#!/bin/bash # -*- bash -*- : << =cut =head1 NAME amd_gpu_ - Wildcard plugin to monitor AMD GPUs. Uses aticonfig utility, usually bundled with AMD GPU driver, to obtain information. To use this plugin you have to make sure aticonfig will run without an active X server (i.e. without anyone being logged in via the GUI). For more information about this issue visit the link below: http://www.mayankdaga.com/running-opencl-applications-remotely-on-amd-gpus/ =head1 CONFIGURATION This is a wildcard plugin. The wildcard prefix link name should be the value to monitor. This plugin uses the following configuration variables: [amd_gpu_*] user root env.aticonfexec - Location of aticonfig executable. env.warning - Warning temperature env.critical - Critical temperature =head2 DEFAULT CONFIGURATION The default configuration is to set "env.aticonfexec" to /usr/bin/aticonfig and assume warning and critical temperatures of 75 and 95 degrees celsius, respectively. =head2 EXAMPLE WILDCARD USAGE C ...will monitor the temperature of available AMD GPUs. =head1 TODO =over 4 =item * Use multigraphs for multiple GPUs (http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/MultigraphSampleOutput). =back =head1 AUTHOR Nuno Fachada faken@fakenmc.com =head1 LICENSE GNU General Public License, version 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf suggest =cut # Determine name of parameter to monitor name=`basename $0 | sed 's/^amd_gpu_//g'` # Get location of aticonfig executable or use default atiConfigExec=${aticonfexec:-'/usr/bin/aticonfig'} # Check if autoconf was requested if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then # Autoconf only returns yes if aticonfig exists and is executable if [ -x $atiConfigExec ]; then echo yes exit 0 else echo "no (aticonfig executable not found)" exit 0 fi fi # Check if suggest was requested if [ "$1" = "suggest" ]; then echo "temp" echo "clocks" echo "fan" echo "load" echo "vcore" exit 0 fi # Get number of GPUs nGpusOutput=`$atiConfigExec --list-adapters` nGpus=`echo "$nGpusOutput" | wc -l` nGpus=$((nGpus - 2)) # Last two lines don't matter if [ $nGpus -eq 0 ]; then # Exit if no GPUs found echo "No AMD GPUs detected. Exiting." exit 1 fi # Check if config was requested if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then # Configure graph depending on what which quantity will be plotted case $name in temp) echo 'graph_title GPU temperature' echo 'graph_args -l 0 -u 120' echo 'graph_vlabel Degrees (C)' echo 'graph_category gpu' echo "graph_info Temperature information for AMD GPUs" nGpusCounter=0 while [ $nGpusCounter -lt $nGpus ] do gpuName=`echo "$nGpusOutput" | grep "* 0" | cut -f 1,3 --complement -d " "` echo "temp${nGpusCounter}.warning ${warning:-75}" echo "temp${nGpusCounter}.critical ${critical:-95}" echo "temp${nGpusCounter}.info Temperature information for $gpuName" echo "temp${nGpusCounter}.label Temperature ($gpuName)" : $(( nGpusCounter = $nGpusCounter + 1 )) done ;; clocks) # First determine max clock for each GPU... read -a array <<< `$atiConfigExec --odgc | grep "Peak Range" | grep -o "[0-9]*"` maxclock=0 for element in "${array[@]}" do if [ "$element" -gt "$maxclock" ]; then maxclock=$element fi done # ...then output config data. echo 'graph_title GPU clock' echo "graph_args -l 0 -u $maxclock" echo 'graph_vlabel MHz' echo 'graph_category gpu' echo "graph_info Core and memory clock info for AMD GPUs" nGpusCounter=0 while [ $nGpusCounter -lt $nGpus ] do gpuName=`echo "$nGpusOutput" | grep "* 0" | cut -f 1,3 --complement -d " "` echo "memclock${nGpusCounter}.info Memory clock information for $gpuName" echo "memclock${nGpusCounter}.label Memory clock ($gpuName)" echo "coreclock${nGpusCounter}.info Core clock information for $gpuName" echo "coreclock${nGpusCounter}.label Core clock ($gpuName)" : $(( nGpusCounter = $nGpusCounter + 1 )) done ;; fan) echo 'graph_title GPU fan speed' echo 'graph_args -l 0 -u 100' echo 'graph_vlabel Percentage' echo 'graph_category gpu' echo "graph_info Fan speed of AMD GPUs" nGpusCounter=0 while [ $nGpusCounter -lt $nGpus ] do gpuName=`echo "$nGpusOutput" | grep "* 0" | cut -f 1,3 --complement -d " "` echo "fan${nGpusCounter}.info Fan speed information for $gpuName" echo "fan${nGpusCounter}.label Fan speed ($gpuName)" : $(( nGpusCounter = $nGpusCounter + 1 )) done ;; load) echo 'graph_title GPU load' echo 'graph_args -l 0 -u 100' echo 'graph_vlabel Percentage' echo 'graph_category gpu' echo "graph_info GPU load" nGpusCounter=0 while [ $nGpusCounter -lt $nGpus ] do gpuName=`echo "$nGpusOutput" | grep "* 0" | cut -f 1,3 --complement -d " "` echo "load${nGpusCounter}.info Load information for $gpuName" echo "load${nGpusCounter}.label Load ($gpuName)" : $(( nGpusCounter = $nGpusCounter + 1 )) done ;; vcore) echo 'graph_title GPU core voltage' echo 'graph_vlabel mV' echo 'graph_category gpu' echo "graph_info GPU core voltage" nGpusCounter=0 while [ $nGpusCounter -lt $nGpus ] do gpuName=`echo "$nGpusOutput" | grep "* 0" | cut -f 1,3 --complement -d " "` echo "vcore${nGpusCounter}.info Vcore information for $gpuName" echo "vcore${nGpusCounter}.label Core voltage ($gpuName)" : $(( nGpusCounter = $nGpusCounter + 1 )) done ;; *) echo "Can't run without a proper symlink. Exiting." echo "Try running munin-node-configure --suggest." exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 fi # Get and print requested value for all available GPUs export DISPLAY=:0 nGpusCounter=0 while [ $nGpusCounter -lt $nGpus ] do case $name in temp) value=`$atiConfigExec --adapter=$nGpusCounter --odgt | grep "Sensor 0: Temperature" | grep -o "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*"` echo "temp${nGpusCounter}.value $value" ;; clocks) value=`$atiConfigExec --adapter=$nGpusCounter --odgc | grep "Current Clocks" | grep -o "[0-9]*"` coreClock=`echo "$value" | sed -n 1p` echo "coreclock${nGpusCounter}.value $coreClock" memClock=`echo "$value" | sed -n 2p` echo "memclock${nGpusCounter}.value $memClock" ;; fan) value=`$atiConfigExec --adapter=$nGpusCounter --pplib-cmd "get fanspeed 0" | grep "Fan Speed" | grep -o "[0-9]*"` echo "fan${nGpusCounter}.value $value" ;; load) value=`$atiConfigExec --adapter=$nGpusCounter --odgc | grep "GPU load" | grep -o "[0-9]*"` echo "load${nGpusCounter}.value $value" ;; vcore) value=`$atiConfigExec --adapter=$nGpusCounter --pplib-cmd "get activity" | grep "VDDC" | grep -o "[0-9]*"` echo "vcore${nGpusCounter}.value $value" ;; *) echo "Can't run without a proper symlink. Exiting." echo "Try running munin-node-configure --suggest." exit 1 ;; esac : $(( nGpusCounter = $nGpusCounter + 1 )) done