#!/bin/bash case $1 in config) cat <<'EOM' graph_order downspeed upspeed graph_title DSL Connection Speed graph_args --base 1000 -l 1000 --upper-limit 42000 graph_category Network graph_scale no graph_vlabel DSL up / down speed downspeed.label Down speed downspeed.type GAUGE upspeed.label Up speed upspeed.type GAUGE graph_info Graph of DSL Connection Speed EOM exit 0;; esac # verify we have the IP for the modem if [[ "$DSLMODEMIP" == "" ]] then echo "DSLMODEMIP variable must be set!" exit 1 fi # create temp file for storing wget output TMPFILE=$(mktemp) # if we have auth variables then add them to # wget cmdline if [[ "$DSLUSER" != "" && "$DSLPASS" != "" ]] then AUTH_OPT="--user=$DSLUSER --password='$DSLPASS' " fi # get wan stats page and store it to temp file wget $AUTH_OPT --tries=1 --timeout=10 -q -O $TMPFILE http://$DSLMODEMIP/modemstatus_wanstatus.html # parse tempfile to get connection speeds DOWNRATE=$(cat $TMPFILE | grep downrate= | sed -e "s/var.*downrate='\(.*\)';.*/\1/g" | sed -e 's/\s//g' | tail -n 1) UPRATE=$(cat $TMPFILE | grep uprate= | sed -e "s/var.*uprate='\(.*\)';.*/\1/g" | sed -e 's/\s//g' | tail -n 1) # done with the temp file, remove rm $TMPFILE # done, output speeds echo "upspeed.value $UPRATE" echo "downspeed.value $DOWNRATE"