#!/usr/bin/env bash # Munin plugin for ILIAS : << =cut =head1 NAME ilias_session - Munin plugin to monitor L open source learning management system's sessions =head1 DESCRIPTION Reads session and user statistcs from any ILIAS MySQL/MariaDB database. https://ilias.de/ | http://gallery.munin-monitoring.org/contrib/cms-index.html Requirements: bash version 4 is required for associative array support. This plugin requires mysql CLI or a compatible client being available. In order to get precise results, please ensure your MySQL server has the same time as your ILIAS application server. Timezone does not matter. =head1 CONFIGURATION The plugin needs the following configuration settings e.g. in /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/ilias.conf [ilias_session] env.ildbuser ilias env.ildbpassword youriliaspasword env.ildb ilias env.ildbhost localhost env.ildbport 3306 WARNING: Setting env.ildbpassword will possibly expose the database password to other processes and might be insecure. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright 2018 L (L) =head1 LICENSE Licensed under the MIT license: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT =head1 CONTRIBUTE Find this plugin on L =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 VERSION 2.0 =head1 CHANGELOG =head2 2.0 - 2018/04/20 first sh release =head2 1.0 - 2018/03/19 first release =cut # Include plugin.sh # shellcheck source=/dev/null . "${MUNIN_LIBDIR:-}/plugins/plugin.sh" # Shell options set -o nounset # Like perl use strict; # Graph settings global_attr=" graph_title ILIAS session and logins graph_category cms graph_args --lower-limit 0 graph_vlabel occurences graph_info Number of active ILIAS user sessions and logins " declare -A d_attr=( \ [0,field]=iltotal1day \ [0,type]=GAUGE \ [0,draw]=LINE \ [0,label]='users logged in within day' \ [0,sql]="SELECT COUNT( usr_id ) AS C FROM \`usr_data\` WHERE last_login >= DATE_SUB( NOW( ) , INTERVAL 1 DAY ) " \ [1,field]=ilsessions \ [1,type]=GAUGE \ [1,draw]=LINE \ [1,label]='active sessions' \ [1,sql]="SELECT COUNT( user_id ) AS C FROM usr_session WHERE \`expires\` > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) AND user_id != 0 " \ [2,field]=il60minavg \ [2,type]=GAUGE \ [2,draw]=LINE \ [2,label]='sessions created/updated within 1h' \ [2,sql]="SELECT COUNT( user_id ) AS C FROM usr_session WHERE 60 * 60 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) - ctime AND user_id != 0 " \ [3,field]=il5minavg \ [3,type]=GAUGE \ [3,draw]=LINE \ [3,label]='sessions created/updated within 5min' \ [3,sql]="SELECT COUNT( user_id ) AS C FROM usr_session WHERE 5 * 60 > UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW( ) ) - ctime AND user_id != 0 " \ ) # Read the environment and apply defaults DB_CLI_TOOL="${ildbcli:-mysql}" DB_CLI_CMD="$(command -v "${DB_CLI_TOOL}")" DB_HOST="${ildbhost:-localhost}" DB_PORT="${ildbport:-3306}" DB="${ildb:-ilias}" DB_USER="${ildbuser:-root}" DB_PASSWORD="${ildbpassword:-}" # Functions autoconf() { if command -v "${DB_CLI_TOOL}" >/dev/null ; then echo yes else echo "no (failed to find executable '${DB_CLI_TOOL}')" fi } config() { local label_max_length=45 local i=0 # print global attributes echo "$global_attr" | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e '/^$/d' i=0 # -v varname # True if the shell variable varname is set (has been assigned a value). # https://stackoverflow.com/a/45385463/2683737 while [[ -v d_attr[$i,field] ]]; do field=${d_attr[$i,field]} echo "$field.type ${d_attr[$i,type]}" echo "$field.draw ${d_attr[$i,draw]}" echo "$field.label ${d_attr[$i,label]:0:${label_max_length}}" echo "$field.min 0" ((++i)) done } # Join a bash array $1 is the glue join_by() { local d=$1 shift echo -n "$1" shift printf "%s" "${@/#/$d}" } fetch() { local i=0 local query=() local query_string="" declare -a results # create an array of queries i=0 while [[ -v d_attr[$i,field] ]]; do query+=("${d_attr[$i,sql]}") ((++i)) done # build query by joining the array elements query_string=$(join_by " UNION ALL " "${query[@]}") # obtain result using CLI call; don't supply password through # command line; note that MySQL considers it insecure using # an environment variable: # >This method of specifying your MySQL password must # >be considered extremely insecure and should not be used. # >Some versions of ps include an option to display the # >environment of running processes. [...] result=$(MYSQL_PWD="$DB_PASSWORD" \ "$DB_CLI_CMD" \ --skip-column-names \ -h "$DB_HOST" \ -u "$DB_USER" \ -P "$DB_PORT" \ "$DB" \ -e "$query_string" ) # initialize array mapfile -t results <<< "$result" # extract result and echo it to stdout, which is # captured by Munin i=0 while [[ -v d_attr[$i,field] ]]; do echo "${d_attr[$i,field]}.value ${results[$i]}" ((++i)) done } # Main case ${1:-} in autoconf) autoconf ;; config) config [ "${MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG:-}" = "1" ] && fetch ;; *) fetch ;; esac exit 0