#! /bin/bash # # Simple munin plugin to get total traffic transferred on all network interfaces. # Uses vnStat to keep track of the traffic. # # author: wandrer (wandrer@gmail.com) # site: http://roguenoise.org/munin_plugin_vnstat # # If the plugin is run as root it will update the vnStat database before getting # the stats. # # 2009.09.28 _KaszpiR_ # - quick an ddirty update to support multiple interfaces, for example symlink vnstat_ to vnstat_eth0 and vnstat_eth1 # rember to run before that vnstat -u -i eth0 and vnstat -u -i eth1 to build databases (read manual of vnstat) # other updates of this script maybe soon IFACE=`echo $0 | awk -F_ '{print $1}'` # Config section if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then echo 'graph_title Total Traffic' echo 'graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0' echo 'graph_vlabel Traffic' echo 'graph_category network' echo 'graph_info Total network traffic in bytes.' echo 'totaltx.label Sent' echo 'totaltx.info Total data sent.' echo 'totaltx.cdef totaltx,1000000,*' echo 'totalrx.label Received' echo 'totalrx.info Total data received.' echo 'totalrx.cdef totalrx,1000000,*' exit 0 fi; # The Script # Running as root? if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then `vnstat -u` fi; # Grabs the totals from the database. TOTALSRX=`vnstat --dumpdb -i $IFACE | grep 'totalrx;' | cut -d';' -f2` TOTALSTX=`vnstat --dumpdb -i $IFACE | grep 'totaltx;' | cut -d';' -f2` TOTALSRXMB=0 TOTALSTXMB=0 for TOTALRX in $TOTALSRX do let 'TOTALSRXMB += TOTALRX' done for TOTALTX in $TOTALSTX do let 'TOTALSTXMB += TOTALTX' done echo 'totalrx.value' $TOTALSRXMB echo 'totaltx.value' $TOTALSTXMB exit 0