#!/usr/bin/perl =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME nn_ - Munin plugin to display misc newznab stats. =head1 CONFIGURATION This script is used to generate data for several graphs. To generate data for one specific graph, you need to create a symbolic link with a name like nn_ to this script. To get a graph over numbers of users use nn_users =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS Any MySQL platform, tested by the author on MySQL 5.1.29 and 5.0.51 =head1 CONFIGURATION This script is used to generate data for several graphs. To generate data for one specific graph, you need to create a symbolic link with a name like nn_ to this script. connection parameters - use this in your plugin configuration file. [nn_*] env.mysqlconnection DBI:mysql:;host=;port=3306 env.mysqluser env.mysqlpassword =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item DBD::mysql =back =head1 THANKS A special thanks to Kjell-Magne Øierud for the mysql_ plugin in munin which gave me the inspiration and reusable code to create this plugin. =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012 Jan Astrup (cryzeck@synIRC) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =cut use warnings; use strict; use utf8; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use Munin::Plugin; #-- CONFIG --# my %config = ( 'dsn' => $ENV{'mysqlconnection'} || 'dbi:mysql:newznab', 'user' => $ENV{'mysqluser'} || 'test1', 'password' => $ENV{'mysqlpassword'} || 'test', ); my %defaults = ( global_attrs => { args => '--base 1000 -l 0', scale => 'no', }, data_source_attrs => { draw => 'AREA', }, ); my %graphs = (); $graphs{releases} = { config => { global_attrs => { title => 'Releases', vlabel => 'Releases', }, data_source_attrs => { min => '0', }, }, data_sources => [ {name => 'releases', label => 'Releases'}, ], }; $graphs{category} = { config => { global_attrs => { title => 'Releases by category', vlabel => 'Releases by category', }, data_source_attrs => { min => '0', draw => 'LINE2', type => 'GAUGE', }, }, data_sources => [ {name => '1000', label => 'Console'}, {name => '1010', label => 'NDS'}, {name => '1020', label => 'PSP'}, {name => '1030', label => 'Wii'}, {name => '1040', label => 'Xbox'}, {name => '1050', label => 'Xbox 360'}, {name => '1060', label => 'WiiWare/VC'}, {name => '1070', label => 'XBOX 360 DLC'}, {name => '1080', label => 'PS3'}, {name => '2000', label => 'Movies'}, {name => '2010', label => 'Foreign'}, {name => '2020', label => 'Other'}, {name => '2030', label => 'SD'}, {name => '2040', label => 'HD'}, {name => '2050', label => 'BluRay'}, {name => '2060', label => '3D'}, {name => '3000', label => 'Audio'}, {name => '3010', label => 'MP3'}, {name => '3020', label => 'Video'}, {name => '3030', label => 'Audiobook'}, {name => '3040', label => 'Lossless'}, {name => '4000', label => 'PC'}, {name => '4010', label => '0day'}, {name => '4020', label => 'ISO'}, {name => '4030', label => 'Mac'}, {name => '4040', label => 'Mobile-Other'}, {name => '4050', label => 'Games'}, {name => '4060', label => 'Mobile-iOS'}, {name => '4070', label => 'Mobile-Android'}, {name => '5000', label => 'TV'}, {name => '5020', label => 'Foreign'}, {name => '5030', label => 'SD'}, {name => '5040', label => 'HD'}, {name => '5050', label => 'Other'}, {name => '5060', label => 'Sport'}, {name => '5070', label => 'Anime'}, {name => '5080', label => 'Documentary'}, {name => '6000', label => 'XXX'}, {name => '6010', label => 'DVD'}, {name => '6020', label => 'WMV'}, {name => '6030', label => 'XviD'}, {name => '6040', label => 'x264'}, {name => '6050', label => 'Pack'}, {name => '6060', label => 'ImgSet'}, {name => '7000', label => 'Other'}, {name => '7010', label => 'Misc'}, {name => '7020', label => 'Ebook'}, {name => '7030', label => 'Comics'}, ], }; $graphs{api} = { config => { global_attrs => { title => 'API Requests / Downloads', vlabel => 'API / DOWNLOAD', }, data_source_attrs => { min => '0', draw => 'LINE1', type => 'GAUGE', }, }, data_sources => [ {name => 'request', label => 'API Requests'}, {name => 'download', label => 'Downloads'}, ], }; $graphs{users} = { config => { global_attrs => { title => 'Registered Users', vlabel => 'Usercount', }, data_source_attrs => { min => '0', }, }, data_sources => [ {name => 'users', label => 'Users'}, ], }; our $data; sub config { my $graph_name = shift; die 'Unknown graph ' . ($graph_name ? $graph_name : '') unless $graphs{$graph_name}; my $graph = $graphs{$graph_name}; my %conf = (%{$defaults{global_attrs}}, %{$graph->{config}{global_attrs}}); while (my ($k, $v) = each %conf) { print "graph_$k $v\n"; } print "graph_category newznab\n"; my $i = 0; for my $ds (@{$graph->{data_sources}}) { my %ds_spec = ( %{$defaults{data_source_attrs}}, %{$graph->{config}{data_source_attrs}}, %$ds, ); while (my ($k, $v) = each %ds_spec) { # 'name' is only used internally in this script, not # understood by munin. next if ($k eq 'name'); if ($k eq 'draw' && $v eq 'AREASTACK') { printf("%s.%s %s\n", clean_fieldname($ds->{name}), $k, ($i ? 'STACK' : 'AREA')); } else { printf("%s.%s %s\n", clean_fieldname($ds->{name}), $k, $v); } $i++; } } return 0; } sub main { my $graph = substr(basename($0), length('nn_')); my $command = $ARGV[0] || 'show'; my %commands = ( 'config' => \&config, 'show' => \&show, ); die "Unknown command: $command" unless exists $commands{$command}; return $commands{$command}->($graph); } sub show { my $graph_name = shift; die 'Unknown graph ' . ($graph_name ? $graph_name : '') unless $graphs{$graph_name}; my $graph = $graphs{$graph_name}; run_queries($graph_name); for my $ds (@{$graph->{data_sources}}) { printf "%s.value %s\n", clean_fieldname($ds->{name}), ($data->{$ds->{name}} ? $data->{$ds->{name}} : '0'); } return 0; } sub db_connect { my $dsn = "$config{dsn};mysql_connect_timeout=5"; return DBI->connect($dsn, $config{user}, $config{password}, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, FetchHashKeyName => 'NAME_lc', }); } sub run_queries { my $updater = shift; $data = {}; my $dbh = db_connect(); my %updaters = ( 'releases' => \&update_releases, 'users' => \&update_users, 'api' => \&update_requests, 'category' => \&update_category, ); die "Unknown updater: $updater" unless exists $updaters{$updater}; $updaters{$updater}->($dbh); } sub update_requests { my ($dbh) = @_; my %queries = ( request => 'select count(*) as requests from userrequests where timestamp > now() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE;', download => 'select count(*) as downloads from userdownloads where timestamp > now() - INTERVAL 5 MINUTE;', ); for my $name ( qw(request download) ) { my $query = $queries{$name}; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute(); while (my $row = $sth->fetch) { $data->{$name} = $row->[0]; } $sth->finish(); } } sub update_category { my ($dbh) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare('select count(*) as releases, category.title, category.id from releases LEFT JOIN category ON releases.categoryID = category.ID group by releases.categoryID'); $sth->execute(); if ($@) { die $@; } while (my $row = $sth->fetch) { $data->{$row->[2]} = $row->[0]; } } sub update_releases { my ($dbh) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) as releases from releases'); eval { $sth->execute(); }; if ($@) { die $@; } my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $data->{releases} = $row->{'releases'}; $sth->finish(); } sub update_users { my ($dbh) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT count(*) as users from users'); eval { $sth->execute(); }; if ($@) { die $@; } my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref(); $data->{users} = $row->{'users'}; $sth->finish(); } exit main() unless caller; 1;