#!/usr/bin/env python # Version 0.1 alpha (a.k.a. it has been known to work at least once) # Get stats from your i2p server ( https://geti2p.net/en/ ) # Create links to this plugin and name them # - i2p_bps # - i2p_uptime (not implemented yet) # Requires BeautifulSoup 4 # Should probably use I2PControl for this instead # https://geti2p.net/en/docs/api/i2pcontrol import urllib2, re, os, sys from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from decimal import * plugin_name=list(os.path.split(sys.argv[0]))[1] plugin_var=plugin_name.split('_', 1)[-1] def autoconf(): print('yes') sys.exit(0) def config(): if 'bps' == plugin_var: print('graph_title i2p bps') print('graph_vlabel bps') print('graph_info i2p sending and receiving bytes per second') print('graph_category network') print('receivebps.label Receive bps') print('sendbps.label Send bps') elif 'uptime' == plugin_var: print('graph_title i2p uptime') print('graph_scale no') print('graph_args --base 1000 -l 0') print('graph_vlabel uptime in whole hours') print('graph_category network') print('uptime.label i2p uptime') print('uptime.draw AREA') else: raise ValueError, "unknown parameter '%s'" % plugin_var sys.exit(0) def fetch(): html_doc = urllib2.urlopen('').read() soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc) if 'bps' == plugin_var: fetch_bps(soup) elif 'uptime' == plugin_var: fetch_uptime(soup) else: raise ValueError, "unknown parameter '%s'" % plugin_var def fetch_bps(soup): anchor_bwreceiveBps = soup.find('a', attrs={"name": "bw.receiveBps"}) b_5min_bwreceiveBps = anchor_bwreceiveBps.find_all_next('b', limit=2)[1] bwreceiveBps = Decimal(re.search('Average: ([0-9,\.]+?);', b_5min_bwreceiveBps.parent.get_text()).group(1).replace(',', '')) anchor_bwsendBps = soup.find('a', attrs={"name": "bw.sendBps"}) b_5min_bwsendBps = anchor_bwsendBps.find_all_next('b', limit=2)[1] bwsendBps = Decimal(re.search('Average: ([0-9,\.]+?);', b_5min_bwsendBps.parent.get_text()).group(1).replace(',', '')) print('receivebps.value %s' % bwreceiveBps) print('sendbps.value %s' % bwsendBps) sys.exit(0) def fetch_uptime(soup): # not implemented yet print('uptime.value U') sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv)>1 : if sys.argv[1]=="config" : config() elif sys.argv[1]=="autoconf" : autoconf() elif sys.argv[1]!="": raise ValueError, "unknown parameter '%s'" % sys.argv[1] fetch()