#!/bin/sh # -*- sh -*- # # Plugin to monitor the number of PHP processes on the machine. # # Copyright Khalid Baheyeldin 2009 http://2bits.com # # Parameters: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config) # # Magick markers (optional - used by munin-config and som installation # scripts): #%# family=manual #%# capabilities=autoconf if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title PHP CGI Memory"; echo "graph_vlabel PHP CGI Memory usage in GB"; echo "graph_category processes"; echo "graph_args -l 0"; echo "php_cgi_ram.label PHP CGI Used RAM"; echo "php_cgi_ram.draw LINE2"; echo "php_cgi_processes.info Number of PHP CGI processes"; echo "php_cgi_processes.label processes"; exit 0 fi CMD_GREP=`which grep` if [ ! -e ${CMD_GREP} ]; then echo "Command grep not found!" exit 1 fi CMD_SED=`which sed` if [ ! -e ${CMD_SED} ]; then echo "Command sed not found!" exit 1 fi CMD_WC=`which wc` if [ ! -e ${CMD_WC} ]; then echo "Command wc not found!" exit 1 fi CMD_AWK=`which awk` if [ ! -e ${CMD_AWK} ]; then echo "Command awk not found!" exit 1 fi CMD_BC=`which bc` if [ ! -e ${CMD_BC} ]; then echo "Command bc not found!" exit 1 fi echo -n "php_cgi_processes.value " ps ax | grep -i php-cgi | grep -v grep | wc -l | sed 's/\t +//' | sed 's/ *//' MEMORY=0 for mem in `ps avx | grep -i php-cgi | grep -v grep | grep "Ss" | awk '{ print $7 }'`; do MEMORY=$(($MEMORY + $mem)) done echo -n "php_cgi_ram.value " echo "scale=4;${MEMORY}/1024/1024" | bc