#!/bin/bash # # Plugin made by Dju # useful to know your freebox uptime, and to see when it has rebooted ;) # # Uses nmap to get the uptime (by tcp connection, RFC1323) # ports usually opened on the freebox: 80 554 9100 # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # nmap example with the -O option # on a freebox v5 # # Starting Nmap 4.62 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-12-17 02:25 CET # Interesting ports on mafreebox.freebox.fr ( # Not shown: 1712 filtered ports # PORT STATE SERVICE # 80/tcp open http # 554/tcp open rtsp # 9100/tcp open jetdirect # Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port # Device type: remote management # Running: HP embedded # OS details: HP Onboard Administrator management console # Uptime: 7.226 days (since Thu Dec 9 21:01:44 2010) # # OS detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at http://nmap.org/submit/ . # Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 29.279 seconds # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # by using nmap on a specific tcp port, the detection is pretty fast (2-5 seconds) # with this command: nmap -O --osscan-guess -p80 remote_host # # if you dont want nmap to query your freebox each time, set CACHE_HOURS=n # to keep the uptime in cache for n hours # if not, set CACHE_HOURS=0 # # to allow this plugin to use nmap, edit /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node and add # [FreeboxUptime] # user root # # exit value if error: # 1: nmap not installed # 2: freebox not reachable by ping # 3: uptime not found in nmap result # # Magic markers - optional - used by installation scripts and # munin-config: # #%# family=manual #%# capabilities=autoconf CACHE_FILE=/var/lib/munin/plugin-state/FreeboxUptime.cache CACHE_HOURS=3 NMAP=$(which nmap) TCP_PORT=9100 FREEBOX_HOST=mafreebox.freebox.fr # check if network connection is ok if ping -c1 -w1 -s20 $FREEBOX_HOST 2>/dev/null > /dev/null; then PING=1 else PING=0 fi if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if [ -z "$NMAP" ]; then echo "no (nmap not installed)" exit 1 else if [ $PING -eq 0 ]; then echo "no (Freebox not reachable)" exit 2 else echo yes exit 0 fi fi fi if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title Freebox Uptime' echo 'graph_category system' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 -l 0 ' echo 'graph_vlabel uptime in days' graph_info="Shows the uptime of your freebox (cache: ${CACHE_HOURS}h" if [ -f $CACHE_FILE ]; then lastCheck=$(stat -c %z $CACHE_FILE | cut -d"." -f1) lastReboot=$(awk -F"@" '{print $2}' $CACHE_FILE) graph_info="${graph_info} - last check: ${lastCheck} - last reboot: $lastReboot" else graph_info="${graph_info})" fi echo "graph_info ${graph_info}" echo 'uptime.label uptime' echo 'uptime.draw AREA' exit 0 fi if [ -z "$NMAP" ]; then exit 1 elif [ $PING -eq 0 ]; then exit 2 else use_nmap=1 if [ -f $CACHE_FILE ]; then ts_cache=$(stat -c %Y $CACHE_FILE) ts_now=$(date "+%s") sec_diff=$(expr $ts_now - $ts_cache) hours_diff=$(expr $sec_diff / 3600) if [ $hours_diff -lt $CACHE_HOURS ]; then use_nmap=0 uptime=$(cat $CACHE_FILE | awk -F"@" '{print $1}') fi fi if [ $use_nmap -eq 1 ]; then uptime=$(nmap -O --osscan-guess -p${TCP_PORT} ${FREEBOX_HOST} | grep Uptime) if [ -z "$uptime" ]; then exit 3 else lastReboot=$(echo $uptime | grep -o '(since .*)' | sed 's/(since //g') uptime=$(echo $uptime | awk '{print $2}') echo "${uptime}@${lastReboot}" > $CACHE_FILE fi fi echo "uptime.value ${uptime}" fi