#!/bin/sh ################################################################################################### # # Multigraph munin plugin to monitor Eaton UPS-es through the web interface of the SNMP add-on card. # The plugin script simply parses the /PSummary.html page and extracts the values from there. # # To use this plugin, copy it to the munin's plugin directory (eg. /usr/share/munin/plugins) # under the name "eatonups_". Don't change this filename! Follow these steps: # # 1. Give names to your UPSes, in fqdn style. Like "ups.server1" or "ups.server2". Make sure # you can resolve these names as DNS names from the munin machine. You can simply add them # as entries in /etc/hosts. # # 2. Then symlink it to munin's configured plugins directory (eg. /etc/munin/plugins) with names # according to the devices you wish to monitor, eg: # # eatonups_ups.server1 # eatonups_ups.server2 # # 3. In /etc/munin/munin.conf just add these lines for them. Yes, is correct # because that points to the munin-node address not the UPS address. # # [eatonups_ups.server1] # address # # [eatonups_ups.server2] # address # # 4. Restart the munin node by 'service munin-node restart'. # # If all went well, after 5 minutes or so you should have two additional nodes listed # on the Web Interface of munin. # # Tested & working with Eaton USP model PW9130 1500VA-R, with installed ConnectUPS Web/SNMP Card # firmware revision V4.36 with munin v.2.0.14 and Ubuntu LTS 12.04 # Created in 2013 by robi # v0.2 - fixed frequency graph scale to center at 50Hz (correct value for Europe) # v0.1 - initial version ################################################################################################## case $0 in *eatonups_*) hostname=${0##*/eatonups_} ;; esac case $1 in config) echo "multigraph volt_ac" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title AC Voltage Mains" echo "graph_vlabel Volts" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Input and Output voltage of the UPS." echo "volt_in.label Input" echo "volt_in.critical 210:250" echo "volt_in.info Input mains voltage of the UPS." echo "volt_out.label Output" echo "volt_out.critical 210:250" echo "volt_out.info Output mains voltage of the UPS." echo echo "multigraph volt_batt" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title DC Voltage Battery" echo "graph_vlabel Volts" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Voltage of the internal battery of the UPS." echo "volt_batt.label Battery" echo "volt_batt.critical 45:65" echo "volt_batt.info Battery voltage of the UPS." echo echo "multigraph curr_out" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title Output Current" echo "graph_vlabel Ampers" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Output current of the UPS." echo "curr_out.label Current" echo "curr_out.critical 40" echo "curr_out.info Output current of the UPS." echo echo "multigraph power" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title Power" echo "graph_vlabel W or VA" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Output Power of the UPS." echo "power_true.label True" echo "power_true.critical 800" echo "power_true.info True Power output of the UPS (Watts)." echo "power_appr.label Apparent" echo "power_appr.critical 1500" echo "power_appr.info Apparent Power output of the UPS (VA)." echo echo "multigraph runtime" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title Runtime" echo "graph_vlabel minutes" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Remaining runtime of the UPS." echo "runtime.label Runtime" echo "runtime.critical 30:" echo "runtime.info Remaining runtime of the UPS (minutes)." echo echo "multigraph load" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title Load" echo "graph_vlabel %" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Load of the UPS." echo "load.label Load" echo "load.critical 60" echo "load.info Load of the UPS (percent)." echo echo "multigraph freq_in" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 48.8 -u 51.2 --rigid --alt-y-grid" echo "graph_title Frequency Input" echo "graph_vlabel Hz" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Input frequency of the UPS." echo "freq_in.label Hz in" echo "freq_in.critical 49:51" echo "freq_in.info Input frequency of the UPS." echo echo "multigraph freq_out" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000 -l 48.8 -u 51.2 --rigid --alt-y-grid" echo "graph_title Frequency Output" echo "graph_vlabel Hz" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Output frequency of the UPS." echo "freq_out.label Hz out" echo "freq_out.critical 49:51" echo "freq_out.info Output frequency of the UPS." echo echo "multigraph temp" echo "host_name $hostname" echo "graph_args --base 1000" echo "graph_title Temperature" echo "graph_vlabel degrees Celsius" echo "graph_category sensors" echo "graph_scale no" echo "graph_info Internal Temperature of the UPS." echo "temp.label Load" echo "temp.critical 80" echo "temp.info Internal Temperature of the UPS (degrees Celsius)." echo exit 0;; esac statusfile=/tmp/eatonups_munin_$hostname.html wget -O $statusfile http://$hostname/PSummary.html -o /dev/null --timeout 9 if [ -f "$statusfile" ] then volt_in=`sed -n -e '/Voltage In/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` volt_out=`sed -n -e '/Voltage Out/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` volt_batt=`sed -n -e '/Voltage]*>//g'` curr_out=`sed -n -e '/Current Out/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` power_true=`sed -n -e '/True Power/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` power_appr=`sed -n -e '/Apparent Power/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` runtime=`sed -n -e '/Runtime/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` freq_in=`sed -n -e '/Frequency/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' | sed -n '1p'` freq_out=`sed -n -e '/Frequency/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' | sed -n '2p'` load=`sed -n -e '/UPS Load/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` temp=`sed -n -e '/UPS Internal Temperature/{n;p;}' $statusfile | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'` rm -f $statusfile fi echo "multigraph volt_ac" echo -n "volt_in.value " if [ -n "$volt_in" ]; then echo "$volt_in" else echo "U" fi echo -n "volt_out.value " if [ -n "$volt_out" ]; then echo "$volt_out" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph volt_batt" echo -n "volt_batt.value " if [ -n "$volt_batt" ]; then echo "$volt_batt" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph curr_out" echo -n "curr_out.value " if [ -n "$curr_out" ]; then echo "$curr_out" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph power" echo -n "power_true.value " if [ -n "$power_true" ]; then echo "$power_true" else echo "U" fi echo -n "power_appr.value " if [ -n "$power_appr" ]; then echo "$power_appr" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph runtime" echo -n "runtime.value " if [ -n "$runtime" ]; then echo "$runtime" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph load" echo -n "load.value " if [ -n "$load" ]; then echo "$load" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph freq_in" echo -n "freq_in.value " if [ -n "$freq_in" ]; then echo "$freq_in" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph freq_out" echo -n "freq_out.value " if [ -n "$freq_out" ]; then echo "$freq_out" else echo "U" fi echo echo "multigraph temp" echo -n "temp.value " if [ -n "$temp" ]; then echo "$temp" else echo "U" fi echo