#!/bin/bash case $1 in config) cat <<'EOM' graph_order snrdown snrup pwrdown pwrup graph_title dsl stats graph_args --base 1000 graph_category Network graph_scale no graph_vlabel DSL SNR and Power attndown.label Down Attenuation attndown.type GAUGE attnup.label Up Attenuation attnup.type GAUGE snrdown.label Down SNR snrdown.type GAUGE snrup.label Up SNR snrup.type GAUGE pwrup.label Up Power pwrup.type GAUGE pwrdown.label Down Power pwrdown.type GAUGE pwrdown.cdef pwrdown,10,/ pwrup.cdef pwrup,10,/ graph_info Graph of DSL Connection Stats EOM exit 0;; esac # verify we have the IP for the modem if [[ "$DSLMODEMIP" == "" ]] then echo "DSLMODEMIP variable must be set!" exit 1 fi # create temp file for storing wget output TMPFILE=$(mktemp) # if we have auth variables then add them to # wget cmdline if [[ "$DSLUSER" != "" && "$DSLPASS" != "" ]] then AUTH_OPT="--user=$DSLUSER --password='$DSLPASS' " fi # get wan stats page and store it to temp file wget $AUTH_OPT --tries=1 --timeout=10 -q -O $TMPFILE http://$DSLMODEMIP/modemstatus_wanstatus.html # parse the javascript on the page to get the info we need and print it cat $TMPFILE | grep 'dslstatus = '| sed -e "s/['; ]//g" | head -n 1 | awk -F '[|/]' '{print "snrdown.value "$5"\nsnrup.value "$6"\nattndown.value "$7"\nattnup.value "$8"\npwrup.value "$29"\npwrdown.value "$30}' #remove temp file rm $TMPFILE