#!/bin/sh # # This plugin will graph data from mod_jk # # Author: Anders Welén, anders.welen@redpill-linpro.com # url="http://localhost/jkstatus?mime=prop" wget=`which wget` if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ] then if test "x$wget" = "x" then echo "no (need wget)" exit 0 fi echo yes exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "config" ] then nodes=`$wget -q --no-cache $url -O - | grep "^worker\..*\.type=ajp13$" | awk -F . '{print $2}'` # Status graph echo "multigraph mod_jk_status" echo "graph_title mod_jk Status" echo "graph_category mod_jk" echo "graph_info This graph shows the status of the different mod_jk nodes." echo "graph_vlabel Status" for i in $nodes do echo "$i.label $i" echo "$i.info 1=Ok, 2=All connections busy, 3=Error" echo "$i.warning 1" echo "$i.critical 2" done # Request graphs for i in $nodes do echo "multigraph mod_jk_requests_$i" echo "graph_title mod_jk Requests $i" echo "graph_category mod_jk" echo "graph_info This graph shows the status of requests to the mod_jk node: $i" echo "graph_vlabel Request" echo "busy.label Current" echo "max_busy.label Max. concurrent" echo "errors.label Errors/min" echo "errors.info The number of errors/min" echo "errors.type COUNTER" echo "errors.graph_period minute" done # Traffic graphs for i in $nodes do echo "multigraph mod_jk_traffic_$i" echo "graph_title mod_jk Traffic $i" echo "graph_category mod_jk" echo "graph_info This graph shows the traffic statistics to the mod_jk node: $i" echo "graph_vlabel Bytes/min" echo "transferred.label Write to node (bytes/min)" echo "transferred.type COUNTER" echo "transferred.graph_period minute" echo "read.label Read from node (bytes/min)" echo "read.type COUNTER" echo "read.graph_period minute" done exit 0 fi data=`$wget -q --no-cache $url -O -` # Status graph echo "multigraph mod_jk_status" for i in `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker\..*\.state=.*"` do node=`echo $i | awk -F . '{print $2}'` status=`echo $i | awk -F = '{print $2}'` value=0 if [ `echo $status | sed 's/^OK/XOK/'` = "X$status" ] then value=1 fi if [ `echo $status | sed 's/BUSY/X/'` != $status ] then value=2 fi if [ `echo $status | sed 's/^ERR/XERR/'` = "X$status" ] then value=3 fi echo "$node.value $value" done # Request graphs for node in `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker\..*\.type=ajp13" | awk -F . '{print $2}'` do echo "multigraph mod_jk_requests_$node" echo "busy.value `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker.$node.busy" | awk -F = '{print $2}'`" echo "max_busy.value `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker.$node.max_busy" | awk -F = '{print $2}'`" echo "errors.value `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker.$node.errors" | awk -F = '{print $2}'`" done # Traffic graphs for node in `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker\..*\.type=ajp13" | awk -F . '{print $2}'` do echo "multigraph mod_jk_traffic_$node" echo "transferred.value `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker.$node.transferred" | awk -F = '{print $2}'`" echo "read.value `echo $data | sed 's/worker/\nworker/g' | grep "^worker.$node.read" | awk -F = '{print $2}'`" done