PyPMMN ====== PyPMMN is a pure python port of pmmn_. It will also look for a *subdirectory* by a command-line parameter! Requirements ============ PyPMMN does not have any requirements other than the python standard library. For compatibility, it's targeted for Python 2.4 and up. Known Issues ============ * The stdin mode does not work correctly. Consider using the original pmmn_ instead. * It's not multithreaded. Only one connection is handled at a time. But given the nature of munin, this should not be an issue. Installation ============ The python way -------------- Download the folder and run:: python install This will install ```` into your system's ``bin`` folder. Commonly, this is ``/usr/local/bin``. And of course, you can use virtual environments too! Manually -------- Download the folder and copy both files ``pypmmn/`` and ``pypmmn/`` to a location of your choice and ensure ```` is executable. Usage ===== All command-line parameters are documented. Simply run:: --help to get more information. Example:: -l /path/to/log-dir -d /path/to/plugins -p 4949 Daemon mode ----------- In daemon mode, it's very helpful to specify a log folder. It gives you a means to inspect what's happening. In the case you specified a log folder, pypmmn will also create a file called ```` containing the PID of the daemon for convenience. .. _pmmn: