#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # xmlrpc based munin plugin for monitoring rtorrent's upload/download speed # prerequisites: # - rtorrent 0.7.5 or newer compiled with --with-xmlrpc-c # check http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentXMLRPCGuide for further informations # # written by Gabor Hudiczius # web: http://projects.cyla.homeip.net/rtwi/wiki/rTorrentOMeter # email: ghudiczius@gmail.com # # 0.0.0 - 071218 # initial release # # 0.0.1 - 071220 # minor textbugs fixed # # 0.1.0d - 080519 # full rewrite in perl # support for scgi_port and scgi_local # configurable via munin env variables # different ul/dl scale can be set for asymmetric connections # using get_(up|down)_total, and derive # # 0.2.0 - 080619 # upload and download limit displayed on the graph # # # Parameters: # # config required # # # Configurable variables # # src "socket" when using scgi_socket, or anything else when using scgi_port # socket rTorrent's rpc socket (scgi_local) - using scgi_local - needed, when "src" is set to "socket" # diff "yes" for using bps for upload and Bps for download, or anything else for using Bps for both # # # Configuration example # # [rtom_allsessions_*] # user username # env.src socket # env.socket /home/user/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket,/home/user/torrent/.socket/rpc.socket # env.category Category # # [rtom_allsessions_*] # user username # env.port 5000,5001,5002,5003 # env.category Category # #%# family=auto if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) { exit 1; } if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) { my $diff = $ENV{"diff"} || ""; my $category = $ENV{"category"} || ""; print "graph_order down up\n"; print "graph_title rTorrent speeds\n"; print "graph_args --base 1024\n"; print "graph_vlabel Bytes per \${graph_period}\n"; print "graph_category torrent ".${category}."\n"; print "down.label Download B/s\n"; print "down.info Download speed in Bytes per seconds\n"; print "down.type DERIVE\n"; print "down.min 0\n"; print "down.draw AREA\n"; if ( ( defined $diff ) && ( $diff eq "yes" ) ) { print "up.label Upload b/s\n"; print "up.info Upload speed in bits per seconds\n"; print "up.cdef up,8,*\n"; } else { print "up.label Upload B/s\n"; print "up.info Upload speed in Bytes per seconds\n"; } print "up.type DERIVE\n"; print "up.min 0\n"; print "up.draw LINE2\n"; exit 0; } use IO::Socket; my $src = $ENV{"src"} || ""; my @sockets = split /,/, $ENV{"socket"} || ""; my $ip = $ENV{"ip"} || ""; my @ports = split /,/, $ENV{"port"} || ""; my $pattern = qr/<(int|i4|i8|ex\.i8)>([-]{0,1}\d+)<\/(int|i4|i8|ex\.i8)><\/value>/; my $line = "system.multicallmethodNameget_up_totalparamsmethodNameget_down_totalparamsmethodNameget_upload_rateparamsmethodNameget_download_rateparams"; my $llen = length $line; my $header = "CONTENT_LENGTH\000${llen}\000SCGI\001\000"; my $hlen = length $header; my $up = -1; my $down = -1; if ( ( defined $src ) && ( $src eq "socket" ) ) { for $socket (@sockets) { socket( SOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) or die; connect( SOCK, sockaddr_un( $socket ) ) or die $!; my $line = "${hlen}:${header},${line}"; print SOCK $line; flush SOCK; my $up_tmp = -1; my $down_tmp = -1; while (( $up_tmp == -1 ) && ( $line = ) ) { if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ ) { $up_tmp = $2; } } while (( $down_tmp == -1 ) && ( $line = ) ) { if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ ) { $down_tmp = $2; } } close (SOCK); $up = $up + $up_tmp; $down = $down + $down_tmp; } } else { for $port (@ports) { socket( SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname( "tcp" ) ); connect( SOCK, sockaddr_in( $port, inet_aton( $ip ) ) ); my $line = "${hlen}:${header},${line}"; print SOCK $line; flush SOCK; my $up_tmp = -1; my $down_tmp = -1; while (( $up_tmp == -1 ) && ( $line = ) ) { if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ ) { $up_tmp = $2; } } while (( $down_tmp == -1 ) && ( $line = ) ) { if ( $line =~ /$pattern/ ) { $down_tmp = $2; } } close (SOCK); $up = $up + $up_tmp; $down = $down + $down_tmp; } } print "up.value ${up}\ndown.value ${down}\n"; exit;