# munin-bukkit-plugins This repository contains some useful [Munin](http://munin-monitoring.org/) plugins to monitor and observe a [Bukkit](http://bukkit.org) server: * **mcjsonplayers** - players currently online * **mcjsonramusage** - RAM usage * **mcjsontps** - TPS (ticks per second) * **mcsqls2killshostile** - hostile mob kills * **mcsqls2killsneutral** - neutral mob kills * **mcsqls2killspassive** - passive mob kills * **mcsqls2players** - new players per day * **mcsqlubshame** - kicks/bans/mutes/etc. per day mcjson* requires [JSONAPI](https://github.com/alecgorge/jsonapi/). mcsqls2* requires [Statistician](http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/statisticianv2/). mcsqlub* requires [Ultrabans](http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/ultrabans/). Read more in my [blog post](http://blog.frd.mn/posts/munin-bukkit-plugins/). ## Requirements * Web server with `PHP` support and Munin (2) * Bukkit server with JSONAPI for the JSONAPI plugins (`mcjson*`) * Bukkit server with Ultrabans for the Ultrabans plugins (`mcsqlub*`) * Bukkit server with Statistician for the MySQL plugins (`mcsqls2*`) * MySQL server for the SQL plugins ## Configuration 1. Clone this repository: `git clone git@github.com:frdmn/munin-bukkit-plugins.git` 1. Adjust the JSONAPI variables in the mcjson* files 1. Adjust the MySQL variables in the mcsql* files 1. Make sure the `PHP` binary in the Shebang line is executable ## Installation 1. Perform your configuration (see above) 1. Move the plugins into the Munin plugin directory: `mv mc* /usr/share/munin/plugins/` 1. Change the ownership: `chown munin:munin /usr/share/munin/plugins/mc*` 1. Make sure they are exectuable: `chmod 755 /usr/share/munin/plugins/mc*` 1. Enable the plugins: `ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mc* /etc/munin/plugins/` 1. Restart your munin-node: `service munin-node restart` 1. Run your cron: `su - munin --shell=/bin/sh -c /usr/bin/munin-cron`