#!/bin/bash # # Plugin to monitor spamdyke # # Spamdyke logs expected to be inside /var/log/mail.info # logtail must be installed # Plugin state stored in /var/lib/munin/plugin-state # (statedir as defined in munin debian packages) # # You may override spamdyke logfile in plugin-conf.d/munin-node, and # give the user/group with enough rights to read your logs (group # adm on stock debian works fine) # # [spamdyke] # env.logfile /var/log/maillog # group adm # # # # Parameters understood: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional) # mktempfile () { mktemp -t } MAIL_LOG=${logfile:-/var/log/mail.info} LOGTAIL=${logtail:-`which logtail`} STATEFILE=/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/spamdyke.offset if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ -f "${MAIL_LOG}" -a -n "${LOGTAIL}" -a -x "${LOGTAIL}" ] ; then echo yes exit 0 else echo no exit 1 fi fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title spamdyke filtering' echo 'graph_category mail' echo 'graph_vlabel Count' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0' echo 'graph_total total' echo 'allowed.label ALLOWED' echo 'allowed.info The message passed all filters. qmail may still bounce the message for other reasons, however. ' echo 'allowed.min 1' echo 'allowedauthenticated.label ALLOWED_AUTHENTICATED' echo 'allowedauthenticated.info The remote client successfully authenticated using SMTP AUTH with spamdyke. If qmail is patched to provide SMTP AUTH, this code will never be used ' echo 'allowedauthenticated.min 1' echo 'allowedtls.label ALLOWED_TLS' echo 'allowedtls.info The remote client successfully started a TLS session with spamdyke ' echo 'allowedtls.min 1' echo 'timeout.label TIMEOUT' echo 'timeout.info The connection timed out, either in total time ("connection-timeout-secs") or idle time ("idle-timeout-secs"). If the connection was already being blocked for another reason, the code for that error is given as REALCODE ' echo 'timeout.min 1' echo 'deniedtoomanyrecipients.label DENIED_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS' echo 'deniedtoomanyrecipients.info The recipient was blocked because the limit ("max-recipients") was reached for this connection. The SMTP connection continues after this error occurs' echo 'deniedtoomanyrecipients.min 1' echo 'deniedunqualifiedrecipient.label DENIED_UNQUALIFIED_RECIPIENT' echo 'deniedunqualifiedrecipient.info The recipient was blocked because the address had no domain name. The SMTP connection continues after this error occurs' echo 'deniedunqualifiedrecipient.min 1' echo 'deniedgraylisted.label DENIED_GRAYLISTED' echo 'deniedgraylisted.info recipient was blocked because the sender/recipient combination was graylisted ' echo 'deniedgraylisted.min 1' echo 'deniedrdnsmissing.label DENIED_RDNS_MISSING' echo 'deniedrdnsmissing.info The connection was blocked because the remote server has no rDNS name at all' echo 'deniedrdnsmissing.min 1' echo 'deniedrdnsresolve.label DENIED_RDNS_RESOLVE' echo 'deniedrdnsresolve.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers rDNS name does not resolve ' echo 'deniedrdnsresolve.min 1' echo 'deniedipinccrdns.label DENIED_IP_IN_CC_RDNS' echo 'deniedipinccrdns.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers IP address was found in the remote servers rDNS name _and_ the remote servers rDNS name ends in a country code ("reject-ip-in-cc-rdns"). ' echo 'deniedipinccrdns.min 1' echo 'deniedipinrdns.label DENIED_IP_IN_RDNS' echo 'deniedipinrdns.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers IP address was found in the remote servers rDNS name _and_ a prohibited keyword was found in the remote servers rDNS name ("ip-in-rdns-keyword-file"). ' echo 'deniedipinrdns.min 1' echo 'deniedearlytalker.label DENIED_EARLYTALKER' echo 'deniedearlytalker.info The connection was blocked because the remote server began sending data before the SMTP greeting was issued ("greeting-delay-secs"). ' echo 'deniedearlytalker.min 1' echo 'deniedblacklistname.label DENIED_BLACKLIST_NAME' echo 'deniedblacklistname.info The connection was blocked because the base domain of the remote servers rDNS name is blacklisted ("rdns-blacklist-file" or "rdns-blacklist-dir"). ' echo 'deniedblacklistname.min 1' echo 'deniedblacklistip.label DENIED_BLACKLIST_IP' echo 'deniedblacklistip.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers IP address is blacklisted ("ip-blacklist-file"). ' echo 'deniedblacklistip.min 1' echo 'deniedsenderblacklisted.label DENIED_SENDER_BLACKLISTED' echo 'deniedsenderblacklisted.info The connection was blocked because the senders email address is blacklisted ("sender-blacklist-file"). ' echo 'deniedsenderblacklisted.min 1' echo 'deniedrecipientblacklisted.label DENIED_RECIPIENT_BLACKLISTED' echo 'deniedrecipientblacklisted.info The recipient was blocked because the recipient email address is blacklisted ("recipient-blacklist-file"). ' echo 'deniedrecipientblacklisted.min 1' echo 'deniedrblmatch.label DENIED_RBL_MATCH' echo 'deniedrblmatch.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers IP address was found on a DNS RBL ("check-dnsrbl"). ' echo 'deniedrblmatch.min 1' echo 'deniedrhsblmatch.label DENIED_RHSBL_MATCH' echo 'deniedrhsblmatch.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers reverse DNS name was found on a righthand-side DNS blacklist (RHSBL) OR the connection was blocked because the senders domain name was found on a righthand-side DNS blacklist (RHSBL). ' echo 'deniedrhsblmatch.min 1' echo 'deniedsendernomx.label DENIED_SENDER_NO_MX' echo 'deniedsendernomx.info The connection was blocked because the senders domain has no mail exchanger, making the sender address invalid' echo 'deniedsendernomx.min 1' echo 'deniedccessdenied.label DENIED_ACCESS_DENIED' echo 'deniedaccessdenied.info The connection was blocked because the remote servers IP address or rDNS name was found in the access file with a "deny" command ("access-file"). ' echo 'deniedccessdenied.min 1' echo 'deniedrelaying.label DENIED_RELAYING' echo 'deniedrelaying.info The recipient was blocked because the recipients domain is not locally hosted ("local-domains-file") and the remote server is not allowed to relay ("access-file"). ' echo 'deniedrelaying.min 1' echo 'deniedother.label DENIED_OTHER' echo 'deniedother.info The connection was rejected by qmail (or another downstream filter), not spamdyke. ' echo 'deniedother.min 1' echo 'failedauth.label FAILED_AUTH' echo 'failedauth.info The remote server attempted to authenticate but the given username and/or password were incorrect ("smtp-auth-command" or "smtp-auth-command-encryption"). ' echo 'failedauth.min 1' echo 'unknownauth.label UNKNOWN_AUTH' echo 'unknownauth.info The remote server requested an authentication method spamdyke doesnt support. This should not happen. ' echo 'unknownauth.min 1' echo 'failedtls.label FAILED_TLS' echo 'failedtls.info The remote client attempted to start a TLS session but SSL negotiation failed.' echo 'failedtls.min 1' exit 0 fi allowed=u allowedauthenticated=u allowedtls=u timeout=u deniedtoomanyrecipients=U deniedunqualifiedrecipient=U deniedgraylisted=U deniedrdnsmissing=U deniedrdnsresolve=U deniedipinccrdns=U deniedipinrdns=U deniedearlytalker=U deniedblacklistname=U deniedblacklistip=U deniedsenderblacklisted=U deniedrecipientblacklisted=U deniedrblmatch=U deniedrhsblmatch=U deniedsendernomx=U deniedccessdenied=U deniedrelaying=U deniedother=U failedauth=U unknownauth=U failedtls=U TEMP_FILE=`mktempfile munin.spamdyke.XXXXXX` if [ -n "$TEMP_FILE" -a -f "$TEMP_FILE" ] then $LOGTAIL ${MAIL_LOG} $STATEFILE | grep "spamdyke\[.*\]:" > ${TEMP_FILE} allowed=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9\]*]: ALLOWED' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` allowedauthenticated=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: ALLOWED_AUTHENTICATED' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` allowedtls=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]\]: ALLOWED_TLS' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` timeout=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: TIMEOUT' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedtoomanyrecipients=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedunqualifiedrecipient=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_UNQUALIFIED_RECIPIENT' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedgraylisted=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_GRAYLISTED' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedrdnsmissing=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_RDNS_MISSING' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedrdnsresolve=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_RDNS_RESOLVE' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedipinccrdns=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_IP_IN_CC_RDNS' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedipinrdns=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_IP_IN_RDNS' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedearlytalker=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_EARLYTALKER' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedblacklistname=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_BLACKLIST_NAME' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedblacklistip=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_BLACKLIST_IP' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedsenderblacklisted=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_SENDER_BLACKLISTED' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedrecipientblacklisted=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_RECIPIENT_BLACKLISTED' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedrblmatch=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_RBL_MATCH' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedrhsblmatch=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_RHSBL_MATCH' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedsendernomx=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_SENDER_NO_MX' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedccessdenied=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_ACCESS_DENIED' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedrelaying=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_RELAYING' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` deniedother=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: DENIED_OTHER' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` failedauth=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: FAILED_AUTH' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` unknownauth=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: UNKNOWN_AUTH' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` failedtls=`grep 'spamdyke\[[0-9]*\]: FAILED_TLS' ${TEMP_FILE} | wc -l` /bin/rm -f $TEMP_FILE fi echo "allowed.value ${allowed}" echo "allowedauthenticated.value ${allowedauthenticated}" echo "allowedtls.value ${allowedtls}" echo "timeout.value ${timeout}" echo "deniedtoomanyrecipients.value ${deniedtoomanyrecipients}" echo "deniedunqualifiedrecipient.value ${deniedunqualifiedrecipient}" echo "deniedgraylisted.value ${deniedgraylisted}" echo "deniedrdnsmissing.value ${deniedrdnsmissing}" echo "deniedrdnsresolve.value ${deniedrdnsresolve}" echo "deniedipinccrdns.value ${deniedipinccrdns}" echo "deniedipinrdns.value ${deniedipinrdns}" echo "deniedearlytalker.value ${deniedearlytalker}" echo "deniedblacklistname.value ${deniedblacklistname}" echo "deniedblacklistip.value ${deniedblacklistip}" echo "deniedsenderblacklisted.value ${deniedsenderblacklisted}" echo "deniedrecipientblacklisted.value ${deniedrecipientblacklisted}" echo "deniedrblmatch.value ${deniedrblmatch}" echo "deniedrhsblmatch.value ${deniedrhsblmatch}" echo "deniedsendernomx.value ${deniedsendernomx}" echo "deniedccessdenied.value ${deniedccessdenied}" echo "deniedrelaying.value ${deniedrelaying}" echo "deniedother.value ${deniedother}" echo "failedauth.value ${failedauth}" echo "unknownauth.value ${unknownauth}" echo "failedtls.value ${failedtls}"