value; } } sub do_config_fs { my ($fs) = @_; my $fs_slash = ($fs); ($fs_slash =~ s/_/\//g); if ( $fs ne $zpool ) { printf( "multigraph zfs_usage_%s.%s\n", clean_fieldname($zpool), clean_fieldname($fs) ); print "graph_title ZFS usage for $filesystems->{$fs}->{type} $fs_slash\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows used bytes of $filesystems->{$fs}->{type} $fs_slash\n"; } else { printf( "multigraph zfs_usage_%s\n", clean_fieldname($zpool) ); print "graph_title ZFS usage for zpool $zpool\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows used bytes of zpool $zpool\n"; } print "graph_args --base 1024 --lower-limit 0 --rigid\n"; print "graph_vlabel bytes \n"; print "graph_category zfs\n"; print "graph_order @order\n"; foreach my $key ( keys %{$filesystems->{$fs}}) { if ( $key ne "type" ) { if ( $filesystems->{$fs}->{type} eq "volume" && $key =~ /quota/ ) { } elsif ($filesystems->{$fs}->{type} eq "filesystem" && $key eq "volsize") { } else { print "$key.label $key\n"; print "$key.min 0\n"; print "$key.type GAUGE\n"; print "$key.info $properties->{$key}\n"; if ( $key =~ /quota|referenced|^(ref)*reservation|^used$|volsize/ ) { print "$key.draw LINE3\n"; } else { print "$key.draw AREASTACK\n"; } } } } } sub do_fetch_fs { my ($fs) = @_; if ( $fs ne $zpool ) { printf( "multigraph zfs_usage_%s.%s\n", clean_fieldname($zpool), clean_fieldname($fs) ); } else { printf( "multigraph zfs_usage_%s\n", clean_fieldname($zpool) ); } foreach my $key ( keys %{$filesystems->{$fs}}) { if ( $key ne "type" ) { if ( $filesystems->{$fs}->{type} eq "volume" && $key =~ /quota/ ) { } elsif ($filesystems->{$fs}->{type} eq "filesystem" && $key eq "volsize") { } else { print "$key.value $filesystems->{$fs}->{$key}\n"; } } } } sub do_config { foreach my $fs ( sort keys %{$filesystems}) { do_config_fs($fs); } } sub do_autoconf { if (`which $zpoolexec 2>/dev/null` =~ m{^/}) { print "yes\n"; } else { print "no ($zpoolexec could not be found)\n"; } exit 0; } sub do_suggest { my $poollist=(`zpool list -H -o name`); print "$poollist"; } sub do_fetch { foreach my $fs ( sort keys %{$filesystems}) { do_fetch_fs($fs); } } sub do_setpool { if ( $0 =~ /zfs_usage_$/) { die ("Can't run without a symlinked name\n") } elsif ($0 =~ /zfs_usage_(.+)*$/) { $zpool = $1; } } if ($ARGV[0]) { if ($ARGV[0] eq "config") { do_setpool(); do_collect(); do_config(); exit 0; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "autoconf") { do_autoconf(); exit 0; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "suggest") { do_suggest(); exit 0; } } else { do_setpool(); do_collect(); do_fetch(); } exit 0; __END__