#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ rethinkdb_node_io - A munin plugin for Linux to monitor the io count per second on the local node This plugin is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 license AGPL 3.0 RubenKelevra Author: @RubenKelevra - This plugin is written with the known limitation to a single instance per host. Patches which remove this limitation are very welcome. If your port / host is somewhat else than the default localhost:28015, and/or your database-server differes in name from `hostname` (short hostname), you can add rethinkdb-node-io config vars like: [rethinkdb_*] env.rethinkdb_port 12345 env.rethinkdb_host localhost.com env.rethinkdb_servername localhost.com The following munin configuration parameters are supported: #%# family=auto contrib #%# capabilities=autoconf """ from importlib.util import find_spec from multiprocessing import Process from os import environ as env from shutil import which from socket import gethostname from sys import argv from sys import exit as fatal_ from sys import stderr # functions def fatal(status): fatal_("ERROR: " + status) def rclose_async(): conn.close() def check_load_rethinkdb() -> bool: try: rdb_spec = find_spec("rethinkdb") if rdb_spec is None: return False return True except: fatal("Unknown error while try to load RethinkDB-Driver") def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=stderr, **kwargs) def getFirstLine(respond): assert isinstance(respond, net.DefaultCursor) for e in respond: return e def print_config(servername): print("graph_title RethinkDB on '%s'- Local Database IOPS and Queries" % servername) print("graph_args --base 1000 -l 0") print("graph_vlabel Operations / second") print("graph_category db") print("total_qps.label queries per sec") print("total_qps.type COUNTER") print("total_rdps.label read docs per sec") print("total_rdps.type COUNTER") print("total_wdps.label written docs per sec") print("total_wdps.type COUNTER") exit(0) def check_autoconf() -> bool: # this might be too easy, but gonna try. if which("rethinkdb"): return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': try: RETHINKDB_SERVERNAME = env['rethinkdb_servername'] except: RETHINKDB_SERVERNAME = gethostname() if len(argv) > 2: fatal("unsupported argument count") elif len(argv) == 2: if str(argv[1]) == "config": print_config(RETHINKDB_SERVERNAME) elif str(argv[1]) == "autoconf": if check_autoconf(): print("yes") else: print("no") if not check_load_rethinkdb(): # FIXME: Correct display of error message when driver is missing should be checked fatal("RethinkDB-Driver not available!") exit(0) else: fatal("unsupported argument") if not check_load_rethinkdb(): fatal("RethinkDB-Driver not available!") from rethinkdb import net, connect, db # load environment try: RETHINKDB_PORT = env['rethinkdb_port'] except: RETHINKDB_PORT = "28015" try: RETHINKDB_HOST = env['rethinkdb_host'] except: RETHINKDB_HOST = "localhost" try: conn = connect(RETHINKDB_HOST, RETHINKDB_PORT) except: fatal("connection attempt to the rethinkdb-host \"%s\" via port \"%s\" failed" % ( str(RETHINKDB_HOST), str(RETHINKDB_PORT))) query_engine_info = getFirstLine( db('rethinkdb').table("stats").filter({"server": RETHINKDB_SERVERNAME}).pluck('query_engine').limit(1).run( conn))['query_engine'] rclose = Process(target=rclose_async()) rclose.start() print("total_qps.value %s" % (query_engine_info["queries_total"])) print("total_rdps.value %s" % (query_engine_info["read_docs_total"])) print("total_wdps.value %s" % (query_engine_info["written_docs_total"])) # wait for connection termination rclose.join()