#!/bin/sh ################################################################# # # Script to monitor apc usage # ################################################################# # # Parameters understood: config, autoconf and suggest # ################################################################# # # Configuration section # # URL to the script to check apc status URL="" #URL="http://localhost/php_apc.php"; # # php file included in package # ################################################################# # # Changelog: # - First Release, Enjoy. # ################################################################# ################################################################# # Settigs required for autoconf #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest WGET=`which wget`; WGET_FLAGS="-Yoff"; # refer to wget manual, you may set extra parameters like disable proxy act=`basename $0 | sed 's/^php_apc_//g'` if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then [ -z "$URL" ] && echo "no (edit URL config in header file !)" && exit 1 [ -n "$URL" ] && echo "yes" && exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "suggest" ]; then echo "memory" echo "hits" echo "percents" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ] && [ "$act" = "memory" ]; then cat <<'EOM' graph_title APC Memory usage graph_args -l 0 --base 1024 graph_vlabel Memory usage graph_category apache graph_order mem_used mem_avail graph_total Total mem_avail.label Memory available mem_avail.draw STACK mem_avail.min 0 mem_used.label Memory Used mem_used.draw AREA mem_used.min 0 EOM exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ] && [ "$act" = "hits" ]; then cat <<'EOM' graph_title APC Hits graph_args -l 0 graph_vlabel Cache hits graph_category apache graph_total Total num_misses.label Missed num_misses.draw AREA num_misses.min 0 num_hits.label Hits num_hits.draw STACK num_hits.min 0 EOM exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ] && [ "$act" = "percents" ]; then cat <<'EOM' graph_title APC Percents graph_args -l 0 --upper-limit 100 graph_vlabel Cache Percents % graph_category apache hits.label hits hits.draw AREA hits.min 0 misses.label misses misses.draw STACK misses.min 0 misses.warning 50 memory.label Memory memory.draw LINE memory.warning 95 memory.critical 98 EOM exit 0 fi ################################################################# # run the sript [ -x $WGET ] && $WGET -q $WGET_FLAGS "$URL?act=$act" -O - && exit 0 exit 1