#!/bin/sh # # Monitor disk iostat on FreeBSD host. # # Parameters understood: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config) # # Magic markers (optional - used by munin-config and installation # scripts): # #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf PATH=/bin:/usr/bin if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo yes exit 0 fi DISKS=`/usr/sbin/iostat -dIn9 | head -1` if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title IOstat' echo 'graph_args --base 1024 -l 0' echo 'graph_vlabel Bytes per ${graph_period}' echo 'graph_category disk' echo 'graph_info This graph shows disk load on the machine.' for D in $DISKS do if echo $D | grep -vq '^pass'; then echo "$D.label $D" echo "$D.type DERIVE" echo "$D.min 0" fi done exit 0 fi VALUES=`/usr/sbin/iostat -dIn9 | tail -1` COL=3 # 3rd value for each disk is grabbed for D in $DISKS do if echo $D | grep -vq '^pass'; then echo -n "$D.value " VAL=`echo $VALUES | cut -d ' ' -f $COL` echo "$VAL 1048576 * p" | dc | cut -d '.' -f 1 fi COL=$(($COL + 3)) done