#!/usr/bin/python from sys import argv import httplib conns = [] # this should really go in plugins.conf conns.append(httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost",8080)) conns.append(httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost",8070)) url = "/munin_cache_parameters.py" if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == 'config': # there is probably a better way to display this cached vs targed graph # as a percentage of target possibly.. print """graph_title Zope cache parameters graph_category appserver graph_info A grap of the main data on the "Cache Parameters" tab of the main DB in the zope control panel.""".replace("\n ","\n") for i in range(0,len(conns)): print """obs_in_db%(i)s.label Z%(i)s Obs in DB obs_cached%(i)s.label Z%(i)s obs in all caches obs_target%(i)s.label Z%(i)s cached obs target""".replace("\n ","\n") % dict(i=i) else: for i in range(0,len(conns)): conns[i].request("GET", url) r1 = conns[i].getresponse() #print r1.status, r1.reason #200 OK data = r1.read().strip() conns[i].close() (obs_in_db, obs_cached, obs_target) = data.split() id = dict(i=i) print 'obs_in_db%(i)s.value' % id, obs_in_db print 'obs_cached%(i)s.value'% id, obs_cached print 'obs_target%(i)s.value'% id, obs_target