#!/usr/bin/perl # vim: set filetype=perl sw=4 tabstop=4 expandtab smartindent: # =head1 NAME postfwd2 - plugin to get stats from postfwd2 =head1 AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2014 Luc Didry =head1 HOWTO CONFIGURE AND USE : =over =item - /etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/postfwd2 [postfwd2] user root env.path /usr/local/sbin/postfwd2 # OPTIONAL : looks for postfwd2 in /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/sbin env.include .*ISBAD #OPTIONAL env.exclude .*ISGOOD #OPTIONAL =item - env.include and env.exclude This are perl regexp. If env.include is set and env.exclude is not, only the policy which name matchs will be used. If env.exclude is set and env.include is not, only the policy which name NOT matchs will be used. If both are set, a policy which name matchs the both regex will be used, a policy which matchs only the exclude regexp will NOT be used and a policy which match not the exclude regex will be used, even if it not matchs the include regexp. if none are set, all the policy will be used. =item - /etc/munin/plugins cp postfwd2 /etc/munin/plugins =item - restart Munin node service munin-node restart =back =head1 LICENSE This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . =cut use warnings; use strict; use Munin::Plugin; need_multigraph(); my @keys =qw/cache_queries cache_stats policy_requests policy_timeout policy_matchs/; my %graphs = ( cache_queries => { title => 'Cache queries', vlabel => 'Nb of cache queries', series => { cache_queries => { label => 'Cache queries', type => 'COUNTER' } }, }, cache_stats => { title => 'Cache stats', vlabel => 'percent', series => { cache_requests => { label => 'Requests hitrate', type => 'GAUGE' }, cache_dns => { label => 'Dns hitrate', type => 'GAUGE' }, cache_rates => { label => 'Rates hitrate', type => 'GAUGE' } }, }, policy_requests => { title => 'Policy requests', vlabel => 'Nb of policy requests', series => { policy_requests => { label => 'Policy requests', type => 'COUNTER' } }, }, policy_timeout => { title => 'Policy timeout', vlabel => 'Nb of policy timeout', series => { policy_timeout => { label => 'Policy timeout', type => 'COUNTER' } } }, policy_matchs => { title => 'Policy matchs', vlabel => 'Matchs percentage' } ); my $PLUGIN_NAME = 'postfwd2'; my $CACHEFILE="$Munin::Plugin::pluginstatedir/postfwd2.cache"; my ($include, $exclude) = ($ENV{include}, $ENV{exclude}); if (defined($include) && (!defined($exclude))) { $exclude = '.*'; } ##### Cache file, to continue to graph old policies which doesn't exist anymore if (!(-f $CACHEFILE) || !(-e $CACHEFILE)) { open (FILE, ">", $CACHEFILE) or munin_exit_fail(); close(FILE); } open (FILE, "<", $CACHEFILE) or munin_exit_fail(); my @policies = ; close(FILE); my %policies = map { $_, 1 } @policies; foreach my $policy (keys %policies) { chomp $policy; $graphs{policy_matchs}->{series}->{$policy}->{type} = 'GAUGE'; $graphs{policy_matchs}->{series}->{$policy}->{label} = $policy; $graphs{policy_matchs}->{series}->{$policy}->{value} = 0; } ##### Check postfwd2 path if (!defined($ENV{path}) || !(-x $ENV{path})) { foreach my $path (qw{/bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin}) { $ENV{path} = $path.'/postfwd2' if (!defined($ENV{path}) && -x $path.'/postfwd2'); last if (defined($ENV{path})); } } munin_exit_fail() unless (defined($ENV{path}) && -x $ENV{path}); ##### I have to parse the output BEFORE config, since policy matchs are dependent of the postfwd --dumpstats output open(DATA, $ENV{path}.' --dumpstats |') or munin_exit_fail(); my $total_requests; while(defined (my $data = )) { if ($data =~ m/^\[STATS\] postfwd2::cache .*: (\d+) queries since/) { $graphs{cache_queries}->{series}->{cache_queries}->{value} = $1; } if ($data =~ m/^\[STATS\] Hitrates: ([\.\d]+)% requests, ([\.\d]+)% dns, ([\.\d]+)% rates$/) { $graphs{cache_stats}->{series}->{cache_requests}->{value} = $1; $graphs{cache_stats}->{series}->{cache_dns}->{value} = $2; $graphs{cache_stats}->{series}->{cache_rates}->{value} = $3; } if ($data =~ m/^\[STATS\] postfwd2::policy .*: (\d+) requests since/) { $graphs{policy_requests}->{series}->{policy_requests}->{value} = $1; $total_requests = $1; } if ($data =~ m/^\[STATS\] Timeouts: .*% \((\d+) of \d+ dns queries\)$/) { $graphs{policy_timeout}->{series}->{policy_timeout}->{value} = $1; } if ($data =~ m/^\[STATS\] +(\d+) matches for id: (.*)$/) { my ($value, $label) = ($1, $2); if ( ( !defined($exclude) ) || ( $label !~ m/$exclude/ || ( defined($include) && $label =~ m/$include/ ) ) ) { if (!defined($policies{$label})) { open (FILE, ">>", $CACHEFILE) or munin_exit_fail(); print FILE $label, "\n"; close(FILE); $graphs{policy_matchs}->{series}->{$label}->{type} = 'GAUGE'; $graphs{policy_matchs}->{series}->{$label}->{label} = $label; } $graphs{policy_matchs}->{series}->{$label}->{value} = sprintf("%.2f", 100*$value/$total_requests); } } } close(DATA); ##### config if( (defined $ARGV[0]) && ($ARGV[0] eq 'config') ) { foreach my $key (@keys) { print 'multigraph postfwd2_', $key, "\n"; print 'graph_title Postfwd2 ', $graphs{$key}->{title}, "\n"; print 'graph_vlabel ', $graphs{$key}->{vlabel}, "\n"; my $args = ($key eq 'cache_stats') ? ' --upper-limit 100 --rigid' : ''; print 'graph_args --lower-limit 0', $args, "\n"; print 'graph_category fw', "\n"; if ($key eq 'policy_matchs') { print 'graph_width 600', "\n"; my @pol_keys = sort { $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$b}->{value} <=> $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$a}->{value} } keys %{$graphs{$key}->{series}}; foreach my $label (@pol_keys) { print $label, '.label ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{label}, "\n"; print $label, '.draw LINE', "\n"; print $label, '.type ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{type}, "\n"; } foreach my $label (@pol_keys) { print 'multigraph postfwd2_', $key, '.', $label, "\n"; print 'graph_title Postfwd2 ', $label, "\n"; print 'graph_vlabel ', $graphs{$key}->{vlabel}, "\n"; print 'graph_width 600', "\n"; print 'graph_args --lower-limit 0 ', $args, "\n"; print 'graph_category fw', "\n"; print $label, '.label ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{label}, "\n"; print $label, '.draw LINE', "\n"; print $label, '.type GAUGE', "\n"; } } else { foreach my $label (keys %{$graphs{$key}->{series}}) { print $label, '.label ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{label}, "\n"; print $label, '.draw AREASTACK', "\n"; print $label, '.type ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{type}, "\n"; } } } munin_exit_done(); } ##### fetch foreach my $key (@keys) { print 'multigraph postfwd2_', $key, "\n"; if ($key eq 'policy_matchs') { my @pol_keys = sort { $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$b}->{value} <=> $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$a}->{value} } keys %{$graphs{$key}->{series}}; foreach my $label (@pol_keys) { print $label, '.value ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{value}, "\n"; } foreach my $label (@pol_keys) { print 'multigraph postfwd2_', $key, '.', $label, "\n"; print $label, '.value ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{value}, "\n"; } } else { foreach my $label (keys %{$graphs{$key}->{series}}) { print $label, '.value ', $graphs{$key}->{series}->{$label}->{value}, "\n"; } } } munin_exit_done(); # ## ### INTERNALS FONCTIONS ############################################################################### sub munin_exit_done { munin_exit(0); } ## sub munin_exit_done sub munin_exit_fail { munin_exit(1); } ## sub munin_exit_fail sub munin_exit { my $exitcode = shift; exit($exitcode) if(defined $exitcode); exit(1); } ## sub munin_exit