#!/bin/bash ###################################################################################################################### # Plugin to monitor NFS statistics of EMC VNX 5300 Unified Storage system # ###################################################################################################################### # Author: Evgeny Beysembaev ##################################### # Description # ##################################### # The plugin monitors NFS v3 statistics of EMC Unified Storage system. Probably it can also be compatible with # other Isilon or Celerra systems. It uses SSH to connect to Control Stations, then remotely executes # /nas/sbin/server_stats and fetches and parses data from it. It supports gathering data both from active/active # and active/passive Datamover configurations, ignoring offline or standby Datamovers. If all Datamovers are # offline or absent, the plugin returns error. # This plugin also automatically chooses Primary Control Station from the list by calling /nasmcd/sbin/getreason and # /nasmcd/sbin/t2slot. # # At the moment data is gathered from the following statistics sources: # nfs.v3.op - Tons of timings about NFS RPC calls # nfs.client - Here new Client addresses are rescanned and added automatically. # # It's quite easy to comment out unneeded data to make graphs less overloaded or to add new statistics sources. ##################################### # Configuration # ##################################### # The plugin uses SSH to connect to Control Stations. It's possible to use 'nasadmin' user, but it would be better # if you create read-only global user by Unisphere Client. The user should have only Operator role. # I created "operator" user but due to the fact that Control Stations already had one internal "operator" user, # the new one was called "operator1". So be careful. # # On munin-node side choose a user which will be used to connect through SSH. Generally user "munin" is ok. Then, # execute "sudo su munin -s /bin/bash", "ssh-keygen" and "ssh-copy-id" to both Control Stations with newly created # user. # # Make a link from /usr/share/munin/plugins/emc_vnx_nfsv3_stats to /etc/munin/plugins/emc_vnx_nfsv3_stats_, # where is any arbitrary name of your storage system. The plugin will return in its answer # as "host_name" field. # Assume your storage system is called "VNX5300". # # Make a configuration file at /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/emc_vnx_nfsv3_stats_VNX5300 # # [emc_vnx_nfsv3_stats_vnx5300] # user munin # SSH Client local user # env.username operator1 # Remote user with Operator role # env.cs_addr # Control Stations addresses # env.nas_servers server_2 server_3 # This is the default value and can be omitted ##################################### # History # ##################################### # 08.11.2016 - First Release ###################################################################################################################### export LANG=C TARGET=$(echo "${0##*/}" | cut -d _ -f 5) : ${nas_servers:="server_2 server_3"} SSH_CHECK='ssh -q $username@$CS "/nasmcd/sbin/getreason | grep -w slot_\`/nasmcd/sbin/t2slot\` | cut -d- -f1"' if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then echo "yes" exit 0 fi if [ -z "$username" ]; then echo "No username!" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$cs_addr" ]; then echo "No control station addresses!" exit 1 fi #Choosing Cotrol Station. Code have to be "10" for CS in $cs_addr; do if [ "`eval $SSH_CHECK`" -eq "10" ]; then # echo "$CS is Primary" PRIMARY_CS=$CS break fi done if [ -z "$PRIMARY_CS" ]; then echo "No alive primary Control Station from list \"$cs_addr\""; exit 1; fi SSH="ssh -q $username@$PRIMARY_CS . /home/operator1/.bash_profile; " echo "host_name ${TARGET}" if [ "$1" = "config" ] ; then for server in $nas_servers; do $SSH nas_server -i $server | grep -q 'type *= nas' if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then continue; fi nas_server_ok=TRUE #nfs.v3.op data member_elements=`$SSH server_stats $server -info nfs.v3.op | grep member_elements | sed -ne 's/^.*= //p'` IFS=',' read -ra graphs <<< $member_elements echo "multigraph vnx_emc_calls_s graph_title EMC VNX 5300 NFS V3 Calls per second graph_vlabel Calls graph_category nfs graph_args --base 1000" for graph in "${graphs[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | cut -d '.' -f4 ` echo "${server}_$field.label $server $field" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_usec_call graph_title EMC VNX 5300 NFS V3 uSeconds per call graph_vlabel uSec / call graph_category nfs graph_args --base 1000" for graph in "${graphs[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | cut -d '.' -f4 ` echo "${server}_$field.label $server $field" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_op_percent graph_title EMC VNX 5300 NFS V3 Op % graph_vlabel % graph_category nfs" for graph in "${graphs[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | cut -d '.' -f4 ` echo "${server}_$field.label $server $field" echo "${server}_$field.min 0" done #nfs.client data # Total Read Write Suspicious Total Read Write Avg # Ops/s Ops/s Ops/s Ops diff KiB/s KiB/s KiB/s uSec/call member_elements=`$SSH server_stats server_2 -monitor nfs.client -count 1 -terminationsummary no -titles never | sed -ne 's/^.*id=//p' | cut -d' ' -f1` readarray graphs2 <<< $member_elements echo " multigraph vnx_emc_nfs_client_ops_s graph_title EMC VNX 5300 NFS Client Ops/s graph_vlabel Ops/s graph_category nfs" echo -n "graph_order " for graph in "${graphs2[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg' ` echo -n "${server}_${field}_r ${server}_${field}_w ${server}_${field}_t ${server}_${field}_s " done echo " " for graph in "${graphs2[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg' ` echo "${server}_${field}_r.label $server $field Read Ops/s" echo "${server}_${field}_w.label $server $field Write Ops/s" echo "${server}_${field}_w.draw STACK" echo "${server}_${field}_t.label $server $field Total Ops/s" echo "${server}_${field}_s.label $server $field Suspicious Ops diff" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_nfs_client_kib_s graph_title EMC VNX 5300 NFS Client KiB/s graph_vlabel KiB/s graph_category nfs" echo -n "graph_order " for graph in "${graphs2[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg' ` echo -n "${server}_${field}_r ${server}_${field}_w ${server}_${field}_t " done echo " " for graph in "${graphs2[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg' ` echo "${server}_${field}_r.label $server $field Read KiB/s" echo "${server}_${field}_w.label $server $field Write KiB/s" echo "${server}_${field}_w.draw STACK" echo "${server}_${field}_t.label $server $field Total KiB/s" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_nfs_client_avg_usec graph_title EMC VNX 5300 NFS Client Avg uSec/call graph_vlabel uSec/call graph_category nfs" for graph in "${graphs2[@]}"; do field=`echo "$graph" | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg' ` echo "${server}_${field}.label $server $field Avg uSec/call" done done if [ -z $nas_server_ok ]; then echo "No active data movers!" exit 1 fi exit 0 fi #nfs.v3.op data for server in $nas_servers; do $SSH nas_server -i $server | grep -q 'type *= nas' if [ "$?" != 0 ] ; then continue; fi nas_server_ok=TRUE member_elements=`$SSH server_stats $server -monitor nfs.v3.op -count 1 -terminationsummary no -titles never | sed -ne 's/^.*v3/v3/p'` NUMCOL=5 LINES=`wc -l <<< $member_elements` while IFS=$'\n' read -ra graphs ; do element+=( $graphs ) done <<< $member_elements echo "multigraph vnx_emc_calls_s" for ((i=0; i<$((LINES)); i++ )); do echo "${server}_${element[i*$NUMCOL]}".value "${element[i*$NUMCOL+1]}" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_usec_call" for ((i=0; i<$((LINES)); i++ )); do echo "${server}_${element[i*$NUMCOL]}".value "${element[i*$NUMCOL+3]}" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_op_percent" for ((i=0; i<$((LINES)); i++ )); do echo "${server}_${element[i*$NUMCOL]}".value "${element[i*$NUMCOL+4]}" done element=() #nfs.client data echo " multigraph vnx_emc_nfs_client_ops_s" member_elements=`$SSH server_stats server_2 -monitor nfs.client -count 1 -terminationsummary no -titles never | sed -ne 's/^.*id=//p'` NUMCOL=9 LINES=`wc -l <<< $member_elements` while IFS=$'\n' read -ra graphs; do element+=($graphs) done <<< $member_elements for (( i=0; i<$((LINES)); i++ )); do client=` echo ${element[i*$NUMCOL]} | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg'` echo "${server}_${client}_r".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+2]}" echo "${server}_${client}_w".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+3]}" echo "${server}_${client}_t".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+1]}" echo "${server}_${client}_s".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+4]}" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_nfs_client_kib_s" for (( i=0; i<$((LINES)); i++ )); do client=` echo ${element[i*$NUMCOL]} | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg'` echo "${server}_${client}_r".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+6]}" echo "${server}_${client}_w".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+7]}" echo "${server}_${client}_t".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+5]}" done echo " multigraph vnx_emc_nfs_client_avg_usec" for (( i=0; i<$((LINES)); i++ )); do client=` echo ${element[i*$NUMCOL]} | sed -ne 's/\./_/pg'` echo "${server}_${client}".value "${element[$i*$NUMCOL+8]}" done done if [ -z $nas_server_ok ]; then echo "No active data movers!" exit 1 fi exit 0