#!/usr/bin/perl # ## Copyright (C) 2012 Andrey Pankov ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ## as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, ## 1991. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ## ## ## $Log$ ## ## Based on resque monitoring code from https://github.com/caius/redis-munin ## ## Installation process: ## ## 1. Download the plugin to your plugins directory (e.g. /usr/share/munin/plugins) ## 2. Create 5 symlinks at the directory that is used by munin for plugins detection (e.g. /etc/munin/plugins): resque_failed, resque_queues, resque_queues_size, resque_workers_count, resque_workers_working ## 3. Edit plugin-conf.d/munin-node if it is needed (env.namespace, env.host and env.port variables are accepted) ## 4. Restart munin-node service use strict; use Redis; my $HOST = exists $ENV{'host'} ? $ENV{'host'} : ""; my $PORT = exists $ENV{'port'} ? $ENV{'port'} : 6379; my $NAMESPACE = exists $ENV{'namespace'} ? "resque:${ENV{'namespace'}}" : 'resque'; my $server = "$HOST:$PORT"; my $r = Redis->new( server => sprintf("%s:%d", $HOST, $PORT) ); my $config = ( defined $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ); $0 =~ s/(.+)resque_//g; my $opt = $0 ? $0 : 'default'; if ($opt eq 'failed') { if ($config) { print "graph_title Resque Failure rate\n"; print "graph_category Resque\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows resque jobs that failed\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"; print 'graph_vlabel fails/s\n'; print "failed.label Failed per/s\n"; print "failed.type COUNTER\n"; } else { my $value = $r->get("${NAMESPACE}:stat:failed") || 0; print "failed.value $value\n"; } } elsif ($opt eq 'queues') { if ($config) { print "graph_title Resque queue rates\n"; print "graph_category Resque\n"; print "graph_vlabel queue rates/s\n"; print "graph_info This graph monitors the in and out rate of the queues\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"; my @queues = $r->smembers( "${NAMESPACE}:queues" ); for my $name (@queues) { $name =~ s/:/_/; print "${name}_pushed.label ${name}_pushed\n"; print "${name}_pushed.type COUNTER\n"; print "${name}_finished.label ${name}_finished\n"; print "${name}_finished.type COUNTER\n"; } } else { my @queues = $r->smembers( "${NAMESPACE}:queues" ); for my $queue (@queues) { my $name = $queue; $name =~ s/:/_/; my $pushed = $r->get("${NAMESPACE}:stat:${queue}:pushed") || 0; print "${name}_pushed.value ${pushed}\n"; my $finished = $r->get("${NAMESPACE}:stat:${queue}:finished") || 0; print "${name}_finished.value ${finished}\n"; } } } elsif ($opt eq 'queues_size') { if ($config) { print "graph_title Resque queue current size\n"; print "graph_category Resque\n"; print "graph_vlabel queue size\n"; print "graph_info This graph monitors the current queues size\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"; my @queues = $r->smembers( "${NAMESPACE}:queues" ); for my $name (@queues) { $name =~ s/:/_/; print "${name}_size.label ${name}_size\n"; print "${name}_size.type GAUGE\n"; } print "total.label total\n"; print "total.type GAUGE\n"; } else { my @queues = $r->smembers( "${NAMESPACE}:queues" ); my $total = 0; for my $queue (@queues) { my $name = $queue; $name =~ s/:/_/; my $size = $r->llen("${NAMESPACE}:queue:${queue}") || 0; $total += $size; print "${name}_size.value ${size}\n"; } print "total.value ${total}\n"; } } elsif ($opt eq 'workers_count') { if ($config) { print "graph_title Resque Workers Count\n"; print "graph_category Resque\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows number of resque workers\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0\n"; print "graph_vlabel workers\n"; print "workers_count.label No. of workers\n"; print "workers_count.type COUNTER\n"; } else { my @workers = $r->smembers("${NAMESPACE}:workers"); print "workers_count.value " . (scalar @workers) . "\n"; } } elsif ($opt eq 'workers_working') { if ($config) { print "graph_title Resque Workers in use\n"; print "graph_category Resque\n"; print "graph_info This graph shows the \%age of resque workers busy\n"; print "graph_args --lower-limit 0 --upper-limit 100\n"; print "graph_vlabel %\n"; print "workers_working.label Workers Busy\n"; print "workers_working.type GAUGE\n"; } else { my @workers = $r->smembers("${NAMESPACE}:workers"); my $working = 0; for my $worker (@workers) { my $value = $r->get("${NAMESPACE}:worker:$worker") || 0; $working++ if $value; } my $value = scalar @workers; if ($value) { $value = $working * 100 / $value; } print "workers_working.value $value\n"; } }