#!/usr/bin/python from sys import argv import httplib conns = [] # this should really go in plugins.conf conns.append(httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost",8080)) conns.append(httplib.HTTPConnection("localhost",8070)) url = "/munin_db_activity.py" if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == 'config': print """graph_title Zope Database Activity graph_vlabel Count / 5 min. graph_category appserver graph_info The number of Reads, Stores, and Connections that happens in the ZODB backend. The data comes from the same source as that in the "Recent Database Activity" tab in the zope control panel.""".replace("\n ","\n") for i in range(0,len(conns)): print """load_count%(i)s.label Z%(i)s Loads store_count%(i)s.label Z%(i)s Stores connections%(i)s.label Z%(i)s Connections""".replace("\n ","\n") % dict(i=i) else: for i in range(0,len(conns)): conns[i].request("GET", url) r1 = conns[i].getresponse() #print r1.status, r1.reason #200 OK data = r1.read().strip() conns[i].close() (total_load_count, total_store_count, total_connections) = data.split() id = dict(i=i) print 'load_count%(i)s.value' % id, total_load_count print 'store_count%(i)s.value'% id, total_store_count print 'connections%(i)s.value'% id, total_connections