#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # # byprojects_bandwidth # # Perl script to monitor total bandwidth *byprojects* (e.g. vhost) from multiple # files and/or regex. # # Danny Fullerton # Mantor Organization # This work is licensed under a MIT license. # # You need logtail (https://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/logtail/) # # mod_logio apache module (https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_logio.html). # Your logformat should look like this: # "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %I %O" # where %I is input and %O is output. # # Log can be gathered from multiple sources by simply specifying multiple log # filename or using wildcards (glob). File content can be selected using regex. # # - 'prod' => [ {'path' => '/home/prod/log/access.log'} ], # Prod graph will be using everything in /home/prod/log/access.log # # - 'test' => [ {'path' => '/var/log/access.log', 'regex' => '"[A-Z]+ /test/'}, # {'path' => '/home/test/log/access*.log'} ], # Test graph will be using everything file matching /home/test/log/access*.log # and stuff that match the expression '"[A-Z] /test/' in /var/log/access.log # such as '"GET /test/' my $server = 'Apache'; my $statepath = $ENV{MUNIN_PLUGSTATE}; my $logtail = '/usr/local/bin/logtail'; my %logs = ( 'prod' => [ {'path' => '/home/prod/log/access.log'} ], 'dev' => [ {'path' => '/var/log/httpd/ssl-dev-access.log'}, {'path' => '/home/dev/log/access.log'} ], 'test' => [ {'path' => '/var/log/access.log', 'regex' => '"[A-Z]+ /test/'}, {'path' => '/home/test/log/access.log'} ], ); ########### if(defined($ARGV[0])) { if ($ARGV[0] eq 'autoconf') { print "yes\n"; exit(0); } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'config') { my $order = ''; while ((my $project, my @files) = each(%logs)) { $order .= $project.' ' } print "graph_order $order\n"; print "graph_title $server total bandwidth byprojects\n"; print "graph_total Total\n"; print "graph_vlabel Bits\n"; print "graph_category webserver\n"; print "graph_info This graph show $server total bandwidth used by various " . "projects.\n"; while ((my $project, my @files) = each(%logs)) { print $project.".label $project\n"; print $project.".type GAUGE\n"; } exit(0); } } foreach my $project ( keys %logs ) { my $i = 0; my $o = 0; my $x = 0; foreach my $log ( @{$logs{$project}} ) { my @paths = glob $log->{'path'}; foreach my $path (@paths) { my $state = $statepath.'/'.$project.$x.'_totalbandwidth.state'; open(LT, "$logtail -f ".$log->{'path'}." -o $state |") or die "Can't open $logtail : $!"; while () { my $buf = $_; if($buf eq '') { next } if(!defined($log->{'regex'}) || $buf =~ m/$log->{'regex'}/) { if($buf =~ m/(\d+) (\d+)$/) { $i += $1; $o += $2; } } } close(LT); $x++; } } $x = $i + $o; print $project.".value $x\n"; }