#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- # novra_s300 # Munin plugin for Novra S300 Satellite Receiver # Displays Signal and Carrier to Noise values # #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf # ############################################################################### # # This plugin monitors the signal strength and carrier to noise ratio on # a Novra S300 satellite receiver # @author Jason Brooks # @version 2011.05.20.01 # @email icedown@gmail.com # # Usage: # Copy this to your plugin folder (default: /usr/share/munin/plugins) # Edit is file, replacing CMCS, IP, and PW with your values # Make a symlink to your active plugins folder (default: /etc/munin/plugins) # Finally run munin-node-config and restart munin-node # # ################################################################################ use strict; use warnings; my $CMCS = "/usr/bin/cmcs"; my $IP = ""; my $PW = "Password"; my $xmlcheck = 0; if(! eval "require XML::Simple;") { $xmlcheck = "Missing XML::Simple"; } my $command = "$CMCS -ip $IP -pw $PW -xmlstatus"; if (defined($ARGV[0]) and ($ARGV[0] eq 'config')) { print "graph_title Novra S300\n"; print "graph_vlabel Signal\n"; print "graph_category NOAAPort\n"; print "s300.signal Signal\n"; print "s300.ctn CtN\n"; exit(0); } if (defined($ARGV[0]) and ($ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf')) { if($xmlcheck) { print "no ($xmlcheck)\n"; exit(0); } if(-e $CMCS) { my $status = `$command`; if($status =~ m/Login unsuccessful/) { print "No (Invalid receiver details)\n"; exit(0); } print "yes\n"; exit(0); } print "no (Cannot locate CMCS)\n"; exit(0); } require XML::Simple; my $data = `$command`; my $xml = new XML::Simple; my $output = $xml->XMLin($data); print "s300.signal " . $output->{SIGNAL_STRENGTH_AS_DBM} . "\n"; print "s300.ctn " . $output->{CARRIER_TO_NOISE} . "\n";