#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*- # Hostname of Icecast server # Just canonical name, no http:// nor ending / host = "foo.bar.com" username = "admin" # Password for admin access to Icecast2 server to fetch statistics password = "" realm = "Icecast2 Server" # Bitrates the MP3 stream is served with mp3bitrates = [56, 128] # Bitrates the Ogg Stream is served with oggbitrates = [56, 128, 172] # This plugin shows the statistics of a specific subset of sources connected to an Icecast2 server. # Place the file in /usr/share/munin/plugins and then symlink to it from # /etc/munin/plugins # The name icecast2_total will show total number of listeners on server, as # well the total number of listeners for any configured stream. # For each stream with multiple bitrates, create one # icecast2_streamname # If the name contains a "-" exchange it with a "_", and the script will change it back for you. This is to satisfy internal requirements of Munin. # For each streamname, the plugin will check for the configured bitrates # Expecting the mountpoints to be on the form of # /streamname_ for mp3 # /streamname_.ogg for Ogg/Vorbis import urllib2, os.path, time, sys from xml.dom import minidom def hent_XML(): auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler() auth_handler.add_password(realm, host, username, password) opener = urllib2.build_opener(auth_handler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) xmlweb = urllib2.urlopen("http://%s/admin/stats" % host) xml = xmlweb.read() xmlweb.close() # Parser oversikt xmldoc = minidom.parseString(xml) xmldoc = xmldoc.firstChild #Totalt antall lyttere total_lyttere = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("clients")[0].firstChild.nodeValue #Totalt antall kilder total_kilder = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("sources")[0].firstChild.nodeValue #Status for enkelt strøm sources = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("source") sourcelist = {} for source in sources: mount = source.getAttribute("mount") listeners = source.getElementsByTagName("listeners")[0].firstChild.nodeValue name = source.getElementsByTagName("server_name")[0].firstChild.nodeValue mount = mount.replace("-", "_") sourcelist[mount[1:]] = (listeners, name) sourcename = sys.argv[0].split("/")[-1][len("icecast2_"):] if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv.append("") if sys.argv[1] == "autoconf": print "yes" elif sys.argv[1] == "config": if sourcename == "total": print "graph_title Totalt antall lyttere" print "graph_vlabel lyttere" print "graph_category Icecast" print "totallyttere.label Totalt antall lyttere" print "totalkilder.label Totalt antall kilder" chanlist = {} for a, b, filelist in os.walk("/etc/munin/plugins"): for file in filelist: if file.find("icecast2_") != -1: channelname = file[len("icecast2_"):] if channelname != "total" and chanlist.has_key(channelname) != 1: chanlist[channelname] = 0 chanlist = chanlist.keys() chanlist.sort() for chan in chanlist: graphtitle = "" for key in sourcelist.keys(): if key.find(chan) != -1: l, graphtitle = sourcelist[key] break if graphtitle == "": graphtitle = chan print "%s.label %s" % (chan, graphtitle) else: sumstring = "" graphtitle = "" for key in sourcelist.keys(): if key.find(sourcename) != -1: l, graphtitle = sourcelist[key] break if graphtitle == "": graphtitle = sourcename print "graph_title %s" % graphtitle print "graph_vlabel lyttere" print "graph_category Icecast" for bitrate in mp3bitrates: print "%s_%s.label %s-%s" % (sourcename, bitrate, "/" + sourcename.replace("_", "-"), bitrate) sumstring += "%s_%s " % (sourcename, bitrate) print "%s_%s.critical -0.5:" % (sourcename, bitrate) for bitrate in oggbitrates: print "%s_%s_ogg.label %s-%s.ogg" % (sourcename, bitrate, "/" + sourcename.replace("_", "-"), bitrate) print "%s_%s_ogg.critical -0.5:" % (sourcename, bitrate) sumstring += "%s_%s_ogg " % (sourcename, bitrate) print "%slyttere.label Totalt antall lyttere" % sourcename print "%slyttere.sum %s" % (sourcename, sumstring) elif sys.argv[1] != "config": if sourcename == "total": print "totallyttere.value %s" % total_lyttere print "totalkilder.value %s" % total_kilder statslist = {} for a, b, filelist in os.walk("/etc/munin/plugins"): for file in filelist: if file.find("icecast2_") != -1: channelname = file[len("icecast2_"):] if channelname != "total" and statslist.has_key(channelname) != 1: statslist[channelname] = 0 for source in sourcelist: listeners, name = sourcelist[source] if not statslist.has_key(source[:source.rfind("_")]): statslist[source[:source.rfind("_")]] = 0 statslist[source[:source.rfind("_")]] += int(listeners) for stat in statslist: print "%s.value %s" % (stat, statslist[stat]) else: for bitrate in mp3bitrates: if sourcelist.has_key("%s_%s" % (sourcename, bitrate)): listeners = sourcelist["%s_%s" % (sourcename, bitrate)][0] print listeners else: listeners = -1 print "%s_%s.value %s" % (sourcename, bitrate, listeners) for bitrate in oggbitrates: if sourcelist.has_key("%s_%s.ogg" % (sourcename, bitrate)): listeners = sourcelist["%s_%s.ogg" % (sourcename, bitrate)][0] else: listeners = -1 print "%s_%s_ogg.value %s" % (sourcename, bitrate, listeners) else: print sys.argv[1] if __name__ == "__main__": hent_XML()