#!/usr/bin/perl # # Plugin to monitor the Scalix email system. # # $Log$ # # # Parameters: # # config (required) # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config) # # Magic markers (Used by munin-config and some installation scripts. # Optional): # #%# family=contrib my $OMRP="/opt/scalix/bin/omrealpath"; my $mode = shift; if($mode eq "config") { print "graph_title Scalix Index Work Queue\n"; print "graph_args -l 0\n"; print "graph_vlabel number\n"; print "graph_category Scalix\n"; print "graph_title Scalix Index Work Queue\n"; print "graph_vlabel Items\n"; print "items.label Items to be indexed\n"; print "items.min 0\n"; exit 0; } my $iwdir = `$OMRP "~/indexwork"`; chomp $iwdir; #print "$iwdir\n"; my ($f, $fsize, $i); opendir(DIR, $iwdir); while ($f = readdir(DIR)) { next unless $f =~ /\d+\.\d/; $fsize = -s $iwdir . '/' . $f; # print "$f $fsize\n"; $i += ($fsize / 112); } closedir(DIR); $i = int $i; print "items.value $i\n";