#!/bin/bash # -*- sh -*- : <<=cut =head1 NAME quota2percent - Plugin to show disk usage in percent of quota hard limit. =head1 APPLICABLE SYSTEMS All systems with "bash", "quota", "repquota" and "munin" Systems with multiple users and individual storage space limitations administered via 'quota' =head1 CONFIGURATION The following is the default configuration [quota2percent_*] user root You could define two alert levels, the graph language, min. human UID and dealing with system users [quota2percent_*] env.warning [value] (default: 90) env.critical [value] (default: 95) env.language [en|de|es] (default: en) env.humanuid [value] (default: 1000, only need if there is an other value define for UID_MIN in /etc/login.defs) env.low_uid [never|no|yes] (default: never) set to no for producing rrd files for system user, but don't show those graphs (e.g. for later analyses) if set to yes system user graphs are drawn =head1 DESCRIPTION Wild card Plugin for monitoring the utilization of devices with quota rules. A graph is drawn for each user, which shows the usage as a percentage of his hard limit. System accounts (UID <1000) are suppressed. In addition, a graph is displayed which indicates the ratio device size to device coverage. The script repqutoa, usually part of the package quota, is needed. The plugin itself can be stored in any directory. For example, the device sdb1 shell be monitored, a symbolic link must be created in the /etc/munin/plugins/ directory as follows: =over I<<< ln -s //quota2percent_ quota2percent_sdb1 >>> =back =head1 MAGIC MARKERS #%# family=auto #%# capabilities=autoconf =head1 VERSION 17.0214 =head1 HISTORY V17.0214 fix hard reading logic operation for skipping by Low_UID=never fix some slips fix some nitpicking details add env.low_uid add env.humanid add env.language add check if device exist add if no limitations administered via 'quota' for the device the total line is shown only add a few comments add POD documentation add example graph for Munin Plugin Gallery remove setting a PATH remove German comments V17.0124 not pubish, first version =head1 AUTHOR Jo Hartmann =head1 LICENSE GPLv2 (L) =cut ################################################### # Autoconf section # ################################################### if [ "$1" = "autoconf" ]; then if ! repquota -V &> /dev/null ; then echo "no ('requota' executable is missing)" exit 0 fi if ! df "/dev/${0##*_}" &> /dev/null; then echo "no (device /dev/${0##*_} does not exist!)" exit 0 fi echo yes exit 0 fi ################################################### # Preparation section # ################################################### # Load munin's shell libary . "$MUNIN_LIBDIR/plugins/plugin.sh" # if any fetch from munin-node file Warning=${warning:-90} Critical=${critical:-95} Language=${language:-en} Min_UID=${humanuid:-1000} Low_UID=${low_uid:-never} # Checking if repquota installed and on the path if ! repquota -V &> /dev/null ; then echo "The script 'repquota' is not installed or on the path" >&2 # Send the exit code FATAL ERROR happens exit 127 fi # get tehe wild card text Id=${0##*_} # Check if device exist if ! df "/dev/$Id" &> /dev/null; then echo "The device /dev/$Id does not exist!" >&2 exit 128 fi ################################################### # Data reading sections # ################################################### # Reading the quotes for the selected device, using repquota if repquota "/dev/$Id" &> /dev/null; then readarray Quotas < <( repquota "/dev/$Id" | grep " -- " ) else echo "No limitations administered via 'quota' for $Id" >&2 # If no limitatitons administered: create a dummy for regarding # the avoidance of a divide-by-zero error Quotas[0]="root -- 1 1 1 1 1 1" # no rrd file need Low_UID="never" fi readarray Totals < <( df "/dev/$Id" ) # Get the count of Users Users=${#Quotas[@]} ################################################### # Munin Configuration Section # ################################################### if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then # Localisation of the graphic texts case $Language in de) echo "graph_title Quota-Hard-Limit von $Id" echo "graph_vlabel Nutzung in % Hardlimit" echo "graph_info Die Grafik zeigt die Belegung des durch Quota reglementierten Speicherplatzes für alle regulären Nutzer (UID >= $Min_UID) in Prozent des Hardlimits." Total_txt="Su. aller Nutzer" Total_info="Inklusive Systemnutzer (UID < $Min_UID)" ;; es) echo "graph_title Cuota de límite absoluto de $Id" echo "graph_vlabel el % de uso del límite duro" echo "graph_info El gráfico muestra la disponibilidad de espacio regulado por cuotas para todos los usuarios regulares (UID >= $Min_UID) como porcentaje de límites duros." Total_txt="Suma de todos los usuarios " Total_info="La inclusión de usuario del sistema (UID < $Min_UID) " ;; *) echo "graph_title quota hard limit of $Id" echo "graph_vlabel Usage in %" echo "graph_info The graphic shows the allocation of the quota-regulated storage space for all regular users (UID >= $Min_UID) as a percentage of the hard limit ." Total_txt="all users" Total_info="system users (UID < $Min_UID) included" ;; esac # Defaults configuration echo "graph_category disk" echo "graph_args --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100" echo "graph_printf %5.2lf %%" echo "graph_scale no" # Processing the individual user for((i=0; i<"$Users"; i++));do Quota=( ${Quotas[$i]} ) User=${Quota[0]} # solve the root problem Fieldname="$(clean_fieldname "$User")" # Determine the currently processing UID Cur_UID="$(id -u "$User")" # skip if actual user a system user und low_uid ist set to never [ "$Cur_UID" -lt "$Min_UID" ] && [ "$Low_UID" = "never" ] && continue # No graph for none human uid if low_uid ist set to no [ "$Cur_UID" -lt "$Min_UID" ] && echo "$Fieldname.graph $Low_UID" # configure the user lines echo "$Fieldname.label $User" echo "$Fieldname.warning $Warning" echo "$Fieldname.critical $Critical" done # configure the total line and send exit code NO ERROR happens echo "total.label $Total_txt" echo "total.warning $Warning" echo "total.critical $Critical" echo "total.info $Total_info" exit 0 fi ################################################### # Munin value section # ################################################### # fetch the needed values (used and hard limit) for each user, work around the root problem, calculate the percent value for((i=0; i<"$Users"; i++));do Quota=( ${Quotas[$i]} ) Fieldname="$(clean_fieldname "${Quota[0]}")" # skip if actual user a system user und low_uid ist set to never [ "$Cur_UID" -lt "$Min_UID" ] && [ "$Low_UID" = "never" ] && continue # write the result zu munin echo "${Quota[2]} ${Quota[4]} $Fieldname.value" | awk '{printf "%s %f\n",$3,$1*100/$2}' done # the value for the total line Total=( ${Totals[1]} ) echo "${Total[2]} ${Total[1]} total.value" | awk '{printf "%s %f\n",$3,$1*100/$2}' # send the exit code NO ERROR happens exit 0 ################################################### # Script end # ###################################################