#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' =head1 NAME znc_logs =head1 DESCRIPTION Shows lines/minute in today's znc-logs =head2 CONFIGURATION [znc_logs] user znc # or any other user/group that can read the znclog-folder group znc env.logdir /var/lib/znc/moddata/log/ # path to the GLOBAL log-folder with a "/" at the end env.expire 0 # Keep channel names forever - OR - env.expire 1 # Forget channel names from last run =head1 COPYRIGHT GPL VERSION 3 =head1 AUTHOR Thor77 ''' import json import os, sys, time import re import stat import traceback logdir = os.environ.get('logdir') expire = os.environ.get('expire', 0) if not logdir: raise Exception('You have to set the logdir with env.logdir in the plugin-conf!') date = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') longdate = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') last_values_file = os.environ['MUNIN_PLUGSTATE'] + '/znc_logs_last' def get_last(): try: d = {} with open(last_values_file, 'r') as f: d = json.load(f) return d except FileNotFoundError: return {} def tail_open(filename, position=0): # Based on tail_open from perls' Munin::Plugin filereset = 0 size = os.stat(filename)[stat.ST_SIZE] if size is None: return (undef, undef) f = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') if position > size: filereset = 1 else: f.seek(position, 0) newpos = f.tell() if newpos != position: raise Exception return (f, filereset) def tail_close(fh): position = fh.tell() fh.close() return position last = get_last() if "users" in last: user_list = last["users"] else: user_list = {} if "channels" in last: channel_list = last["channels"] else: channel_list = {} if "log_pos" in last: log_pos = last["log_pos"] else: log_pos = {} channel_stats = {} user_stats = {} def read_data(savestate=True): # Version 1.6 will change to directory-based filing, so walk recursively for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(logdir): for filename in filenames: filename_ = filename.replace('.log', '') user, network, channel, file_date = (None, None, None, None) try: if len(dirpath) > len(logdir): # We're below the log path, so this is a 1.6-style log reldir = dirpath.replace(logdir + "/", '', 1) try: network, channel = reldir.split(os.sep) except ValueError as e: user, network, channel = reldir.split(os.sep) file_date = filename_ else: try: network, channel, file_date = filename_.split('_') except ValueError as e: user, network, channel, file_date = filename_.split('_') except ValueError as e: continue network_channel = '{}@{}'.format(channel, network) if network.lower() not in channel_list: channel_list[network.lower()] = {} if channel.startswith('#'): channel_list[network.lower()][channel.lower()] = network_channel user_list[user.lower()] = user # check if log is from today if (file_date == date or file_date == longdate): # current lines in the file (fh, r) = tail_open(os.path.join(dirpath,filename), log_pos.get(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), 0)) current_value = 0 while True: where = fh.tell() line = fh.readline() if line.endswith('\n'): current_value += 1 else: # Incomplete last line fh.seek(where, 0) log_pos[os.path.join(dirpath, filename)] = tail_close(fh) break if network_channel.lower() in channel_stats and channel.startswith('#'): channel_stats[network_channel.lower()] += current_value else: channel_stats[network_channel.lower()] = current_value if user is not None and user.lower() in user_stats: user_stats[user.lower()] += current_value else: user_stats[user.lower()] = current_value if savestate: savedata = {} if int(expire) == 0: savedata["users"] = user_list savedata["channels"] = channel_list savedata["log_pos"] = log_pos with open(last_values_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(savedata,f) def emit_config(): print('graph_title Lines in the ZNC-log') print('graph_category chat') print('graph_vlabel lines / ${graph_period}') print('graph_scale no') print('graph_args --base 1000 --lower-limit 0') print('graph_period minute') graph_order = [] if 'MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG' in os.environ and os.environ['MUNIN_CAP_DIRTYCONFIG'] == 1: read_data(1) else: read_data(0) for network in channel_list.keys(): for channel in channel_list[network].keys(): # print things to munin network_channel = "{}_{}".format(network,channel).replace('.', '').replace('#', '').replace('@','_') print('{network_channel}.label {label}'.format(network_channel=network_channel, label=channel_list[network][channel])) print('{network_channel}.type ABSOLUTE'.format(network_channel=network_channel)) print('{network_channel}.min 0'.format(network_channel=network_channel)) print('{network_channel}.draw AREASTACK'.format(network_channel=network_channel)) graph_order.append(network_channel) for user in user_list.keys(): fuser = re.sub(r'^[^A-Za-z_]', '_', user) fuser = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', fuser) print('{fuser}.label User {user}'.format(fuser=fuser, user=user)) print('{fuser}.type ABSOLUTE'.format(fuser=fuser)) print('{fuser}.min 0'.format(fuser=fuser)) print('{fuser}.draw LINE1'.format(fuser=fuser)) print('graph_order {}'.format(" ".join(sorted(graph_order, key=str.lower)))) def emit_values(): read_data(1) for network in channel_list.keys(): for channel in channel_list[network].keys(): # print things to munin key = channel_list[network][channel] network_channel = "{}_{}".format(network,channel).replace('.', '').replace('#', '').replace('@','_') if key.lower() in channel_stats: print('{network_channel}.value {value}'.format(network_channel=network_channel, value=channel_stats[key.lower()])) else: print('{network_channel}.value U'.format(network_channel=network_channel)) for user in user_list.keys(): fuser = re.sub(r'^[^A-Za-z_]', '_', user) fuser = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', fuser) if user.lower() in user_stats: print('{fuser}.value {value}'.format(fuser=fuser, value=user_stats[user.lower()])) else: print('{fuser}.value U'.format(fuser=fuser)) if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'config': emit_config() sys.exit(0) emit_values()