#!/usr/bin/python #requires log format as below #log_format cache '$remote_addr - $host [$time_local] "$request" $status ' # '$body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ' # 'rt=$request_time ut="$upstream_response_time" ' # 'cs=$upstream_cache_status'; #License BSD #Created by Simon Whittaker simon+github@swbh.net #based on nginx_cache_hit_rate from __future__ import with_statement import re import sys fname = "/var/log/nginx/access.log" # File to check if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1]=="config": print "graph_args --base 1000 -l 0" print "graph_title NGINX Upstream times" print "graph_category nginx" print "graph_vlabel milliseconds" print "upstream.label upstream" print "upstream.warning 5000" print "upstream.critical 10000" print "graph_info Shows the average time of connections to upstream servers for the primary site" sys.exit(0) with open(fname, "r") as f: f.seek (0, 2) # Seek @ EOF fsize = f.tell() # Get Size f.seek (max (fsize-20480, 0), 0) # Set pos @ last n chars lines = f.readlines() # Read to end lines = lines[-1000:] #last 1000 lines you might want to change this re1='.*?' # Non-greedy match on filler re2='(ut)' # Word 1 re3='(=)' # Any Single Character 1 re4='([+-]?\\d*\\.\\d+)(?![-+0-9\\.])' # Float 1 rg = re.compile(re1+re2+re3+re4,re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) totaltimeforrequests=0 numberofrequests=0 for line in lines: m = rg.search(line) if m: word1=m.group(1) c1=m.group(2) float1=m.group(3) numberofrequests=numberofrequests+1 totaltimeforrequests=totaltimeforrequests+float(float1) upstream=(totaltimeforrequests/numberofrequests)*1000 upstream=int(upstream) print "upstream.value "+str(upstream)