#!/bin/sh # # Description : Plugin to monitor a server/network availability. # Author : Thomas VIAL # Author URL : http://tvi.al # Usage : ln -s /path/to/fping_ /etc/munin/plugins/fping_www.google.com # Explaination : Will graph connection to www.google.com # Requirements : # * fping # target=`basename $0 | sed 's/^fping_//g'` item=`echo $target | sed -e 's/\.//g'` # # Config # if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo "graph_title ${target} availability" echo "graph_args --base 1000 -r -l 0 -u 100" echo "graph_vlabel Availability in %" echo "graph_category network" echo "graph_info Displays Network Availability" # Failure echo "failure.label Unreachable" echo "failure.draw AREA" echo "failure.colour ff0000" # Success echo "success.label Reachable" echo "success.draw STACK" echo "success.colour 00CC00CC" exit 0 fi # # Let's go! # fping -q $target status=$? if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then # Success echo "success.value 100" echo "failure.value 0" else # Failure echo "success.value 0" echo "failure.value 100" fi