#!/bin/bash # # HDHomeRun Signal grapher # David Muench - davemuench at gmail # # Version 1 - 1/19/11 - Initial release # # Munin plugin to graph the signal strength/quality for a HDHomeRun TV tuner. # Developed and tested against a HDHR US Dual model. # # Requires the hdhomerun_config binary. It can be obtained from # http://www.silicondust.com/support/hdhomerun/downloads/linux/ # Or if you are running Debian/Ubuntu: # apt-get install hdhomerun-config # # Place the hdhomerun_ script in your munin plugins directory (usually # /usr/share/munin/plugins) and create symlinks of the format # "hdhomerun__tuner", such as hdhomerun_123456_tuner0. # The deviceid can be obtained by running "hdhomerun_config discover". # Alternatively, the script supports the suggest option which will # scan for all HDHomeRun devices on the network and set up the symlinks. # To do this, run: # # munin-node-configure --shell | grep hdhomerun | bash # # Note: It will assume you have a dual tuner model and set up links # for tuner0 and tuner1. If you have a single tuner model, just delete # the tuner1 link. # #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest CONFIGPROG="/usr/bin/hdhomerun_config" DEVID="`echo $0 | cut -d _ -f 2`" TUNER="`echo $0 | cut -d _ -f 3`" if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ] ; then if [ -x "$CONFIGPROG" ] ; then echo "yes" else echo "no ($CONFIGPROG Does not exist or isn't executable!)." fi exit fi if [ "$1" = "config" ] ; then echo "graph_title HDHomeRun $DEVID $TUNER Signal Strength" echo "graph_args --upper-limit 100 -l 0" echo "graph_vlabel %" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_category tv" echo "ss.label Signal Strength" echo "snq.label Signal Quality" echo "seq.label Symbol Quality" exit fi if [ "$1" = "suggest" ] ; then for i in "`$CONFIGPROG discover`"; do echo "`echo $i | awk '{print $3}'`_tuner0" echo "`echo $i | awk '{print $3}'`_tuner1" done exit fi OUTPUT="`$CONFIGPROG $DEVID get /$TUNER/status`" # Signal Strength echo "ss.value `echo $OUTPUT | sed -e 's/^.*ss=//' -e 's/d* .*$//'`" # Signal Quality echo "snq.value `echo $OUTPUT | sed -e 's/^.*snq=//' -e 's/d* .*$//'`" # Symbol Quality echo "seq.value `echo $OUTPUT | sed -e 's/^.*seq=//' -e 's/d* .*$//'`"